AGYRFDWH Application for Admission to Practice
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15. Are you familiar with the basic principles of Federal Indian Law?
Yes No
If so, please describe how you came by such knowledge, such as your
experience practicing in the field, any Indian law courses or trainings
completed, or any treatises studied [recommended: Nell Jessup Newton,
et. al., Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law (2005 ed. or subsequent
ed.); David H. Getches, et. al., Cases and Materials on Federal Indian Law
ed., 2004 or subsequent ed.); Stephen L. Pevar, The Rights of Indians
and Tribes (3
ed., 2004 or subsequent ed.); and William C. Canby, Jr.,
American Indian Law in a Nutshell (5
ed., 2009 or subsequent ed.)]:
16. A Certificate of Standing for each court listed in section 10 above is attached,
and I am in good standing in each jurisdiction.
17. I understand that once admitted to practice in the San Manuel Tribal Court that I
will be required to uphold Tribal laws and Court rules, and remain in good
standing in this Court and in each jurisdiction listed in section 10 above.
18. Check one of the following:
A check payable to the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians for $100.00
is attached.
I am exempt from payment of bar admission fees as an attorney who will
be appearing before this court solely in the capacity as counsel for the San
Manuel Band of Mission Indians.
19. My Oath of Admission is signed and attached to this application.
20. I understand that any license to practice before the San Manuel Tribal Court must
be renewed annually on or before February 1 of each calendar year by completing
a renewal application and paying a $100.00 application fee (unless exempt) or
such other fees established by the Tribe from time to time.