S:\ARO\ARO Forms\For Website\PetitiontoRepeataCourse.docx 3/25/19 (Salmon)
570 Golden Eagle Ave., Quincy, CA 95971
(530) 283-0202 – Fax (530) 283-9961
Petition to Repeat a Course
Date FRC ID # or SSI #:
Last Name First Initial
PO Box/Street Address City State Zip
Email Phone ( ) -
I hereby petition to repeat_ in the CRN # .
Course Number & Name Semester & Year
I originally took this course during the .
Semester & Year(s) Reason for repeat:
Job Requirement (explain):
Extenuating Circumstances (explain):
Other (explain):
Both the original and subsequent grades will remain a part of the Permanent Record but may or may not be counted
in units completed or GPA (Grade Point Average). Feather River College can provide no assurance that repeated
courses will be treated in a like manner by other institutions.
RECORDS OFFICE USE ONLY (Attach grade screen for review by the Dean)
Former Grade Units GPA Applies to Cumulative: Yes No
Count in Apportionment Yes No
DEAN OF INSTRUCTION (Only required with a satisfactory grade, C or above)
Approved Denied
Processed By Date
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