Date of Review:
DCBS Supervisor:
AOC-CFCRB-16 Doc. Code: FRRB
Rev. 6-19
Page 1 of 2
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Court of Justice
Case No: J
Court q District q Circuit q Family
IN THE INTEREST OF: _________________________________, a child who has been in Foster Care ______ months.
Removal Reason: q Abuse/Neglect q Abuse q Neglect q Dependency q Status
q Attention Judge (check if needed) DCBS Case Name: _____________________________
1. Reasonable eorts were made to avoid placement. (First review only) q Yes q No
2. Reasonable eorts have been made by the Cabinet to provide services to make it possible for the child to safely return
home. q Yes q No (Make this nding only if the goal has been return to parent for any part of this review period).
2a. Waiver of reasonable eorts:
Mother/Parent I: q Yes q No Date: _______________ Father/Parent II q Yes q No Date: _______________
3. Reasonable eorts have been made to place the child in a timely manner and complete the steps necessary to nalize
the permanency plan. q Yes q No (This nding refers to goals other than return to parent).
4. Date of last case plan _____________.
5. The Cabinet is in compliance with the case plan and court orders. q Yes q No
If no, explain concerns: _______________________________________________________________________
6. The mother/Parent I is in compliance with the case plan and court orders. q Yes q No q Partially q N/A
If no, explain concerns: _______________________________________________________________________
7. The father/Parent II is in compliance with the case plan and court orders. q Yes q No q Partially q N/A
If no, explain concerns: _______________________________________________________________________
8. Does child have siblings? q Yes q No If yes, is child placed with siblings? q Yes q No
If not placed together, why?_______________________ If child has siblings, do they visit? q Yes q No q Undocumented
9. Out of home placement is still necessary. q Yes q No
10. The current placement is the most appropriate and least restrictive. q Yes q No q Undocumented q N/A
Mother/Parent I: ________________________________ Father/Parent II: ________________________________
Paternity Established: q Yes q No q Undocumented
Date Entered Foster Care: ________________________ Date of Next Permanency Review: ____________________
Permanency Goal: q Return to Parent q Adoption q Permanent Relative Placement
qPlanned Permanent Living Arrangement q Emancipation q Legal Guardianship
If the goal is adoption, date goal changed to adoption: _______________________
Number of Placements: _____ Current Placement: q Kin q Foster Home q Pre-Adopt Home q PCC
q Other ________________________________________________________________________________________
Concurrent Planning q Yes q No q Undocumented
Is child placed out of state? Yes q No q If yes, where _____________________ (Name of state).
Child has moved more than 3 times during the past 6 months: q Yes q No
Prior Episode in Foster Care: q Yes q No If yes, last exited ________________ If yes, number of prior episodes ____
Has child’s court case been transferred? q Yes q No If yes, where ________________________________________
Has child been released? q Yes q No If yes, list date and to whom _______________________________________
DOB Age Sex Race