Regional Outlook
Division of
Jack M.W. Phelps,
Regional Manager
Scott C. Hughes,
Regional Economist
Pamela R. Stallings,
Senior Financial
Regional Perspectives
Region Is Home to Financially Stressed Industries—Despite nearly a
decade of economic expansion, growth has not been uniform. Some financially
stressed industries may be more vulnerable to an economic downturn or increasing
global competition. See page 4.
Industries Displaying Higher Relative Risk and Larger Exposures in
the Atlanta Region—In nearly one-fourth of all counties in the Atlanta Region,
the majority of the workforce is employed in financially stressed industries. See
page 5.
Risk and Implications—The ripple effect from layoffs in two or more key
industries could adversely affect income levels and weaken consumer and business
credit quality. See page 9.
By the Atlanta Region Staff
In Focus This Quarter
Credit Problems for U.S. Businesses Continue to Rise—Commercial
loan quality indicators of insured banks have steadily worsened since 1998. Factors
contributing to this deterioration include rising financial leverage in the corporate
sector as well as weaknesses within certain domestic industries. Many market
observers also have attributed the increase in problem commercial loans to a
heightened appetite for risk and relaxed underwriting standards from 1996 to 1999.
The apparent softening in economic conditions in recent months reduces prospects
that business loan quality will improve any time soon. In the meantime, lenders,
analysts, and supervisors continue to pay close attention to U.S. business lending
conditions. See page 12.
Outlook for Three Industries Facing Uncertainty—Industries as
diverse as telecommunications, health care, and textiles have been experiencing
problems, despite the economic expansion that began nine years ago. Although the
sources of their difficulties are quite different, these industries share some common
concerns and challenges. Fierce competition characterizes their operating environ-
ment. Armed with a better grasp of the origins of stress in these industries, we will
have a better basis for understanding the lending risks associated with a changing
policy and economic environment in the years to come. See page 20.
By the Division of Insurance Staff
A Publication of the Division of Insurance
The Regional Outlook is published quarterly by the Division of Insurance of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation as an information source on banking and economic issues for insured
financial institutions and financial institution regulators. It is produced for the following eight
geographic regions:
Atlanta Region (AL,
Boston Region (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)
Chicago Region (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI)
Dallas Region (CO, NM, OK, TX)
Kansas City Region (IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD)
Memphis Region (AR, KY, LA, MS, TN)
New York Region (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, PR, VI)
San Francisco Region (AK, AS, AZ, CA, FM, GU, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)
Single copy subscriptions of the Regional Outlook can be obtained by sending the subscription
form found on the back cover to the FDIC Public Information Center. Contact the Public Informa-
tion Center for current pricing on bulk orders.
The Regional Outlook is available on-line by visiting the FDIC’s website at For
more information or to provide comments or suggestions about the Atlanta Region’s Regional
Outlook, please call Jack Phelps at (404) 817-2590 or send an e-mail to
The views expressed in the Regional Outlook are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
official positions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Some of the information used in
the preparation of this publication was obtained from publicly available sources that are considered
reliable. However, the use of this information does not constitute an endorsement of its accuracy by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Chairman Donna Tanoue
Director, Division of Insurance Arthur J. Murton
Executive Editor George E. French
Writer/Editor Kim E. Lowry
Editors Lynn A. Nejezchleb
Maureen E. Sweeney
Richard A. Brown
Ronald L. Spieker
Publications Manager Teresa J. Franks
Letter from the Executive Editor
To the Reader:
The goal of the Regional Outlook is to provide useful risk-related information to bankers, banking agency staff, and
other interested readers. To do this more effectively, the second quarter 2001 edition will have a new look. We will
publish a single national edition that will provide an overview of economic and banking risks and discussions of these
risks as they relate to insured institutions in each FDIC Region. We will tell the national story and, at the same time,
alert the reader to specific trends and developments at the regional level.
After considering our experience with this new format, we may adopt it permanently for the second and fourth quar-
ters of each year. The first and third quarter editions will continue to feature in-depth coverage of the economy and
banking industry in each Region. Trying new formats will help us find the right balance between regional coverage
of specific topics and analysis of economic and banking issues that cut across regional lines.
After you have read the next edition of the Regional Outlook, we would like to hear from you. Does this new
approach provide a more effective vehicle for reporting on banking and economic trends? What other suggestions do
you have for improving our presentation of risk-related information? Call us with your comments at (877) 275-3342
or (800) 925-4618 (TDD) or e-mail them to
George E. French
Executive Editor
Atlanta Regional Outlook 3 First Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
Regional Perspectives
Despite nearly a decade of economic expansion, growth has not been uniform. Some financially stressed
industries may be more vulnerable to an economic downturn or increasing global competition.
