REV. 6/25/2020
As a PDF, this is a fillable form. Download, save it to your
computer, fill it out, save again. It can then be added as
an attachment to be sent up the chain-of-command.
Section: Area: Region:
Commissioner Change
Commissioner Reappointment
Term start date (first
of month)
Term of Office: 1 year
2 years 3 years
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Checklist: If any items are unchecked, please explain below in the box provided and what the plan is for completion*
Election took place (minutes attached); Term of Office has been approved by the Policies and Protocols for our Region.
I am currently registered and background screened.
Current Membership Year budget has been uploaded to NAP Online.
I have read and understand the RC Position Description and Conflict of Interest Policy Statement (COI) and signed the COI.
I have taken/will take RC & Board Orientation from Area Director or had/will have an orientation meeting.
I have completed AYSO’s Safe Haven Certification online, via webinar or in person.
I have completed the CDC Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) trainings as my state requires and/or per AYSO policy.
I agree to support AYSO programs and perform the duties of RC and understand that I am subject to the organization’s
Philosophies, National Bylaws, National Policies and Rules & Regulations.
I agree to operate by the Policies and Protocols reviewed with my Area Director and Section Director.
I agree to budget for and attend my local AYSO EXPO and the National Annual General Meeting (NAGM).
I agree to budget for and take Regional Commissioner Training (RCT) as soon as possible after my appointment as RC.
I agree to fill the required Regional Board positions (RTR, RSAF, RRG, RCA, RRA, RCVPA), ensure all are currently registered,
update their terms annually, take appropriate job specific training, AYSO’s Safe Haven, CDC Concussion and SCA trainings.
I agree to support AYSO programs and perform the duties of RC within the parameters of the Position Description and understand
that I am subject to the organization’s Philosophies, National Bylaws, Policies and Rules & Regulations.
Regional Commissioner Nominee Name (print):
Signature: Date:
Sign and date above. Make a copy for your records. Send this original form to your Area Director for signature.
Area Director: I, as Area Director, have verified that:
(1) the above named candidate has been properly nominated by the Regional Board;
(2) the nomination is consistent with the Standard Policies & Protocols, which I have reviewed and approved; and
(3) the above checklist is complete and is verified on the Regional Checklist and Staff form.
Area Director Name (print):
Signature: Date:
Sign and date above. Make a copy for your records. Send this original form to your Section Director for signature.
Section Director: I, as Section Director, have verified with the Area Director that the above statements are accurate.
Section Director Name (print):
Signature: Date:
Sign and date above. Make a copy for your records.
Please email to OR FAX pages to (310) 525-1155 OR mail the originals to:
AYSO National Office, Attn: EM Appointment, 19750 Vermont Avenue, Suite 200, Torrance, CA 90502
Office Use Only:
*Explanation of unchecked boxes:
Nat’l Sec’y approval and
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