The City of College Station, by and through the Community Appearance Committee (hereinafter referred to as the
“Committee”) and ________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”)
recognize the need and the desirability of litter-free streets within the limits of the City of College Station and are
entering into this Agreement to permit the Organization to contribute toward the effort of maintaining litter-free
streets. By the signature below, the Organization acknowledges the hazardous nature of the work and agrees to the
following terms and conditions:
1. The Organization shall receive a designated section of thoroughfare, which segment shall be designated by the
2. The Organization agrees to accept responsibility for litter pick-up for a period of (2) calendar years from the
approval date.
3. The Organization shall pick up litter a minimum of once every quarter, not more than once every month, or as
determined by the Committee.
4. The Organization shall not subcontract or assign its duties or responsibilities to another organization, group, or
5. All participants of the Organization participating in the Adopt-A-Street Program shall be 18 years of age or older.
6. All participants must attend a safety meeting, to be conducted by the Organization’s Liaison, prior to
participating in a clean-up of the Organization’s assigned thoroughfare segment.
7. Participants in the Organization agree to abide and obey by the laws and regulations relating to safety, such as
the terms and conditions as may be required by the Committee for special conditions on a specific assigned
thoroughfare segment.
8. The Organization shall be responsible for participants from either possessing or consuming drugs or alcoholic
beverages while conducting a clean-up on the assigned thoroughfare segment.
9. The Organization shall be responsible for providing and maintaining a first-aid kit and an adequate drinking
water supply while participating in the litter clean-up on the assigned thoroughfare segment.
10. The Organization shall obtain supplies and materials from the City of College Station during regular business
hours (Monday-Friday from 8am – 5pm). The Organization will pay for new safety vests (Class 2) to replace any
that were not returned to the City of College Station or were damaged in the Organization’s possession.
11. Participants shall wear City of College Station supplies and approved reflective safety vests (Class 2) during the
litter clean-up.
12. The Organization shall place filled trash bags at one location near their Adopt-A-Street sign for pick-up and
disposal by the City of College Station the following business day.
13. Unused materials and supplies furnished by the City of College Station shall be returned to the City of College
Station within one week following the clean-up or as specified by the Adopt-A-Street Coordinator.
14. Participants shall only clean the assigned thoroughfare segment during daylight hours.
15. The organizations shall only be responsible for clean-up from the edge of right-of-way to the curb line.
16. The organization shall be responsible for clean-up of litter on both sides of the assigned thoroughfare segment.
HOLD HARMLESS for any and all purposes the City of College Station, its agents, officers, employees, volunteers
and assigns (herein referred to as “releasees”) FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR INJURY,
INCLUDING DEATH, that may be sustained by the Organization during, as a result of or arising from my
participation in, and/or access to the Adopt-A-Street Program, WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLEGIENCE OF THE