Lake Superior State University is subject to Federal, State and University laws and regulations governing
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin or ancestry, gender, sexual preference, age, disability, religion, height, weight,
marital status, or veteran status.
As a State institution and beneficiary of state and federal funds for operation, LSSU is required to furnish
a variety of annual government reports. In order to insure the accuracy of these reports, we ask that you
assist us by completing the information below. This information will only be used for reporting as
required by government agencies. Although completion of this form is optional, your reply is greatly
This information will not in any way be used for employment decisions, and will not be seen by those
making hiring decisions.
DATE: _______________________ NAME: ___________________________________
SEX: Male ________ Female __________ TITLE OF POSITION: _________________
ETHNIC BACKGROUND (check whichever applies)
*Please read descriptions on the reverse side
_____ Black (not of Hispanic origin)
_____ Asian or Pacific Islander
_____ Hispanic (including Mexican, Central or South American, or other Spanish Culture)
_____ White (including Caucasian, European, North African, Middle Eastern-not Hispanic)
_____ American Indian or Alaskan Native
_____ Foreign National (all persons who are not either U.S. Citizens or permanent U.S.
residents) [specify _________________________]
_____ Multiracial (having parents of different races)
OTHER SELF-INDENTIFICATION (check all that apply)
*Please read descriptions on the reverse side
_____ Vietnam Era Veteran _____ Disabled Veteran
_____ Temporarily Disabled _____ Disabled
_____ Age 40 to 70
SIGNATURE ________________________________________
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