The majority of the workforce in nearly one-fourth of all counties in the Atlanta Region is employed in
financially stressed industries.
The ripple effect from layoffs in two or more key industries could adversely affect income levels and weak-
en consumer and business credit quality.
Region’s Economic and Banking Conditions
Region Is Home
to Financially Stressed Industries
Despite nearly a decade of economic expansion, growth
has not been uniform. Some financially stressed indus-
tries may be more vulnerable to an economic downturn
or increasing global competition. Others may be under-
going a structural transformation that has constrained
growth. Evidence of particular industries coming under
pressure may be reflected by the fact that default rates
on speculative bonds have been increasing. By compar-
ing data supplied by three industry analysis providers—
KMV Corporation, Standard & Poor’s (S&P), and
Morningstar—we identified seven industries that are
important in the Atlanta Region and that could be vul-
nerable in an economic downturn. This article also
examines the importance of these financially stressed
industries to the Region’s economy and highlights the
implications for the banking industry.
To rank industry risk, we needed a quantifiable, or more
objective, method of prioritization, one that would allow
us to make risk comparisons not only intraregionally but
also nationally. One approach to quantifying industry risk
is the use of the KMV Corporation’s expected default fre-
quencies (EDFs
) for publicly traded firms. This
approach was referred to in the In Focus segment of the
Regional Outlook, third quarter 1999. KMV Credit
) uses a firm’s equity prices and financial state-
ments to derive its EDF
, which is the probability that
the firm will default within a one-year period. The pri-
mary determinants of a firm’s likelihood of default are
the firm’s asset value, the volatility of the asset value, and
the degree of financial leverage. We then assume that
issues facing publicly traded firms also exist for private-
ly held firms in the same industry segment. This
allows us to use median industry EDFs
as an
indication of an industry’s relative risk in the Atlanta
Region. Other measures can then be used to corroborate
a particular industry’s relative level of risk.
Data from S&P’s Monthly Investment Review (Decem-
ber 2000) and industry stock performance (as of Decem-
ber 12, 2000) from Morningstar were used to develop
comparable industry risk rankings. Specifically, the
median value of S&P’s “Buy” and “Sell” ratings for indi-
vidual companies was calculated. S&P ranks individual
companies from “1” (Sell) to “5” (Buy); those industries
with median values ranging from “1” to “3” were includ-
ed in our measurement of industry stress. Using data
from Morningstar, we ranked industries by market capi-
talization weighted returns over the previous six months.
Those industries with the greatest negative returns were
deemed to be stressed.
KMV Corporation, S&P, and Morningstar data are pre-
sented at the national level, which we assume to represent
the market’s perception of relative industry risk. We used
regional industry employment data provided by WEFA,
Inc., to measure regional exposures. The Atlanta Region
was considered to be experiencing a relatively high expo-
sure to an industry if total industry employment in the
Region is 500,000 or more. A downturn in one of these
large industry sectors could have a significant adverse
effect on the Region’s economy. The relationship between
these measures of industry risk and the Region’s expo-
sure to these industries is shown in Chart 1.
In order of KMV expected default frequency in September 2000:
health care; wholesale trade; restaurants; apparel, footwear, and tex-
tiles; agriculture; construction; and retail. For comparison purposes, a
median industry EDF
value of 0.75 was approximately equivalent to
a BBB rating from S&P.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 4 First Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
page). Florida traditionally has been home to a large and
growing retirement community. Health services
Several Atlanta Industries Display Higher Levels of Risk
KMV Median Industry Expected
Default Frequency (%)
*Also identified as a higher-risk industry using Standard & Poor’s and Morningstar
Sources: KMV Corporation (9/30/00), Standard & Poor’s (S&P), Morningstar
Atlanta Region Employment
EDF value of 0.75 equivalent to a BBB S&P rating
1,500,000 2,000,000
3,000,000 3,500,000
Health Care*Wholesale Trade*
Footwear, &
It is important to note that all industries, regardless of
the exposure in the Atlanta Region, were included in the
industry risk ranking. An industry downturn in a large,
rapidly expanding metropolitan area may have a limited
impact on economic growth; however, the effect could
be more severe in a small, rural economy with few eco-
nomic alternatives.
