Hampshire College Additional Compensation Form - STPS
Please make sure all of the following steps are completed:
1. Please complete all data and have budget supervisor, division head, and director of strategic budgeting & analysis sign form. Send to HR prior to payroll deadline.
2. All grant funded additional compensation forms must be approved by the controller. The form will then be forwarded to human resources for processing.
3. Additional Compensation must be reviewed and approved by human resources (for administrators) or the dean of faculty office (for faculty) prior to completion of form.
Missing data may delay processing
FACULTY – To provide additional monies relating to teaching additional courses or summer
tutorial, institutional or grant funded.
(added responsibility/duties within current position = benefited addcomp)
61003 (special assignment, activity outside of current position = non benefited addcomp)
Faculty Exchange Program: Bill to: _________________________________
ADMINISTRATORS – Current practice of the College is to provide additional monies for
Administrators (exempt) who assume responsibilities relative to duties in a higher pay grade on a
temporary basis.
61102 (added responsibility/duties within current position = benefited addcomp)
(special assignment, activity outside of current position = non benefited addcomp)
Employee Data (please print)
Name: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Last First Position Title
Funding Source Information
Fund/Grant Name and
Department__________________________________________ General Ledger Account: 80* 90 - 0 - _______________________
Start Date: ___________________ End Date: _____________ Total amount to be paid: $__________________ Total number of payments: __________
(first of month - current payroll period) (end of month)
Reason for Additional Compensation: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Authorization – Required Signatures
______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Budget Manager/Supervisor Name (printed) and Signature/Date Division Head Signature/Date
_______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
Director of Strategic Budgeting & Analysis Signature/Date Human Resources Signature (Administrator STPS only) /Date
*Grants (80 accounts) require this additional authorization: _______________________________________ Fund Number Entered in Datatel ________________
Controller Signature/Date Date/Initial
Human Resources Processing
Position ID # input
three periods - and employee’s current position will default in field Pay Cycle: MP Earnings Type: ADD1 (w/o benefits) ADD2 (with benefits)
Payroll Designation:
Restricted Pay Period Gross: $_____________ Human Resources Process Date/Initial: _______________________
This form is confidential and should be treated accordingly.
Distribution by HR: Payroll - HR/Personnel File - TR (9 Funds) - 8 Funds to Asst. Controller - Department/School Additional Compensation 8/2015
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