APP-FORM-01 Version 01-2018 Page 10 of 11
Section 7 – Approvals
Applicant’s Signature
In signing below, I acknowledge that the information in this research proposal has been prepared by
me in consultation with my nominated Advisors and is, to the best of my knowledge, free of error,
plagiarism or misleading information.
I understand that I must submit an application in accordance with the HDR Application
Signature: Date:
Primary Advisor Signature
In signing this form I affirm my commitment to the JCU Code of Conduct, and the Principles for
Respectful Supervisory Relationships, in particular that a sexual or romantic relationships between
a supervisor and their student is never appropriate, and that the professional relationship between
and supervisor and their student is characterised by mutual respect and trust.
I commit to
eliminating sexual harassment and sexual assault, and meeting JCU standards in relation
to appropriate staff-student relationships, bullying and academic integrity. Consequences for
breaches of that Code could include removal from the supervisory relationship with that student in the
first instance, and disciplinary proceedings.
In signing below, I acknowledge that the information in this research proposal has been prepared in
consultation with me and is, to the best of my knowledge, free of error, plagiarism or misleading
information. I agree in principle, that should the applicant be successful in gaining an offer for the
degree, to act in the role of their Primary Advisor subject to the agreement of my line-manager.
In assessing the information provided by this applicant, I agree that (please indicate for each):
This applicant has sufficient research training, experience and knowledge for the proposed
degree and project.
The budget proposed by the applicant is reasonable and can be supported by existing
guaranteed funding or alternative funding.
The infrastructure and resources required, which are not included in the budget, should be
able to be provided by the College
Based on my current supervisory load, other workload considerations and plans, I am in a
position to supervise this candidate for the duration of their candidature.
I have contacted at least one of the applicant’s referees by phone or Skype for a frank
If you consider that the applicant requires further training either before enrolment or before the
Confirmation of Candidature, please specify the nature and timing of training required: