Proposal 2C: 750mm width restriction for vehicles that operate on
the footpath
26. We are proposing that the width of devices used on the footpath should not exceed 750mm
(with the exception of wheelchairs). Do you think this is:
Too wide
About right
Too narrow
What is the reason for your rating? Do you have any other comments?
27. Do you use a mobility device?
If yes, what is the width of your device? Would the proposed width restriction impact you?
28. Should a maximum width limit apply to mobility devices?
What is the reason for your response?
29. We propose that people who already own a device wider than 750mm could apply for an
exemption. We’re also considering three alternative approaches to mitigate the impact on
existing device owners.
Which is your preferred option?
a. Mobility devices purchased before the rule changes would be automatically exempt from
the width limit.
b. The Transport Agency could declare certain wider devices to be mobility devices under
section 168A of the Land Transport Act and exclude them from width requirements.
c. Apply a separate width limit to mobility devices.
Under proposal 2, cycles can use the footpath if they ride a cycle no wider than 750mm. We
are seeing a slow uptake of adult tricycles and recumbent tricycles as mobility aids in our
district that will generally exceed the 750mm dimension suggested for use on footpaths (e.g.
these devices can be up to 900mm wide). Even more remarkably, there is one pedal
powered, power wheelchair carrying behemoth in use on our roads and shared paths. To
avoid discrimination and the comparison with Paxters and similar devices already in use on
footpaths, should the width rule be increased to 900mm? it is unlikely that the typical user of
such devices would use them in such a manner as to obstruct or injure pedestrians on the
occasion that they need to use it on a footpath.
Difficult to answer as it is likely that some machines will always exceed maximum width limits
for example; powered wheelchairs designed to cross sand. As a rough rule of thumb we have
made all bicycle barriers on beach and walkway access points about 900mm wide, accepting
that motorbikes will be able to enter but quad bikes and motor vehicles will not.