Date Application Received: __________________________________________
Grant Recipient: ___________________ DUNS Number: _______________ EIN: _______________
Grant Contact: Name: ________________________ Email Address: _________________________
Type of Grant: Regulatory (A&E)_______ Abandoned Mine Lands_______
SOAP_______ Watershed Cooperative Agreement_______
Grant Identifiers: NOFA ID: ______________
Application Number: _____________
Grant Number: __________________
Amendment 01ID: _______________
Amendment 02ID: _______________
Amendment 03ID: _______________
Amendment 04ID: _______________
Grant Amount: ________________________
Funding Availability Verified: Yes_______________ No___________
Grant Period: From _____________ To _________________
Public Notifications
eekly (White House) Report Submitted: Yes _______________
No __________________
Other Required Public Notices Sent: Yes _______________No __________________
Most Current Indirect Cost Rate Submitted: Yes _______________No __________________
(If No Please Explain)
Congressional District ID provided SF 424: Yes _______________
No __________________
Down Time, Please Explain:
Recommended Action