400-00126 – Agreement for Post-Adoption Contact or Communication (07/29/2016) Page 2 of 4
2. Before the adoptive parents can seek modification of this agreement or before either party can seek
enforcement of this agreement by the Court, the parties to this agreement must participate in mediation or
other dispute resolution process of their choice. If these efforts are not successful, a party must contact the
Probate Court having jurisdiction over such proceedings. (If the Probate Court location is unknown, the Vermont
Adoption Registry can provide that information.)
3. If the Probate Court is asked to enforce or change the agreement, the Court considers the child’s best interest.
E. Rights of Parents
1. The former parents can ask the Probate Court to enforce the terms of this agreement if the adoptive parents are
not following the agreement. The burden will be on the former parents to prove that enforcement is in the
child’s best interest.
2. This agreement does not limit the parents from moving to another town, state, or country.
F. Rights of Adoptive Parents
1. The adoptive parents can ask the Probate Court to change or end the agreement if they believe that is in the
child’s best interest. The burden will be on the adoptive parents to prove that this is in the child’s best interest.
2. If this agreement includes a plan for any visits, the adoptive parents can cancel the visit if the child is sick, or
there is another good reason for cancelling it. If the former parent appears to be under the influence of alcohol
or drugs, the adoptive parent can refuse a visit. Parties acknowledge that the adoptive parent’s judgment
regarding the child is in the child’s best interests.
3. This agreement does not limit the adoptive parents from moving to another town, state, or country.
G. Terms of Post–Adoption Contact
The parents and intended adoptive parents agree on the following types of communication or contact. Please be clear
about how often the contact will occur (when and where; time of day, limitations regarding time of day), who the contact
will be with, and who else will be present other than the child.
Written contact by mail or email. (The obligation to send items stops if the parties do not provide each other with a
current address.)
☐ Does not apply
☐ Does apply and is described specifically:
Written contact through the Vermont Adoption Registry. If this is the plan, the parents and adoptive parents will notify
the Vermont Adoption Registry of any change of address. (The obligation to send items stops if the parents do not
provide a current address to the Vermont Adoption Registry.)
☐ Does not apply
☐ Does apply and is described specifically:
The DCF Release of Identifying Information form will be provided to the Adoption Registry.