Main Campus: 351 North Broad St, Mobile, AL 36603 - (251) 405-7005
Carver Campus: 414 Stanton Rd, Mobile, AL 36617 - (251) 662-5362
Central Campus: 1365 Dr. Martin L King Jr. Ave, Mobile, AL 36603 - (251) 405-4400
Southwest Campus: 925 Dauphin Island Pkwy, Mobile, AL 36605 - (251) 665-4085/4114
Student Name (First, Middle, Last)___________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address____________________________________________________________City______________________State______Zip__________
Home Phone (________) ________________________ Cell (________) __________________________ Date of Birth _______/_______/________
Semester: Fall Spring Summer Year________ Citizenship: U.S. Citizen U.S. Resident/U.S. Permanent Resident/U.S. Alien
In order to be eligible for in-state tuition, you MUST complete this form and fall into ONE or more of the following categories:
I (or my non-estranged spouse) have lived in the State of Alabama for at least 12 continuous months immediately preceding the first day of
my intended term of enrollment.
I am a dependent student and my parent/legal guardian has lived in the State of Alabama for at least 12 continuous months immediately
preceding the first day of my intended term of enrollment.
I graduated from an Alabama High School or obtained a GED in the State of Alabama within three years of the first day of my intended term
of enrollment.
The address shown on my application is my residence in the State of Alabama and I intend to remain in Alabama indefinitely.
I have more substantial connections with the State of Alabama than with any other state.
Consideration of the location of high school graduation
Payment of Alabama state income taxes as a resident
Ownership of a residence or other real property in the state and payment of state ad valorem taxes on the residence or property
Full-time employment in the state
Residency in the state of a spouse, parents, or children
Previous periods of residency in the state continuing for one year or more
Voter registration and voting in the state
Possession of state and local licenses to do business or practice a profession in the state
Ownership of personal property in the state and payment of state taxes on the property
Possession of state license plates
Continuous physical presence in the state for a purpose other than attending school, excluding temporary absences for travel, military service,
and temporary employment
Membership in religious, professional, business, civic or social organizations in the state
Maintenance in the state of checking and savings accounts, safe deposit boxes or investment accounts
In-state address shown on one or more of the following:
selective service registration driver’s license hunting/fishing license annuities or retirement plans
automobile title registration insurance policies last will and testament stock/bond registrations
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) am a member of the U.S. military on full-time active duty and stationed in Alabama under orders for
duties other than attending school.
I (or my supporting spouse or children) am using Post 911 GI Bill or MGIB-AD and am living in the State of Alabama and have enrolled
within three years of my qualifying discharge.
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) am an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) have full-time employment in Alabama and will start said employment within 90 days of my registration.
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) am a full-time permanent employee of Bishop State Community College.
I (or my supporting spouse or parent) reside in one of the following Mississippi or Florida counties listed below:
George Co., MS Greene Co., MS Harrison Co., MS Jackson Co., MS Perry Co., MS Stone Co., MS
Escambia Co., FL Santa Rosa Co., FL
I understand that I may be asked to provide documentation for items that I have checked. I agree to notify the college if there are any changes
in the information submitted with this form. I understand that an out-of-state student cannot attain residency simply by attending school for
12 continuous months in the State of Alabama.
Signature of Applicant ______________________________________________________________________________ Date __________________
The Alabama Community College Board of Trustees through the Alabama Community College System proclaims nondiscriminatory practices in Alabama two-year institutions under the
jurisdiction of the Alabama Community College Board of Trustees. It is the official policy of the Alabama Community College System and Bishop State that no persons shall, on the basis of
race, color, disability, sex, religion, creed, national origin, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or