Revised 02/26/2020 JMD
AAPPL, STAMP & BYU FLATS Verification Form
Part I (Student completes this section when the test was proctored outside of WKU)
Last Name _________________________________ First Name __________________________________ MI ______
High School __________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number ________________________
Email _____________________________________ Date of Birth _______________ Last 4 digits of SSN ___________
Part II (Guidance Counselor or Test Administrator completes this section)
Scores that fulfill the WKU World Language Requirement
French, German, Italian & Spanish
Score of 3 (Novice High) or higher
in at least 3 skills
Arabic, Chinese, Japanese
Score of 3 (Novice High) or higher
in at least 2 skills
French, German, Portuguese & Spanish
Score of N4 (Novice High) or higher in
at least 3 skills
Arabic, Chinese and Russian
Score of N4 (Novice High) or higher in
at least 2 skills
For Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian,
Greek, Russian and other
languages as noted on the WKU
Testing website:
Exam Score = Pass at the 102
To submit scores: This form and the STAMP, AAPPL or BYU FLATS* Results Report are to be mailed or emailed from your High
School Guidance Counselor or the Test Administrator to:
Office of the Registrar
Western Kentucky University Email to:
Attention: Jordan Ray, Associate Registrar OR Jordan.Ray@wku.edu
1906 College Heights Blvd. #11017
Bowling Green, KY 42101‐1017
*For the BYU FLATS taken at the WKU DELO Testing Centers, Danielle Burris, Office Administrator for Department of Modern Languages, will provide student's
name, WKU ID# and sign below as Counselor/Test Administrator.
Language _________________________________ Test Date __________________________________
"I attest the STAMP, AAPPL or BYU FLATS test was administered in a proctored environment."
Print Counselor/Test Administrator's Name ___________________________________________________
Counselor/Test Administrator Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________
click to sign
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