I, , understand that I am voluntarily agreeing to participate in Montgomery County
Adult Drug Court as a special condition of my probation in criminal case number(s): .
In addition to complying with the conditions outlined in my probation contract, I am also required to comply
with the following terms:
1. I have received a copy of the Drug Court Participant Handbook. I understand that it is my responsibility
to review this handbook.
2. I will comply with the expectations and requirements of Drug Court outlined by my case manager.
I can review these requirements in the Drug Court Participant Handbook.
3. I understand that completion of Drug Court takes a minimum of 20 months. My actual length of stay in
the program will be determined by the Drug Court team based on my compliance with program
requirements and progress toward the goals outlined in my treatment plan.
4. I will attend and participate in substance abuse treatment as directed by the Court.
I understand that substance abuse treatment may involve the use of medication to assist with cravings
and decrease the likelihood of relapse. If it is determined that I am an appropriate candidate for
medications including, but not limited to, Antabuse, Vivitrol, and Naltrexone, I must comply with
taking these medications.
5. I agree to attend a minimum of three (3) recovery meetings per week for every week that I am in Drug
Court unless incarceration or inpatient treatment prevents me from doing so.
6. I will be on time for all substance abuse treatment groups, appointments, and court appearances.
Failure to appear for any of these obligations could lead to the issuance of a bench warrant.
7. I understand that Drug Court imposes graduated sanctions for lack of compliance with program
requirements, including incarceration. I have the right to request and have a formal adversarial hearing
before the imposition of a sanction of incarceration or before being terminated from Drug Court.
8. I agree that I will not use, possess, or knowingly associate with any person who uses or possesses any
controlled substance or illegal drug including, but not limited to, cocaine (powder, base, or “crack”),
opiates, heroin, methadone, buprenorphine, methamphetamines, benzodiazepines, K2, MDMA,
psilocybin, butane hash, or LSD.
I agree that I will not use or possess alcohol or marijuana or any other substance that will compromise
my sobriety. I understand that using or possessing any of these substances will result in a violation of
the terms of my probation.
I understand that I can be asked to report for drug and alcohol testing at any time while I am a Drug
Court participant and that my failure to report will result in a sanction by the Court.
I will report for drug and alcohol testing as directed by my substance abuse treatment provider, case
manager, probation agent, Oxford House, or PRRS staff.
I also understand that any attempt to falsify a drug and alcohol test, including dilution, is grounds for
termination from Drug Court.
I understand that using or possessing any substances that are not prescribed to me by my physician
must be approved by the Drug Court team. I understand that using or possessing substances that are
not approved by the team is a violation of Drug Court rules.
I understand that using or possessing any substances that may not be controlled dangerous
substances or otherwise illegal, but still provide a mood altering or hallucinogenic effect, will violate
the rules of Drug Court.