2014 – 2015 CBA P-2
Place a check by each items being developed as a part of the work. Use the codes listed below to indicate the level
of ownership and control the faculty member will exercise after the acceptance of the work by the Administration.
Type of Material Level of Control Agreed to by Faculty Member and College
____ Course Syllabus ________________________________________
____ Course Objectives ________________________________________
____ Course Content Outline ________________________________________
____ Course Schedule ________________________________________
____ Power Point Presentations ________________________________________
____ Digital Media ________________________________________
____ HTML Document (Web Pages) ________________________________________
____ Computer Programs ________________________________________
____ Course Handouts ________________________________________
____ Problem Sets ________________________________________
____ Problem Solutions ________________________________________
____ Sample Exams ________________________________________
____ Sample Exam Solutions ________________________________________
____ Workbooks ________________________________________
____ Course Reviews ________________________________________
____ Study Guide ________________________________________
____ Slides and Overheads ________________________________________
____ Photographs ________________________________________
____ Other (Describe)
__________________________ ________________________________________
__________________________ ________________________________________
__________________________ ________________________________________
C = Complete
Complete ownership and control by the faculty member. The faculty member will
determine all forms of use.
N = None
No ownership and control. The faculty member assigns all ownership and control of the
work to the College.
J = Joint Use
The College owns the work, but the faculty member has first right of refusal to
modifications and retains ownership and control of defined parts of the work upon
termination of employment at the College.
NM = No Modification
The College may use, but not modify, the materials without the faculty member being
given first right of refusal to modify the work.
F = Faculty
The faculty member will have the right of approval when other faculty members are to
use all or parts of the work.
T = Termination
The College will have the right to use the materials after the College no longer employs
the faculty member.
MC(#) = Marketing by College (#)