O   R
All applications for graduation must be on le with the Registrar no later than the end of the 10th week of the semester PRIOR to the semester
of completion. Applications are valid only for the year (Summer through Spring) in which they are submitted.
To Be Completed by the Student Attending Commencement ? YES
Please Type or Print Legibly in Ink Year _______________ NO
Print Name (as you wish it to appear on your diploma)
Student ID (-0_______ )
Semester of Graduation Year of Graduation Catalog Year
Major 2nd Major/2nd Degree Minor
Hometown as you wish it to appear in the Commencement Program
Diploma Address (Street, City, State, Zip) Phone (with Area Code)
Please submit your completed application along with your DEGREE WORKS AUDIT &
$50 APPLICATION FEE to the Registrar’s oce, McMullen Hall 1st oor; Email : registrar@msubillings.edu
*Signing this application overrides any non-disclosure forms signed in the past. Any and all graduation information will be released for public
records. I have met with my faculty advisor and understand the requirements I must fulll for graduation.
Degree Candidate Signature Date Email
Department Chair Signature Date Language Dept Chair ( if needed)
Advisor Signature Date
Total Institution Earned Credits __________
Total Transfer Earned Credits __________
Total Incomplete Credits __________
Total Credits Currently Enrolled __________
TOTAL CREDITS __________
General Ed Complete
Major Requirements Complete
Minor Requirements Complete
University Requirements Met
GPA Requirements Met
Major Code(s)__________________ College(s) ____________________ Degree(s)____________________ Dept(s)__________________
Program(s)__________________ Minor(s) Code___________________ Honors __________________ GPA/Grad Yr_________________
Paid? YES___ NO___ Receipt #________________ Date_____________ Diploma Sent______________________
YES ___ NO___
YES___ NO___
***Advisors Please Complete This Section***
Student has met credit requirement for degree completion (minimum 120 semester hours)
Student has met required upper division credits
Student has completed at least 30 semester hours at MSU Billings
YES___ NO ___
Advisor Name (print)
is section is for oce use only
updated March 2020
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