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1. All leave requests should clearly state reasons and pertinent details.
2. A separate DOE OTM 300-001 form should be submitted for each type of leave requested with the applicable dates documented.
3. All extended leaves must be for the SAME REASON as the original leave.
Teacher calls in absence to the Teacher Substitute Employees Automated System (T-SEAS) and
2. Teacher completes the DOE OTM 300-001 form for the principal or immediate supervisor's approval.
3. For absence(s) called into T-SEAS, school files and keeps the original form.
For absences(s) not called into T-SEAS, school files and keeps the original form. Also, school reports and inputs absence(s) into T-SEAS.
For school level educational officers (EOs) only:
1. Employee completes the DOE OTM 300-001 form for the principal/CAS approval.
2. School inputs approved leave of absences in Kronos Time & Attendance Data System and files the original form.
1. The employee submits the DOE OTM 300-001 form and supporting attachment(s) to the principal or immediate supervisor.
2. Employee reports all absences in T-SEAS. If employee is unable to report absence, SASA/timekeeper will report absence.
A. Employee Responsibility While On Leave
B. Requesting Early Return From Leave (Reference: Department's Procedures and Regulation #5400)
Prior to returning to work, the employee must submit a written request to the Office of Talent Management specifying the following:
4. School/office from which leave was taken
2. Acceptable school/office locations 5. Teaching specialty (e.g., elementary, secondary, English, etc.), if applicable
3. Present period of leave (beginning and ending dates) 6. Present telephone number and address
C. Failure to Return to Duty
If requesting early return from leave for health reasons, the employee also submits a medical examination clearance such as a doctor's note
stating employee is physically fit to return to his/her duties.
Unless additional leave is granted, an employee who fails to return to service upon expiration of his/her leave will be terminated. All
guarantee rights are forfeited upon termination.
When requesting leave without pay for health reasons or if sick leave is more than five (5) consecutive work days, attach a licensed
physician's statement or note verifying the employee's health condition. A separate licensed physician statement may be accepted for
leave with pay for more than five (5) consecutive work days if the following statement is provided: "I certify that (Name of Employee)
is under my care for health reasons and is not physically able to perform his/her normal work duties
from _______ to _______."
If leave is requested because of critical illness or death in the immediate family, the name, residence, and the exact relationship must
be given. In addition, if for critical illness in the immediate family, then an accompanying statement clearly stating the imperative need
of the employee's presence at the bedside is needed.
Exception : For long-term leave of absence with pay for one month or more, employee and school process request as noted aboveand
school forwards a copy of the DOE OTM 300-001 form to the Personnel Regional Office.
The principal or immediate supervisor, after recommendation for approval, submits the original DOE OTM 300-001 form and any
supporting attachment(s) to the Personnel Regional Officer.
The following is provided as general information. Employees are advised to review the specific regulations and procedures in the Department's
Procedures and Regulations to understand the terms, conditions, and employee responsibilities that apply to their leave situations.
The Personnel Regional Officer, after approval action, sends the original form with any attachments to the OTM, Certificated Employee
Records and Transactions Section and makes copies and distributes according to the distribution line noted in the footer of the form.
Keeps the Department informed of intent to return by writing and submitting directly to the Department (school principal or
Personnel Regional Officer) at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of his/her leave.
Keeps the Department informed of current leave address to ensure that he/she receives all correspondence sent to him/her by the
Initiates direct monthly payment(s) to maintain Health Fund Benefits as required during leaves of absence without pay.
Former DOE Form(s): DOE OHR 300-001
Office of Talent Management (OTM)
Employee Records and Transactions Section, Certificated
P.O. Box 2360 Honolulu, HI 96804