Financial Aid Office
615 N Stadium Avenue
Thatcher, Arizona 85552
928-428-8287 fax # 928-428-2391
Gila Hank Financial Aid Drop Box
APPEAL FORM 2021-2022
Instructions to student:
This appeal is required for students who have exceeded the 150% time frame allowed by federal regulations to
complete degree requirements. The appeal must be signed by the student, signifying acceptance of the plan as
outlined. Return completed form and a copy of your degree audit to the EAC Financial Aid Office.
Section I:
Student Information:
1. Name: EAC ID#:______________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Street and/or Box #
City State Zip
Telephone#: ( )_________ - ____________ Email:____________________________________
2. Are you requesting federal financial aid to complete a firs
t degree/certificate at EAC? No Yes
If yes, what is the degree/certificate you are seeking? _____________________________________________
Please explain the issues that have caused you to exceed the maximum time frame allowed to complete your first
ee/certificate at EAC? An example might be that you completed x number of GIFT courses while in high school.
3. Are you requesting federal financial aid to complete an additional degree/certificate at EAC? No Yes
If yes, what is the degree/certificate you are seeking? _____________________________________________
Please explain why you are seeking an additional degree/certificate? An example might be that you completed x
of GIFT courses while in high school.
4. What is your anticipated date of graduation? ____________________