Office of International Student Admissions
Revised 04/24/2017
Please indicate the source and amount of funds available for your first academic year in U.S. dollars (minimum
of $28,300.00).
$___________________ PERSONAL FUNDS - submit an original bank statement or similar documents.
$____________________SCHOLARSHIP- If you have a scholarship or financial support from an organization,
we need a Letter of Financial amount addressed to Greenville Technical College.
The letter must state the period of coverage.
$___________________ FAMILY OR OTHER SUPPORT - Provide the following statement signed by the
person who is responsible for your expenses while you are at Greenville
Technical College.
This is to certify that the supplied information is true and accurate. The funds must be made available and
provided as specified.
Signature of person supplying financial funds: _______________________________________________________
Printed Name of person supplying financial funds: ____________________________________________________
Relationship of Sponsor to Applicant _______________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
In compliance with the request of our depositor, we state that on the close of business day (date)
____/____/20______, the deposit balance to the credit of the above-named individual as shown in our records is
currently the following amount in U.S. dollars $ _________________________. This account was opened on
the following date _____/____ /______. To the best of our knowledge of the banking laws of this country, these
funds may be sent to your college to support the educational needs of the above-named student in the United
Signature of Bank Official
Place Bank Seal here
Bank Official Name (please print)
Name of Bank ______________________________________
Address of Bank ________________________________________________________
Date ____________________________