Fast and Fresh (Cold) Bento Box Meals – Program staff will handle accountability.
This option offers flexibility on when meals can be served, though meals must be eaten on
campus before the students leave for the day. Meal timing is at the program coordinator’s
discretion. This meal option is a “Grab and Go” meal service style and the meals may be eaten
anywhere on campus.
The after-school program will assume all responsibility for meal distribution and tracking
according to the federal guidelines of the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program. Rosters will be
provided by Cafeteria Managers. The after-school program will be responsible for submitting
the roster to the Cafeteria Manager by 10 a.m. the following day.
Completion of an accountability training course is mandatory.
Person(s) administering the meals must complete the online Civil Rights training and attach a
completed Civil Rights Certification to this application. See instructions below.
Person Responsible: Phone:
I understand and accept my after-school meal responsibilities in operation of the federal Child
and Adult Care Feeding Program (CACFP). I understand that meal participation will be audited
throughout the duration of the program and I may periodically be asked to provide attendance
records to verify students’ eligibility to participate. I will abide by the requirements above or
program eligibility will be forfeited.
Program Coordinator Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________
Campus Principal Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ___________
FS Area Supervisor Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________
FS Assistant Director Signature: __________________________________ Date: ___________
Questions? Please contact your Cafeteria Manager or AISD Nutrition and Food Services at
AISD Child and Adult Care Feeding Program (CACFP) After-School Meals Application 2
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