Bennington College | Office of the Provost and Dean | One College Drive, Bennington, VT 05201-6003 | 802-440-4400
All coursework at Bennington College must be completed before the end of the term in
which the course was offered/took place. Exceptions may be made to this rule for
students who are unable, for documented health reasons or other serious circumstances,
to complete the work of a course during the term in which it is offered.
Students seeking this option must receive approval from the course instructor and an
Academic Services staff member. Documentation must be submitted to an Academic
Services staff member.
If an Incomplete is granted, the work must be completed no later than July 1 for an
Incomplete from the spring term or January 15 for an Incomplete from the fall term.
No extensions are possible on these Incomplete deadlines.
I am requesting an Incomplete in ________________________________ ______________
Course Title Course Code
Due Date (please select one):
July 1
January 15
Student Agreement: I understand that the instructor must have the work in hand by the
deadline specified and that no further extension are possible. If the work is not received
by this date, I understand that the instructor will submit an evaluation that factors in the
missing work.
Student’s signature: ______________________________________ Date: ________________
Student’s Name (printed): ______________________________________________________
Instructor Agreement: I understand that approving an incomplete commits me to
sending a final evaluation to the Provost and Dean’s Office by July 15 for an incomplete
from the spring term or January 30 for an incomplete from the fall term.
(If you cannot agree to this, do not approve an incomplete).
Instructor’s Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ______________
Provost and Dean’s Office Signature: ________________________ Date: ______________