I certify that the information contained in this application is correct and understand that falsification of this
information is sufficient grounds to prevent further consideration of employment at Indian River State
College for any and all present or future positions. Falsifications discovered in situations where employment
has been already extended become sufficient grounds for immediate dismissal in accordance with Indian
River State College policy. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform
regulations of Indian River State College.
If I am employed with Indian River State College, I understand that IRSC is an “at will" employer. This means
that all student employees, are employed by and may be terminated at the will of IRSC without notice or
cause by either IRSC, or the employee, re
gardless of the length of their employment or the granting of
benefits of any kind. It also means the employees without contracts may resign without notice or stating
the reason.
Signature of Applicant Date
It is the policy of Indian River State Coll
ege that each employee, visitor and student be allowed to participate
in college programs, activities and employment in a discrimination and harassment free environment.
Discrimination and harassment of any nature based on one’s race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex,
pregnancy, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, genetic
information and any other factor protected under applicable federal, state and local civil rights laws,
rules and regulations is strictly prohibited.
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 is a federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis
of sex in higher education. Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence. Indian
River State College prohibits the commission of any act of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, sexual
battery, and other crimes of violence upon employees, students and prospective students, visitors, and
other affiliates of the College conducting College business, events or activities on IRSC property or IRSC
sponsored events.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination and Title IX
Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Indian River State College
3209 Virginia Ave, Fort Pierce, FL 34981-5596
(772) 462-7156
To view our Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment policy and procedures, go to www.irsc.edu/About
IRSC/Equity at IRSC
. Copies of these are also available in the Office of Human Resources, located at 3209
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
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