ANZ Business Credit Application Form
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purposes; or investment purposes other than investment in residential property (or for both purposes).
Important: You should only sign this declaration if each one of these loans are wholly or predominantly for business purposes; or investment
purposes other than investment in residential property.
By signing this declaration you may lose your protection under the National Credit Code
Signature Signature
Printed Name Printed Name
Signature Signature
Printed Name Printed Name
ANZ’s collection, use and disclosure of personal information
“Personal information” means information about an individual. This statement applies
to you if you are a representative of a customer(forexample,acompanydirectoror
officer). ANZ is collecting your personal information for the purpose of identifying you,
assessing and, if approved, providing the customer with the product or service applied
for. Without this information ANZ may not be able to do these things. ANZ may
disclose your personal information to: any service provider ANZ engages to carry out
or assist its functions and activities; credit reporting agencies; and other persons ANZ
is authorised or required by law to disclose information to (and other persons where
you have consented to the disclosure). By signing this application form, you consent to
ANZ disclosing your information to these persons.
This statement applies to you if you are a third party relevant to a customer (for
example,aguarantor). By signing below, you agree to ANZ doing the following things.
ANZ is collecting your personal information for the purpose of identifying you,
assessing and, if approved, providing the customer with the product or service applied
for. Without this information ANZ may not be able to do these things. ANZ may
disclose your personal information to: any service provider ANZ engages to carry out
or assist its functions and activities; credit reporting agencies; and other persons ANZ
is authorised or required by law to disclose information to (and other persons where
you have consented to the disclosure). Credit report ANZ may: obtain a credit report
containing personal information and use that information to assess whether to accept
you as a guarantor of credit applied for by the applicant. This statement applies to you
if you are a non-incorporated customer of ANZ(forexample,asoletraderorfirm).By
signing below, you agree to ANZ doing the following things. ANZ is collecting your
personal information for the purpose of assessing your application and, if it is
approved, to provide you with the product or service you are applying for. Without
this information ANZ may not be able to do these things. ANZ may disclose your
personal information to: any service provider ANZ engages to carry out or assist its
functions and activities; participants in the payments system (including financial
institutions, merchants and payment organisations); credit reporting agencies; ANZ’s
alliance partners; your referee; any credit provider to assess a credit application, to
assess your credit worthiness, to help you avoid default on your obligations or to
inform them of your default; your guarantors, or any person who has provided
property as security, for a loan that you or a joint borrower have with ANZ; and other
persons ANZ is authorised or required by law to disclose information to (and other
persons where you have consented to the disclosure). Credit report ANZ may: obtain a
credit report containing personal information and information about your commercial
activities and commercial credit worthiness from any business which provides that
type of information; and use that information to assess your credit application.
Promotion of other products or services
You agree to ANZ using your personal information to promote its products or services
or those of its related companies and alliance partners and disclosing your personal
information to its related companies or alliance partners to enable them or ANZ to
market their products or services. Where you do not want ANZ to tell you about its
products or services or those of its related companies or alliance partners, you may
withdraw your consent by calling 13 13 14. Your agreement to the use and disclosure
of your personal information applies to any personal information collected by ANZ in
the course of your relationship with ANZ.
You may request access to your information at any of our branches. Access will be
granted in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 for a reasonable fee. If any of your
information is inaccurate, you may request that it be corrected.
Sensitive information ANZ will not collect sensitive information about you such as
health information, without your consent.
Confidential Information - Non Individuals This statement applies to you if you are a
nonindividualcustomerofANZ(forexampleacompany, trust, association or other
incorporated entity). You authorise ANZ to give confidential information to: any
contractor or service provider ANZ engages to provide services connected with your
relationship with ANZ or to develop, review or maintain its business systems;
participants in the payments system (including financial institutions, merchants and
payment organisations); its related companies or its alliance partners to promote their
products or services where they have agreed to only use the information for this
purpose and keep the information confidential; and your guarantors, or any person
who has provided property as security, for a loan that you or a joint borrower have
confidential information being disclosed to these persons or entities.
To be signed by all individual applicants, on behalf of all business applicants, by all
directors/sole trader/partners of business applicants and by existing guarantors. My
signature below evidences my understanding and consent to all matters set out in this
application is true and is given in support of this application. Where the applicant is a
business applicant and make this declaration on behalf of the applicant. I confirm that
the business is solvent and can afford to repay the increased facilities sought. Where a
applicant or guarantor of the applicant, I also make this declaration in my personal
Position are true and correct. Where signed by two or more people, this declaration and
consent is to be read as given by each individually. I acknowledge that ANZ reserves the
right to ask for additional information to consider my loan and that ANZ may not be able
to assess my application unless I provide any additional information requested by ANZ.
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522.AustralianCreditLicenceNumber234527.ItemNo.12034306.2012W277434
Information Classification: Confidential