ACC Application for Bond Financing
Applicant: ___________________________________
Application for Bond Financing (rev. 2019).DOCX/50.77123 Page 2 of 5 Revised 3/12/19
10. Describe how this project will “develop and promote for the public good and general welfare,
trade, commerce, industry, and employment opportunities and promote the general welfare” of
Clayton County, and how the project “will increase or maintain employment” in Clayton
County, specifically describing the expected economic impact of the project (such as new
annual sales, for example). Attach a list showing the total number of new jobs that will result
from this project, specifying the position and wages/salary for each.
11. Do you propose to secure the repayment of the bonds by the transfer of title to the Authority
of real and/or personal property? __________ If yes, describe the property to be transferred.
12. If title to property is not to be transferred to the Authority, please summarize the financial
strengths of Applicant that make, in your opinion, collateral unnecessary.
13. Please give the names and addresses of any persons or entities that you expect to guarantee the
payment of the bonds if issued.
14. Please described the modification or other action you are asking the Authority to take,
including the reason(s) for the request.