Industries Displaying Higher Relative Risk
and Larger Exposures in the Atlanta Region
The majority of the workforce in nearly one-fourth of
all counties in the Atlanta Region is employed in the
stressed industries we identified through the use of data
supplied by KMV Corporation, Morningstar, and S&P
(see Map 1).
Rural areas tend to have the highest expo-
sure to these industry concentrations and may therefore
be disproportionately affected should an economic
downturn occur. The following discusses recent trends
and developments in these stressed industries and
examines the role of these industries in the Atlanta
Region’s economy.
Health Care
Lower managed-care payments, a critical nursing short-
age, and federal reimbursement cuts are generating con-
siderable pressure on the medical services industry.
However, industry risk may be more pronounced in
Florida, where nearly 40 percent of all medical services
employment in the Region is located (see Map 2, next
Identified stressed industries include health care; wholesale trade;
restaurants; retail; apparel, footwear, and textiles; agriculture; and
Employment in Several Atlanta Region Counties
Is Concentrated in Higher-Risk Industries*
* High-risk industries include Wholesale Trade; Construction; Health Care;
Apparel, Footwear, and Textiles; Agriculture; Restaurants; and Retail.
Source: WEFA, Inc., 1999
0 to 20
20 to 35
35 to 50
50 to 95
Employment (%)
Atlanta Regional Outlook 5 First Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
employment in the state has nearly doubled in the past 15
years, growing from 296,000 in 1985 to 580,000 in
1999. Miami, Sarasota, Tampa, and Orlando are con-
sidered health care hubs for medical products and ser-
However, while growth in these markets has escalated in
terms of employment, health maintenance organization
(HMO) losses statewide have been high—$67 million
in 1997 and $183 million in 1999—and enrollment
gains have dwindled to enrollment losses, according to
the Florida Hospital Association HMO Indicators
Report. In 1999 alone, eight of Florida’s HMOs ceased
operation. More recently in October 2000, Florida
Health Choice Incorporated began winding down
operations. Although the health care industry is concen-
trated in Florida, small community hospitals in rural
counties throughout the Atlanta Region are frequently
an area’s largest employer. Layoffs at or closures of these
facilities could have a substantial impact on the local
The nation’s health care industry has changed signifi-
cantly since the 1980s, when managed health care com-
panies were introduced. In 1980, HMO enrollment in
the nation stood at 4 percent of the population, rising to
13.5 percent in 1990 and 28.6 percent by 1998. How-
ever, managed care growth was much slower in the
Southeast because less experienced companies that
offered HMO coverage often found the HMO market to
be unprofitable.
Rising health care costs, difficulties in
maintaining profits without raising premiums, and the
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 have put pressure on
Florida’s managed care companies. Consolidation in the
industry has increased as managed care organizations
have tried to reduce operating costs and lower fees paid
to doctors and hospitals. While stock returns for HMOs
have been positive over the past five years, this trend
may not continue, as indicated by flat returns for the six
months ending December 12, 2000.
Wholesale Trade
The wholesale trade industry is exceptionally broad.
Identifying a single factor that could heighten industry
Third quarter 2000. “Big Business—Big Transformation, Econ-
South, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
December 12, 2000., Stock Industries. (Total
Returns %).
Wholesale trade, in general terms, includes businesses that supply
products to “...retailers, merchants, contractors, and/or industrial, insti-
tutional, and commercial users but do not sell in significant amounts
to ultimate household consumers. U.S. Industry and Trade Outlook,
The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2000, p. 41–1.
Source: WEFA, Inc., 1999
Atlanta Region Health Care Employment
Is Concentrated in Florida
0 to 2,500
2,500 to 10,000
10,000 to 90,000
risk may be problematic. The industry has been under-
going a period of consolidation in recent years, while
increasing use of the Internet has been promoting
greater price competition. Some subsectors of the
industry, such as wholesale office equipment, experi-
enced deterioration in stock performance over the last
half of 2000. Also, as noted in this quarter’s In Focus
segment, reported that distributors of
autos and related equipment, farm products, and lumber
have trailed in revenue growth.
