Revised/Approved VPA 06-27-2013
Categories to be Met
Under Each Outcome
Courses Meeting these Requirements
_____ART 100 Art Appreciation
_____ART 240/241 Art History
_____EED 203 Exploring Cultural Art, Music, & Dance with Technology
_____ENGL 210 Themes & Issues in Lit
_____MCOM 231 Intro to Mass Communication
_____MUS 137/138 Music Appreciation Classical/Contemporary
_____THEAT 100 Intro to Theatre
(3 hours)
_____MATH 101 College Algebra -or-
_____MATH 102 Liberal Arts Math
_____Higher Level Quantitative Reasoning Class: ______________________________
(5 hours)
_____BIOL 103 General Biology and Lab
_____CHEM 101 Chemistry
_____PHYS 211 Physics
_____PSCI 100 Physical Science
Historical &
Contemporary Indigenous
(6 hours)
_____AIS 102 American Indian Issues I
_____AIS 110 History of North American Indian Tribes
_____ENGL 212 American Indian Literature
_____HSES 161 Diabetes & the Native American
_____LANG 101/102, 110/111 Indigenous Languages
_____SW 110 Chemical Dependency & the Native American
_____TMGMT 101 Introduction to Tribal Management
_____TMGMT 201 Tribal/Federal Government Relations
Comparative Issues
(3 hours)
_____AIS 301 Native and Western Views of Nature
_____COMS 246 Intercultural Communication
_____GEOG 110 World Geography
_____GEOG 230 Cultural Geography
_____HIST 101/102 US History
_____HIST 110/112 Western Civilization I, II
_____HIST 221/222 World Civilization I, II
(3 hours)
_____BUS 251 Human Relations
_____COMS 226 Interpersonal Communication
_____COMS 256 Working in Groups and Teams
_____COMS 276 Persuasion & Social Influence
_____PSYC 101General Psychology
_____SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
Health Course
(1-3 hours)
_____HSES 100 level activities courses (1) 101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108 –or—
_____HSES 125 Fitness for Life (2)
_____HSES 160 Basic Nutrition (3)
_____HSES 195 Weight Management and Fitness (1)
_____HSES 201 Personal & Community Health (3)
_____HSES 204 First Aid (2)