Montgomery County Circuit Court
Mental Health Court Agreement
Defendant petitions for acceptance into Circuit Court Mental Health Court and agrees:
1. I agree to successfully participate in the diagnostic evaluation as ordered by the Court and to successfully
comply with the Care Plan to the satisfaction of the treatment provider, case manager, probation officer and Court.
2. I agree to comply with any prescribed medication regimen as directed by my physician.
3. I agree to sign an authorization for the release of any medical, treatment or social service records requested to
facilitate the Mental Health Court process. I realize that this condition is necessary to coordinate treatment and
any other needed services and to monitor compliance.
4. I understand that I must reside in court approved housing within Montgomery County and comply with all house
rules. My probation agent can ensure that I am complying with this requirement by conducting a home visit at any
time. I am not required to receive prior notice of the home visit.
5. I agree to keep the treatment provider, probation officer, case manager, and the Court advised of any issues or
changes regarding housing, employment and/or volunteer work, medication, and treatment. I will report changes
within twenty-four (24) hours.
I agree that I will not use, possess, or knowingly associate with any person who uses or possesses any controlled
substance or illegal drug including, but not limited to, cocaine (powder, base, or “crack”), opiates, heroin,
methadone, buprenorphine, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, K2, MDMA, psilocybin, butane hash, or LSD.
I understand that I may be required to abstain from alcohol as indicated in my Care Plan.
I understand that I can be asked to report for drug and alcohol testing at any time while I am a Circuit Court Mental
Health Court participant and that my failure to report will result in a sanction by the Court.
I will report for drug and alcohol testing as directed by my substance abuse treatment provider, case manager,
probation agent, or PRRS staff.
6. I agree to report any and all new contact with law enforcement to the Court.
7. I understand that a failure to appear for a court date may result in an immediate bench warrant.
8. I agree that the Court may extend probation to allow me to successfully complete my requirements.
9. I agree that during my participation in Mental Health Court, the presiding Judge may impose sanctions and/or
order termination from Mental Health Court for non-compliance.
10. The Court may impose sanctions or terminate Mental Health Court participation. If the Court orders my
termination from Mental Health Court, I understand I could be remanded into custody pending sentencing or a
show cause hearing to revoke probation.
I have read and understand this petition and hereby knowingly and voluntarily give up the rights listed on
this petition, petition the Court for acceptance into Mental Health Court, and enter into this agreement.
Being duly sworn to tell the truth, I, the undersigned, do hereby swear that I am eligible to participate in
the Montgomery County Circuit Court Mental Health Court Program and I meet the eligibility requirements
listed in this agreement.
Participant’s Signature Date
Defense Counsel’s Signature Date