Peralta Community College District
Admissions and Records
Rev. 2/20/2015
Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College
Advanced Placement (AP) Credit for College Students Policies and Procedures
You will be granted credit for College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Advanced Placement (AP) tests with scores of 3, 4, 5
(see the AP chart which follows) in specific subject areas for certificates, Associate Degrees, CSU General Education Breadth
certification and IGETC certification.
The unit/credit value granted for a college certificate or Associate Degree may vary from the unit/credit value given by a UC or a
You may use units earned by AP examinations toward CSU General Education Breadth Certification, (partial or full), according to the
CSU approved list below and you may use units earned by AP examinations to meet Intersegmental General Education Transfer
Curriculum (IGETC) as per the approved list below. Each AP exam may be applied to one IGETC area as satisfying one General
Education course requirement, with the exception of Language Other Than English (LOTE).
There is no equivalent AP exam for IGETC Area 1B or CSU GE Breadth Area A3, Critical Thinking/Composition. There is no
equivalent AP exam for IGETC Area 1C or CSU GE Breadth Area A1, Oral Communication.
If you have passed more than one AP exam in Calculus, only one exam may be used for credit/unit purposes for a Certificate,
Associate Degree, CSU GE certification, and IGETC certification.
Some four-year institutions (e.g., out-of-state, independent) may not accept AP credit.
Actual transfer credit awarded for admission is determined by the CSU and UC.
Individual CSU and UC campuses continue to determine the applicability and quantity of AP credits granted toward major or
baccalaureate degree requirements.
In some areas, CSU grants additional units for elective credit towards eligibility for admission. The CSU campus to which you transfer
determines the total number of units to be awarded for successful completion of Advanced Placement examination(s) and how the
exam scores may apply to other graduation requirements.
For IGETC certification, AP exams in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics B allow a community college to apply 4 semester or 5 quarter
units to IGETC certification (as noted in the chart below). For Environmental Science, Physics C: Mechanics and Physics C:
Electricity/Magnetism, 3 semester or 4 quarter units are applied for IGETC certification (as noted below); therefore, students who
have completed these exams will be required to complete at least 4 semester or 5 quarter units to satisfy the minimum required units
for Area 5.
The University of California Advanced Placement Policy can be found at their website:
The California State University Advanced Placement Policy can be found at their website:
Advanced Placement Procedures:
To apply for AP credit having received a score of 3, 4, 5 on any of the exams listed below:
1. Obtain a “Petition for Advanced Placement Examination Credit” from the Admissions and Records Office
or online at http://web.peralta.edu/admissions/forms/;
2. Attach official copies of AP score reports from the College Board or an official copy of your high school
transcript (if it reports Advanced Placement Examinations); and
3. Take the completed petition and supporting documentation to a Counselor for review.
4. To receive credit for an AP examination not on this list, complete the petition and submit it to the Vice
President of Instruction, who will evaluate requests on a case-by-case basis.