Affordable Housing Program (AHP)
As a resident of (name of property), a property supported by the CITY OF
CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, you have certain rights stated in your lease and the attached Lease Rider. Your
landlord must follow city and state rules for the Affordable Housing Program. One of the important protections
provided by federal law is that you cannot be evicted from your home or have your tenancy terminated without
good reason or “good cause.”
Your landlord may not evict you or terminate your tenancy (including refusing to renew your lease) without good
cause. Good cause is (a) serious or repeated violation(s) of the material terms and conditions of your lease. The
landlord must state, in writing, the good cause in any eviction, lease non-renewal or termination of tenancy
notice. If you did not do what your landlord claims in the notice, or if you think it was not serious enough for
your lease to be terminated or not renewed, you can ask the landlord if there is an appeal process. If there is no
appeal process, you may request that the termination be retracted and discuss your reasons why. If you receive a
notice of eviction, you have a right to contest the eviction in court by explaining to the judge why you disagree
with the reasons for terminating your lease. Visit www.lawhelpmn.org to see if you qualify for free or low-cost
legal assistance.
In addition, your landlord may not increase the amount of rent stated on your lease more than once annually.
The attached Lease Rider should already be signed by your landlord. You and all members of your household age
18 or older must also sign the Lease Rider in order to make it part of your lease.
The Lease Rider needs to be signed each time you sign a new lease. If at any time additional adult household
members enter the unit or a child who lives in that unit turns 18, they should add their signature to the existing
Lease Rider with the current date.
Your landlord also has a legal obligation to comply with the statutory requirements found in Section 601 of the
Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA).
Under VAWA, you may not be denied admission, denied assistance, terminated from participation, or evicted on
the basis that you are or have been a victim of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking, if you
otherwise qualify for admission, assistance, participation or occupancy.
You should have received the following when you were approved for occupancy or at some time during your
• HUD Form 5380 – Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act; and
• HUD Form 5382 – Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking, and
Alternate Documentation.
The landlord must also include these documents with any notice of eviction, lease non-renewal or termination of
tenancy. You may also have signed a VAWA Lease Addendum.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact your resident manager,
, or your landlord at (phone and email).
Sincerely ,
Property Representative Name (print and sign) Date
AHP 02/2020