A Richland County property owner, who plans to rehabilitate a historic building and apply for
the Bailey Bill special tax assessment program, OR apply for a Historic Preservation Grant, must
demonstrate the historic significance of the building. Richland County Conservation
Commission will determine if a structure is eligible for Historic Building designation.
1. Property Information
Name of Property:
Street Address:
Tax Map Number:
Owner of Property:
Address (if different from above):
Contact person:
Daytime phone number:
2. Property Description
When was it built?
Is the building in its original location? Yes No If not, when was it moved?
Major alterations and dates (siding, additions, replacement windows, etc.)
Original Use:
Current Use:
Condition of Property:
3. Property Significance
Explain the historical value of the property in a separate attachment two (2) pages maximum.
Properties must demonstrate at least one of the following criteria:
A. Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of
our history;
B. Association with the lives of significant persons in our past;
C. Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; or
representation of the work of a master; or possession of high artistic values
2020 Hampton Street Room 3063A
Columbia, SC 29204
(803) 576-2083
Provide copies of pertinent information about the property (i.e. research materials, newspaper
4. Photographs
Submit at least six (6) photographs of the exterior front, sides, and rear, outbuildings, and any
significant exterior or interior details. Photos should be on a CD or emailed
5. Submission
Submit application, description of significance, supporting materials, and photographs to:
Richland County Conservation Commission
Attn: Nancy Stone-Collum
2020 Hampton Street, Rooms 3063A
Columbia, SC 29204
Electronic submission (preferred):