In the Atlanta Region, employment in the industry is
dominated by major urban areas with access to ports,
major airports, and interstate highways. Industry job
growth in 1999, at 2.4 percent, significantly outpaced
the national average. The apparent recent moderation of
economic growth in the Region could have a negative
impact on employment if retailers reduce purchases
from wholesalers.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 6 F
irst Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
Retail and Restaurants
The rapid growth in disposable income and population
in many areas of the Atlanta Region during the past
decade has supported increased demand for retailing
and restaurants. Moreover, many metropolitan areas,
such as Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, and Charlotte, have
emerged or are emerging as regional shopping centers
that are dependent on continued growth outside the
local area. However, there has been growing concern
that higher energy costs, a changing interest rate envi-
ronment, weakening consumer confidence, and lower
stock returns could curtail consumer spending and
lower profit margins for retailers. As consumers have
become more price conscious, discount stores have
increased market share at the expense of midtier depart-
ment stores. Strong growth in the number of large retail
establishments also has increased competition.
Restaurant industry performance is a function of food
prices, wages, and growth in disposable income. Food
price appreciation, a factor that affects restaurant costs
nationwide, has been rather benign during the past few
years and has lagged overall inflation. Local labor mar-
ket conditions, however, can significantly affect the per-
formance of restaurants as low jobless rates can foster
wage growth. Unemployment rates have declined in
most Atlanta Region metropolitan areas, and labor
shortages, particularly in lower-wage jobs such as food
service, have been widespread. Fewer employees com-
peting for more jobs has resulted in higher wages and
benefits for employees, leaving employers with the
choice of reducing profits or passing the increases in
overhead on to consumers.
Apparel, Footwear, and Textiles
Employment in the Region’s apparel, footwear, and tex-
tile industries is relatively high and is concentrated in
many of the Region’s rural areas. As a result of
increased competition, particularly in the wake of the
implementation of the North American Free Trade
Agreement in 1994, employment in the Region’s appar-
el and shoe industry shrank by more than half during the
1990s, declining to 110,000 in 1999. While the industry
has declined substantially, it remains critical to the
economies of rural areas of Alabama, Georgia, and the
Carolinas, where it is concentrated, because these areas
may lack economic alternatives.
In addition, industry employment has declined as com-
panies move businesses offshore to take advantage of
lower labor costs or modernize existing plants, which
reduces the need for local labor. Seasonality, which can
be affected by weather, fashion trends, and other unpre-
le variables, also affects industry performance.
This industry could experience excess plant capacity
because production was geared to meet the demands of
the 77 million baby boomers, who number significantly
more than today’s 45 million Generation X-ers.
The ongoing secular decline in textiles will likely con-
tinue in the Atlanta Region. Until recently, strong
domestic demand provided some stability to the textile
industry; however, signs of weakening are beginning to
emerge. In 1999, the Region employed over one-quarter
million workers in textiles, down from nearly 350,000
just ten years earlier. Most textile employment is con-
centrated in the Carolinas and northwest Georgia (see
Map 3), where much of the nation’s carpet and rug pro-
duction is located. Indeed, over 40 percent of the work-
force in Murray County, Georgia, is employed in the
manufacture of carpets and rugs, the highest concentra-
tion of employment in this industry in the Atlanta
Source: WEFA, Inc., 1999
Apparel, Footwear, and Textile Employment
Is Concentrated in the Carolinas,
Northwest Georgia, and South Florida
0 to 1,000
1,000 to 5,000
5,000 to 25,000
Atlanta Regional Outlook 7 First Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
Region. More than one-fourth of the workforce of
Whitfield County, which is adjacent to Murray Coun-
ty, is employed in this industry. Strong economic growth
and low interest rates over the past few years have
spurred demand for carpets. However, a strong dollar
and increasing overseas competition may constrain
exports and encourage imports, and any slowing in eco-
nomic growth could heighten stress in the industry.
Moreover, increased automation of domestic plants may
lead to further layoffs. Declining stock returns reflect
economic challenges to the textile industry, many of
which are likely to persist.
Agriculture is a vital industry for many rural areas of
the Region (see Map 4) and one that has experienced
declining commodity prices, prolonged drought condi-
tions, and huge lawsuits filed against tobacco compa-
nies. Within the Atlanta Region, the tobacco industry
has been particularly vulnerable to losses from litiga-
tion against manufacturers. North Carolina may be
disproportionately affected, as it is the leading tobacco-
producing state and is home to approximately one-
fourth of all tobacco farms. Rising prices for tobacco
products have resulted from manufacturers passing
along most of the burden from lawsuit settlements to
current smokers. Such price increases are expected to
decrease demand by 25 percent over the next ten years,
compared with the 17 percent current rate of decline.
