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CCore Components & ore Components & TTasksasks
None Some Most/All
of our patients receive this service
1. Patient Identification and Diagnosis
Screen for behavioral health problems using valid instruments
Diagnose behavioral health problems and related conditions
Use valid measurement tools to assess and document baseline symptom severity
2. Engagement in Integrated Care Program
Introduce collaborative care team and engage patient in integrated care program
Initiate patient tracking in population-based registry
3. Evidence-Based Treatment
Develop and regularly update a biopsychosocial treatment plan
Provide patient and family education about symptoms, treatments, and self management skills
Provide evidence-based counseling (e.g., Motivational Interviewing, Behavioral Activation)
Provide evidence-based psychotherapy (e.g., Problem Solving Treatment, Cognitive Behavior Therapy,
Interpersonal Therapy)
Prescribe and manage psychotropic medications as clinically indicated
Change or adjust treatments if patients do not meet treatment targets
4. Systematic Follow-up, Treatment Adjustment, and Relapse Prevention
Use population-based registry to systematically follow all patients
Proactively reach out to patients who do not follow-up
Monitor treatment response at each contact with valid outcome measures
Monitor treatment side eects and complications
Identify patients who are not improving to target them for psychiatric consultation and treatment adjustment
Create and support relapse prevention plan when patients are substantially improved
5. Communication and Care Coordination
Coordinate and facilitate eective communication among providers
Engage and support family and signicant others as clinically appropriate
Facilitate and track referrals to specialty care, social services, and community-based resources
6. Systematic Psychiatric Case Review and Consultation
Conduct regular (e.g., weekly) psychiatric caseload review on patients who are not improving
Provide specic recommendations for additional diagnostic work-up, treatment changes, or referrals
Provide psychiatric assessments for challenging patients in-person or via telemedicine
7. Program Oversight and Quality Improvement
Provide administrative support and supervision for program
Provide clinical support and supervision for program
Routinely examine provider- and program-level outcomes (e.g., clinical outcomes, quality of care, patient
satisfaction) and use this information for quality improvement
©2012 University of Washington – AIMS Center http://uwaims.org