RSR Group, Inc., Records Dept., 4405 Metric Dr., Winter Park, FL 32792 Phone: 407-853-6203 Fax: 407-677-4465
Owner/Officer _____________________________________ Job Title _____________________________ Application Date _____________________
Legal Business Name ___________________________________________________ Federal Tax ID _________________________________________
(DBA if applicable) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Physical Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________County ________________________State ________________Zip ________________
Billing Address (If different) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________County ________________________State ________________Zip ________________
Business Phone # (______)_________________ Fax # (______)__________________ Cell Phone # (______) ___________________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________ Website Address: __________________________________________
# of Years in Business __________ Owners Since _______________ Operating Hours ________________Years at Present Location: ___________
Accounts Payable Contact _____________________________ Phone # (______)____________ Email ________________________________________
Form of Ownership: Corporation in the State of ________ Partnership Sole Proprietorship Limited Liability Company
Have you (or a company you had ownership in) ever declared bankruptcy? _________ If Yes: Year _________ Type __________________________
Store Size ____________ sq ft # Employees _________ Annual Sales $ _______________________________ % of Sales from Firearms: ________
Truck Shipment Accepted:
No If yes, is a lift gate required?
No Number of Lanes: _________ Indoor _________ Outdoor
I would like more information on:
Law Enforcement Individual Officer Program
Fulfillment Services
Electronic Ordering
The following terms and conditions shall apply to all purchase transactions made by the customer/applicant identified on the account application to
which these terms and conditions are attached and made a part (the “Customer”):
1. Resale. Customer is purchasing for re-sale (at retail) purposes only. Customer agrees to obtain and maintain a state resale (sales tax) number and
certificate in the state in which Customer conducts its business.
2. Compliance with Laws. Customer shall obtain and maintain all necessary federal, state and municipal business licenses and permits for its retail
firearms and/or related accessories business. Customer agrees to maintain a thorough knowledge of, and to fully comply with, all applicable, current,
federal, state and local regulations.
3. Export Restrictions. Certain firearms (including Barrett, FN, Glock, HK, Ruger, Smith & Wesson, and others) and accessory products (including
EOTech, Leupold, Oakley, Trijicon, and others) may not be exported without the express written consent of the manufacturer. Customer agrees that
it will not export, directly or indirectly, any export restricted products without first obtaining the written consent of the manufacturer and in full
compliance with U.S. government export licensing requirements (i.e., U.S. Department of State ITAR regulations and Department of Commerce BIS
regulations). Customer should contact the manufacturer prior to exporting any product to ensure compliance.
4. Place of Business. Customer understands and agrees that, as a condition to the purchase of firearms, its FFL licensed place of business must have a
storefront and be open to the public during scheduled business hours for the display and sale of shooting products. Firearm dealers may be required
to submit pictures showing their storefront with signage and product display.
5. Notification. Customer agrees to promptly notify RSR Group, Inc. in the event of any revocation of its FFL or any other required business license.
Customer agrees to promptly notify RSR Group, Inc. of any changes in the ownership or control of its business or in the form of its business entity
(e.g. partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship).
6. Payment.
Invoiced payment amounts not paid by the due date shall bear interest and service charges of 1.5% per month. Any returned payments will be subject
to a $25.00 service charge. Any delinquent or returned payments may result in the account being changed to cash prepay or COD, or a decrease in the credit line.
7. Returns. Customer agrees not to return any merchandise to RSR Group, Inc. without prior authorization, and subject to a 10% re-stocking charge.
Any defective merchandise is to be returned directly to the manufacturer in accordance with their warranty and return policies.
8. Warranties. The only warranties applicable to the products sold by RSR Group, Inc. are any express warranties that come from the manufacturer of
the products. Customer understands and agrees that RSR Group, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind or nature concerning the
products it sells. Customer agrees to waive any and all implied warranties, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
9. Security Interest. Customer grants to RSR Group, Inc. a purchase money security interest in any products sold to Customer on credit, and a first
security lien right in all products purchased from RSR Group, Inc. to secure the payment of all amounts Customer owes RSR Group, Inc. Customer
hereby authorizes RSR Group, Inc. to sign any document required to perfect RSR Group, Inc.’s security interest, including financing statements under
the Uniform Commercial Code.
10. Collection. Customer understands and agrees that if credit is extended, all invoices are to be paid by the due date on the invoice. Customer shall
be liable for all costs incurred by RSR Group, Inc. in the collection of any delinquent account, including attorney fees.
