1. Please PRINT all information clearly on the back side of this form.
2. Obtain an unofficial copy of your transcript and attach it to this form. You may print it from
Banner or get a copy in the Registrar’s Office, Elston 215.
3. After completing the form, see an advisor in the Advisement Center in Elston 222, to discuss
your academic plans.
4. Please note that students must have earned at least 12 credits at SCCC and have a cumulative GPA of
2.5 or higher in order to add a second degree or certificate.
5. All program changes for the current semester must be completed by the end of the second
week of the semester.
6. All reactivations for the current semester must be completed by the end of the first week of
the semester.
7. This form must be returned to the Registrar’s Office, Elston 215, to be processed.