List subjects you feel qualified to teach; related volunteer experience; any skills, abilities, special certifications, licenses, or special training you
have had and feel are applicable to the position for which you have applied. Include skills with equipment or machines you can operate. If you
are applying for a CLERICAL position, please indicate speeds for typing.
• PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT: If you are applying for a teaching position, on a separate page(s) indicate why you chose teaching as a
profession, your philosophy of education, and your views on academic standards.
• TRANSCRIPT: A non-returnable copy of college credits IS REQUIRED to process your application, otherwise your application will be deemed
incomplete and will not be considered. Oicial transcripts WILL BE REQUIRED if you are hired for a position and must be received in the
Human Resources Oice within thirty (30) days of oer of employment.
List two references who have knowledge of your qualifications for the position for which you are applying. Do not repeat the names of
supervisors listed with your employment record unless they can no longer be contacted at those addresses. Please list the appropriate day-
A. Name Daytime Phone
B. Name Daytime Phone
CERTIFICATIONS - Read carefully before signing and dating.
I certify that all information on this application is correct. I authorize any agent or employee of the College to verify this information. Such
reference calls may include persons other than those I have listed as references in my application materials. I will hold neither the inquiring
party/organization nor the responding party/organization liable for information exchanged regarding the execution of my former employment.
I understand that any information released by my prior employers will be held in strictest confidence, that it will be viewed only by those
involved in the hiring decision, and that I waive any rights to see this information.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given truly represents my background and experiences. I understand that if I have
knowingly misrepresented or falsified any of this application information I may be disqualified from employment consideration or dismissed
from employment with Wilson Community College.
I understand that employment may be contingent upon a satisfactory background investigation of any or all of the following records: criminal,
motor vehicle, credit, reference checks, and/or drug test.
Signature Date
NOTE: Wilson Community College is committed to providing a reasonably safe environment for students, employees and visitors and to complying with the Clery Act. Therefore, interested
prospective employees may view the annual campus security report at: www.wilsoncc.edu/security/campus-crime-report or may request a paper copy from the Human Resources Oice.
Wilson Community College is an equal opportunity employer and, as such, we provide employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy),
age, disability, veteran or military status, genetic information or other legally protected characteristics.
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