1313 PARK BLVD., SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 - RM M-201
Telephone: (619) 388-3909 - Email:CITYASGSECRETARY@GMAIL.COM
“San Diego City College is a multicultural institution committed to providing open access to all who can benefit from instruction and to meeting the diverse and ever-changing educational, cultural, and economic needs of
the urban core and surrounding communities of San Diego. As City College prepares world citizens in the twenty-first century, we recognize that the aim of education is the development of the whole person who is prepared
to be an active citizen and to participate in a global community. We are committed to the tradition of academic freedom and responsibility and to maintaining a climate that promotes learning, understanding and respect for
students, faculty, staff, community, and the environment.”
Revised 09/05/17
1. Subject of Agenda Item Request: _________________________________________________________________
2. D
ate Submitted: _________________________ Date(s) of event(s)/activity(s): _____________________________
3. Contact Information:
Requested by: __________________________________________ Telephone(s): ________________________________________
Email(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
(please check one and state name)
❏ Club: _________________________________
❏ Non-charted
❏ Charted
❏ Department: _________________________________
❏ Program: ____________________________
❏ Individual: ___________________________
4. Type of Consideration: (please check one)
Discussion Item (board takes action on item)
❏ Non-Fund Related
❏ Fund Related: (check one)
❏ Donation
❏ Sponsorship
❏ Club Allocation (only for clubs)
Information Item (board is only being informed)
❏ Post Funding Presentation
❏ Other: _____________________
5. Cost Breakdown: (please skip to step 6 if your agenda item request is non-fund related)
lodging, registration,
Price (before
* Please include additional documentation to support your cost breakdown. (ex.receipts, invoices, quotes)
6. Agenda Item Detailed Description and Student benefit:
Received by: __________________________________ Date Received: ____________________________________________