Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS throughout.
Once you have completed and signed the form, you should send it along with all requested additional information to:
or alternatively post it to: New Business Team, RL360, International House, Cooil Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM2 2SP, British Isles.
Plan reference
Plan owner 1 Plan owner 2
Country of residence
for tax purposes
Tax Identification
Number (TIN)
If unavailable, provide a functional equivalent (eg National Insurance Number, Social Security Number, resident registration number)
Are you a Specified
US Person?
Specified US Person means a US citizen or tax resident individual who has a US residential/correspondence address or who
either holds a US Passport, a US Green Card or who was born in the US and has not yet renounced their US citizenship. More
information on US FATCA can be found at: www.irs.gov/Businesses/Corporations/Foreign-Account-Tax-Compliance-Act-FATCA
If you choose Yes to being a Specified US Person, you will need to provide us with your US Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
or US Social Security Number (SSN).
If you choose No but you have a US residential/correspondence address, hold a US Passport, a US Green Card or you were born
in the US, you will need to provide us with documentary evidence that you are in the process of or have renounced your US
Citizenship. RL360 can accept a certified copy of your DS-4083 form (also known as CLN – Certificate of Loss of Nationality)
and/or a certified copy of your passport in which you are obtaining new citizenship.
Do you want to update your contact/address details as part of this application?
If yes then please provide new details in Section 04 - Additional Information.
Online services
If you haven’t yet registered for online access to your plan but would like to, please download our agreement and registration forms
from our website – www.rl360.com.
You can use this form to increase regular payments and/or add a lump sum payment to your plan. Use the tick boxes to indicate
which options you require.
Regular payment increase
Current payment
Payment increase
Total payment
Establishment period (months)
Your plan currency, frequency and method of payment will remain unchanged.
Fund selection
Your payment increase will be invested in-line with your current fund selection.
If you wish to amend your current fund selection you will be required to complete a fund switch request form.
Additional lump sum
Lump sum
Payment options
Telegraphic transfer
Please confirm the details of the bank that you will be making payment from.
If you want to use a Currency Exchange House to transfer your payment to us, please ensure that it has been approved by
RL360 first. Please also provide your bank account details below from where the payment originates, along with a full audit trail
to evidence the transfer to us.
Bank name
Bank address and
Account holder’s name
Branch SWIFT code
SWIFT code must be either 8 or 11 digits
IBAN/account number
Account held for
Fund selection (required)
We will invest your lump sum as per the fund selection provided in the table below:
ISIN Fund name Currency Percentage
of payment
The Insurance (Anti-Money Laundering) Regulations 2008 requires all Isle of Man life companies to make enquiries as to how an
applicant has acquired the monies to be used as payment for their plan. This reflects the Isle of Man’s commitment to maintain the
highest possible standards of business practice and to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
RL360 has adopted a risk-based approach to meet these regulations, categorising all countries that we will accept business from
into 1 of 3 tiers. Each tier has dierent source of wealth requirements. We have categorised countries according to their level of
compliance with international regulatory standards.
Full details on the source of wealth procedures can be obtained from your financial adviser or can be downloaded from
You must complete the following questions in full, in all cases, and for both plan owners as applicable.
Plan owner 1 Plan owner 2
Annual salary plus bonuses
Income this year
(include currency)
Income last year
(include currency)
Employer’s company
Nature of business
Other unearned income
Amount received
(include currency)
Received from
Date received (dd/mm/yyyy)
If you intend to fund your plan from another source, please indicate which one from the list below for each plan owner and
provide the relevant information requested in Section 04 – Additional Information.
Source of funds/wealth
owner 1
owner 2
Information required
Amount* | Bank where savings were held | How were savings accumulated?
Property sale Amount* | Address of property | How long held | Date of sale
Sale of asset Amount* | Asset type | How long held | Date of sale
Company profits Profits this year* | Profits last year* | Company name and industry
Company sale Amount* | Company name and industry | Date of sale
Maturing investment Amount* | From which company | Date of sale
Lottery/betting/casino Amount* | Source of win | Date received
Compensation payment Amount* | Reason for payment | Date received
Gift or Inheritance Amount* | Relationship to benefactor | Reason for gift | Date received
Other Amount* | Reason for payment | Date received
* Please include currency
RL360 reserves the right to request further documentary evidence of source of wealth should it be considered necessary.
If you have no additional notes, please continue to Section 05 - Declaration.
My application
I am aware that my payment increase and/or lump sum will be treated in line with the terms and conditions of my plan.
I confirm that I have included an illustration with this Additional Payment Form.
I understand that my Illustration is not guaranteed by RL360 or my adviser, and only oers an indication of what I might get
back under a limited number of scenarios.
Key Information Document (KID)
I confirm that I have included a KID with this Additional Payment Form.
I understand that the KID sets out the details of my additional payment and the charges that will be deducted.
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am not subject to any legislation that would make my payment increase/
lump sum unlawful.
I am aware that RL360 is not responsible for the choice of funds within my plan.
I agree to RL360 acting on investment instructions received from me or my appointed adviser, and I will read all of the
documentation issued by the investment manager for each fund.
Privacy policy
Our full privacy policy can be viewed at www.rl360.com/privacy or can be obtained by requesting a copy from our Data
Protection Ocer.
I agree to my plan being governed by Isle of Man law and to the Isle of Man Courts having the right to decide any case that may
be brought in relation to it.
I am aware that I have the right to cancel my additional payment as detailed in the Key Information Document. I understand that
the amount I get back may be less than what I paid where my selected funds have fallen in value. I am aware that to cancel my
additional payment I will need to complete the Cancellation Notice and return it to RL360.
I accept that RL360 can bring my plan to an end if I have failed to disclose any facts that may influence the decision to accept
this additional payment application.
I confirm that this additional payment form was signed in (give country)
Plan owner 1 Plan owner 2
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
RSM05d 07/20
This section is to be completed by your financial adviser.
The RL360 adviser number can be obtained from your regional oce.
Company name
RL360 Adviser number
Name of regulatory or
authorising body
Regulatory number
(if applicable)
Financial adviser’s stamp
(if this does not state an
address, please complete
company address details too)
Full name
Online services username
(if registered)
Work telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Email address
I confirm that I have seen documentary proof of the plan owner(s) identity, and certification of their residential address, and have,
where applicable, attached suitably certified copies of both.
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
RL360 Insurance Company Limited. Registered Oce: International House, Cooil Road, Douglas,
Isle of Man, IM2 2SP, British Isles. Registered in the Isle of Man number 053002C. RL360 Insurance
Company Limited is authorised by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.
RL360 Insurance Company Limited, Labuan Branch (Company No. LF13039).
Management Oce: Brighton Place, Ground Floor, U0213-U0215 Jalan Bahasa, 87014 Labuan F.T.,
Malaysia. Tel: +60 87 442 899/Fax: +60 87 451 899. Co-Located Oce: Lot 17-05, Level 17, Menara
HLX, No. 3 Jalan Kia Peng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: +603 2167 8900/Fax: +603 2167 8999.
A Licensed Labuan Life Insurer under the Labuan Financial Services & Securities Act 2010 (IS2016163).