Proof of Identity required for personal information
For access to your own or your child’s personal information we need you to provide proof of identity. This
is to comply with privacy requirements. Please provide a copy of the following documents with your
• Australian photo driver’s licence showing current address, or
• Current Australian passport, and current address details, or
• Other proof of name, signature and current address details
Personal Information
I am seeking the personal information of:
Myself My child .......................................... My client ..............................................
(name) (name)
and include proof of my/child’s/client’s identity, proof of relationship and written authority (if relevant).
My/child’s/client’s date of birth is: ..................................... [DE Staff ID number (if relevant): .........................
If seeking school records:
Name of last school attended: …………………………………………… Last school year: .........................
If you are applying on behalf of another person (not your own child), please provide written authority and ID from
that person as privacy issues apply. You also need to provide your ID.
If you are applying on behalf of your own child please provide your ID and proof of your relationship (e.g. child’s
birth certificate, your Benefit Card or Medicare Card showing both you and your child’s name).
If you are seeking counselling records, and your child/client is over 12 years old, we require your
child’s/client’s ID and written authority, as privacy issues apply.
Processing charges
You may be asked to pay a charge for processing the application ($30 per hour). If a charge applies, we
will provide you with an estimate of the total payable.
In some circumstances the processing charge may be reduced. If processing charges apply you may
wish to request a reduction, if so please provide evidence of why you are doing so. A 50% reduction
automatically applies to holders of a current Pensioner Concession Card issued by the Commonwealth,
full-time students and non-profit organisations.
Signature and declaration
I declare that the information I have provided on this form is true and correct.
gned ………………………………………………………… Date .....................................
Privacy Notice
The information provided on this application form is being obtained for the purpose of processing your GIPA application. Providing this
information is required by law. It will be stored securely. If you do not provide all or any of this information it could prevent or delay the
processing of your GIPA application.
Please email or post this form to:
Manager, Information Access Unit
Department of Education
GPO Box 33
Information Access Unit
T: 7814 3525
Website: https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/rights-and
Email: iaunit@det.nsw.edu.au
Or lodge it at:
Information Access Unit
Department of Education
105 Phillip Street Parramatta NSW 2150