LCCEmploymentApplication2018 Page 4 of 4
3. I officially state that answers provided in this application and in any other form, oral or written, are true and
complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misstated, misleading, incomplete, or false
information is grounds for rejection and destruction of this application, refusal to hire, withdrawal of an offer
of employment or immediate discharge without recourse, whenever and however discovered.
4. I understand that nothing in the application is intended to imply or create an employment relationship or
contract for employment.
5. I understand and agree that in the event I am hired, that in accordance with Federal law individuals must
provide to an employer, documented proof that they are authorized to work in the United States. This proof
must be provided and verified by the LCC at the time of hire or no later than three business days after the
date of hire.
6. I authorize Luna Community College to investigate all statements made in my application for employment,
and to discuss the results with those responsible for making the hiring decision. I also authorize LCC to
contact my former employers, and any listed references or other persons who can verity information.
Further, I release from liability and hold harmless such employer(s) and individuals and Luna Community
College from any harm arising from such reference checks.
7. I have applied for employment with Luna Community College and might be extended a conditional offer of
employment. I understand that as a condition of my being considered for employment, I agree to undergo a
Pre-Employment Drug and Alcohol Screening. I understand that if my test results are positive, I shall not be
considered further by Luna Community College.
Note: Application materials cannot be returned and LCC cannot make copies. Please keep a copy of all materials
submitted. A separate application (or copy of an application) is required for each position for which you want to
be considered.
I have read and understand the terms and conditions of this employment application.
Applicant Name (Printed)
__________________________________________ _______________________________
Applicant Signature Date
Thank You For Considering
Luna Community College!
Send Application, Letter Of Interest, Current Resume, And
Official Documentation Confirming Education To:
Luna Community College
Human Resources Department
366 Luna Drive, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701
Employment Applications May Be Obtained By Calling
(505) 454-2503
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