A Richland County property owner, who plans to rehabilitate a historic building and apply for
the Bailey Bill special tax assessment program, OR apply for a Historic Preservation Grant, must
demonstrate the historic significance of the building. Richland County Conservation
Commission will determine if a structure is eligible for Historic Building designation.
Address (if different from above):
Is the building in its original location? Yes No If not, when was it moved?
Major alterations and dates (siding, additions, replacement windows, etc.)
Condition of Property:
Explain the historical value of the property in a separate attachment – two (2) pages maximum.
Properties must demonstrate at least one of the following criteria:
A. Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of
our history;
B. Association with the lives of significant persons in our past;
C. Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; or
representation of the work of a master; or possession of high artistic values
2020 Hampton Street ▪ Room 3063A
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 576-2083