Revised August 2020
Dear Licensed Medical Professional,
Please complete all sections of this form to support the student’s/patient’s registration with Accessible
Learning at Sheridan College for the purposes of receiving academic accommodations in accordance with
the Ontario Human Rights Code. To be eligible to complete this form you must be a Health Care
Professional under the jurisdiction of the Regulated Health Professions Act (1991) who, under the act, has
the right to determine the controlled act of diagnosis.
The form must confirm disability and indicate the functional limitations that the student/patient is likely to
experience in performing academic activities in a post-secondary setting. We rely on your detailed knowledge
of this student’s disability, including a description of the current functional impairments that may impact their
ability to meet essential course or program requirements so we may determine appropriate academic
If a patient/student wishes to access Federal and/or Provincial funding for assistive technology, diagnostic
services, and other academic supports, confirmation of a permanent disability is required; however, the
disability diagnosis does not need to be specified. Interim academic accommodations may also be
provided for students who are in the process of being assessed for a disability.
Certification of Health Care Professional
First and last name (please print)
Form completed on: _____/_____/_________
Licence and Registration #
Type of RHCP *Please note: a Learning Disability can only be diagnosed by a Psychologist or Psychological Associate.
☐ Audiologist ☐ Chiropractor ☐ Nurse Practitioner ☐ Ophthalmologist ☐ Optometrist
☐ Physician ☐ Psychiatrist ☐ Psychologist/Psychological Associate ☐ Physiotherapist
☐ Other____________________