Make all loan payments so that the due date of the loan is due after your schedule return from your foreign
Copy of current payroll stub for all signers on the loan.
Copy of the current DMV Registration.
Must expire after scheduled date of return from foreign country
Lien holder must be AEACU or KeyPoint Credit Union
Lien holder address must be a valid KeyPoint Credit Union address
Copy of driver's license of anyone who will be driving the vehicle
Must expire after scheduled date of return from foreign country
All drivers must be on the loan
Copy of Policy Declaration for primary U.S. insurance (Binder insurance is not acceptable. Form must state
policy and not Application for Insurance.)
Must begin on/before 12:01 AM on the scheduled date of departure from the U.S.
Must expire on/after 11:59 PM on the scheduled date of return from foreign country
Lien holder must be AEACU or KeyPoint Credit Union
Coverage must include comprehensive and collision insurance
Amount of insurance must be sufficient to cover outstanding loan balance
Deductible must be $500 or less
Names of insured must match information in OSI
Copy of Policy Declaration for Foreign insurance (Binder insurance is not acceptable. Form must state Policy
and not Application for Insurance.)
Must begin on/before 12:01 AM on the scheduled date of departure from the U.S.
Must expire on/after 11:59 PM on the scheduled date of return from foreign country
Lien holder must be AEACU or KeyPoint Credit Union
Coverage must include comprehensive and collision insurance
Amount of insurance must be sufficient to cover outstanding loan balance
Deductible must be $500 or less
Names of insured must match information in OSI
Copy of current home loan statement showing account is paid current, if applicable to meet approval
FAX all documents to (408)731-4095