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Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): Case Number:
3. In the above entitled case for (check one):
The following plaintiff/petitioner only:
The following defendant(s)/respondent(s) only:
Other (specify):
Note: If other counsel have already appeared for the party or parties indicated above, state whether the appearance is:
In lieu of appearance of Attorney already on le.
In addition to appearance already on le.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Print Name of Attorney/Advocate/Lay Advocate Attorney/Advocate Lay Advocate Signature
4. I hereby certify that (check one):
A copy of the above was mailed or personally served on the following attorney(s)/advocate(s) or pro se parties
(i.e., parties not represented by an attorney or advocate) in this case:
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Type of service: Type of service:
Date of service: Date of service:
A copy of the above will be mailed or personally served on the attorney(s)/advocate(s) or pro se parties
(i.e., parties not represented by an attorney or advocate) in this case at the same time the rst papers are
served on them and a proof of service will be timely led to show that this has been done.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Print Name Signature