The undersigned customer hereby certifies that all information supplied on the Customer's Account Application is true and correct, and that he/she is
at least 21 years of age and has read, fully understands and accepts the Terms and Conditions to the account. Submission of this Account Application
automatically enrolls you in RSR Group, Inc.'s e-flyers that highlight special offers and prices. To opt out of our e-flyer list, check here:
Owner or Officer Signature(s)__________________________________________________ Job Title___________________________ Date ____________
Print Name of Owner or Officer _______________________________________________
(Over )
Eective 12/30/2021
1) Name ___________________________________________ Job Title _________________________________________________________________
Residence Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State ____________ Zip ______________ Home Phone # (_____) ___________________________
2) Name ___________________________________________ Job Title _________________________________________________________________
Residence Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State ____________ Zip ______________ Home Phone # (_____) ___________________________
3) Name ___________________________________________ Job Title _________________________________________________________________
Residence Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State ____________ Zip ______________ Home Phone # (_____) ___________________________
For Good And Valuable Consideration, including the granting of credit terms for the account of _____________________________________________
(the “Credit Account”) with RSR Group, Inc. (the “Obligee”), the undersigned (the “Guarantor”) unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees to Obligee
the full payment when due of any and all moneys owed, debts and liabilities of the obligor under the Credit Account to Obligee (the “Indebtedness”).
This Guaranty applies to all Indebtedness regardless of when accrued. Guarantor hereby waives any right to require Obligee to (i) commence collection
proceedings against the obligor under the Credit Account or (ii) pursue any other remedy before, or as a condition to, proceeding directly against
Guarantor under this Guaranty agreement. Guarantor agrees to reimburse Obligee for any and all costs (including attorney fees) incurred by Obligee
in the enforcement or collection of the Indebtedness under the Credit Account or this Guaranty.
This Guaranty shall be binding upon Guarantor and his/her heirs and assigns, and inure to the benefit of Obligee and its successors and assigns.
In Witness Whereof, the undersigned Guarantor has executed this Guaranty as of the date set forth herein.
Date: _______________, 20______. Guarantor Signature (Original Signature Required): ____________________________________________________
Print name and address of Guarantor: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
RSR Group accepts the following payment types: ACH, company check (includes faxed check), C.O.D. check (accessories only),
Auto COD-ACH (automated payment upon delivery via ACH), credit card* (Visa, MasterCard and American Express), cashier's check and money order.
FOR OPEN CREDIT TERMS: Click here for Open (Net 30) Terms Amount of credit needed monthly: $ ___________________________
*Credit Card: RSR Group, Inc.'s 2% cash discount cannot be earned on credit card orders.
BANK REFERENCE (Only for Requests for Open Credit Terms)
Bank Name ___________________________________________________ How Long? ____________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State _________ Zip ____________
Phone # (______)_______________________ Fax # (______)_____________________ Contact _____________________________________________
Account #: ____________________________________________________ Is this a business account? _______________________________________
Do you have a line of credit or loan? Yes No Total loan amount: $_______________ Outstanding loan balance: $ _______________
Please provide institution name: _______________________________________________________ Phone # (________) _______________________
CREDIT REFERENCES (Only for Requests for Open Credit Terms)
AmChar Wholesale ................Acct #: ________________
Benelli. .........................Acct #: ________________
Big Rock Sports ...................Acct #: ________________
Bill Hicks & Co. ...................Acct #: ________________
Camfour .........................Acct #: ________________
Chattanooga Shooting ..............Acct #: ________________
Davidson's .......................Acct #: ________________
Iron Valley Supply Company
(f.k.a., Bangers)
..Acct #: ________________
Lipsey's . ........................Acct #: ________________
MGE Wholesale ..................Acct #: ________________
Sports South ......................Acct #: ________________
Zanders Sporting Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . Acct #: ________________
Other Trade Reference Name:___________________________Acct#: ________________________Phone # (______) ________________________
Other Trade Reference Name:___________________________Acct#: ________________________Phone # (______) ________________________
Eective 12/30/2021
To Whom It May Concern:
The undersigned hereby authorizes the release of all credit information requested
by RSR Group, Inc.
Name of Company _______________________________________
Name listed on bank account _______________________________________
Authorized Signature
Print Name Signed _______________________________________
Job Title (if any) _______________________________________
Date _______________________________________
(A facsimile or copy of my signature shall be deemed to be an original.)
RSR Group, Inc., Records Dept., 4405 Metric Dr., Winter Park, FL 32792 Phone: 407-853-6203 Fax: 407-677-4465
Eective 12/30/2021
(Original Signature Required)