More than half the total employment in several counties
in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama is concentrated in
agriculture. In fact, more than 80 percent of the employ-
ment in Hendry and Glades counties in Florida is con-
centrated in the production of sugar, making this area
particularly vulnerable to a downturn in the agricultural
sector. U.S. Sugar Corporation, Hendry County’s
largest employer, laid off more than 300 workers in fall
2000, with additional layoffs anticipated. As farmers
transition from growing lower-priced commodities,
such as rice and soybeans, to growing sugar, and
imports from Mexico increase, depressed sugar prices
could create additional stress for the industry. The
nation’s largest sugar company filed for bankruptcy pro-
tection in early 2001, an indication of the financial
stress in the industry.
Moreover, persistent drought con-
Economic Research Service/USDA. September 2000. Tobacco and
the Economy. Agricultural Economic Report, No. 789.
“Imperial Sugar, in Default on Debt, Files for Chapter 11 Protec-
tion. The Wall Street Journal. Section A, page 12, Column 1.
January 17, 2001.
Total Agriculture Employment Is
Highest in South Florida
Source: WEFA, Inc., 1999
0 to 1,500
1,500 to 5,000
5,000 to 45,000
ditions continue to hamper recovery of farmers not only
in the sugar industry but in other farm commodities as
Nearly a decade of economic growth has stimulated
demand for residential and commercial construction
activity, particularly in fast-growing metropolitan areas,
as well as for the production of manufactured housing.
As the expansion has continued, however, the potential
for overbuilding exists in some areas.
Commercial construction in the volatile high-tech sec-
tor is an example. Given the strong presence of the
high-tech sector in the Atlanta Region, consolidation in
this industry could slow demand for commercial and
residential properties, adversely affecting absorption
rates. Virginia’s share of employment in the high-tech
sector is also relatively high, particularly in the North-
ern Virginia corridor. Although high-tech industry
growth has been a key driver of the current economic
Atlanta Regional Outlook 8 F
irst Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
expansion, the demise of many dot-coms and recent
volatility in the NASDAQ suggest that vulnerabilities
are emerging. Technologies could change, industry
growth could slow, and increasing competition could
diminish market share. Moreover, many of these high-
tech enterprises are not recession-tested, and setbacks in
this sector likely would be felt throughout the local
economy. Already, landlords are increasingly cautious
about leasing to high-tech companies that have no track
record, or profits, to indicate stability. See Regional
Outlook, first quarter 2000, for greater detail on this
Residential construction activity in the Atlanta Region
is moderating in many areas. In the Atlanta metropoli-
tan area, for example, single-family permit issuance,
though remaining near historical highs, has slipped
from year-ago levels. Moderation in homebuilding has
had a significant effect on construction employment
growth. In 1999, year-over-year construction employ-
ment growth was in the double digits, but it has since
declined substantially. Moderating residential construc-
tion activity has contributed to lower growth throughout
the Region’s economy.
Manufactured housing production is heavily concentrat-
ed in the Atlanta Region. The Region accounted for one-
third of the industry’s national employment in this
construction subsector, and employment has grown
nearly 8 percent annually over the past five years,
according to WEFA, Inc. However, excess capacity and
an increasing number of dealer failures have contributed
to the closing of some facilities and stress in the industry,
according to a recent quarterly report from Cavalier
Homes, Inc.
Widespread availability of credit in recent
years also has led to an increase in repossessions, which
adds to inventories. Many manufacturing plants in the
Region are major employers in rural areas. Further weak-
ening of market conditions or any decline in demand
stemming from an economic downturn could adversely
affect the surrounding economy.
Other Regional Considerations
In addition to the above, certain stressed industries (e.g.,
the North Carolina-based furniture and appliances indus-
tries) are disproportionately represented in the Region.
November 13, 2000. Quarterly Report (SEC form 10-Q), Cavalier
Homes, Inc.
These industries represent the two ends of a product
pipeline—production and distribution. North Carolina is
home to half the Atlanta Region’s employment in the fur-
niture and appliances industries, nearly 80,000 jobs.
According to, over 60
percent of the furniture manufactured in the United
States is made within a 200-mile radius of central North
Carolina. Favorable interest rates over the past few
years, strong housing activity, and high consumer con-
fidence have heightened consumer demand for home
furnishings. Further, the “wealth effect” has encouraged
purchases of big-ticket items, and homebuying has been
at or near record levels during the long-running eco-
nomic expansion. However, higher interest rates or a
slowdown in homebuying could curtail demand for big-
ticket items and negatively affect this industry. Since the
beginning of 2000, the 12-month moving average of
new and existing home sales has been trending down-
ward, and growth in furniture and household equipment
spending has declined slightly. By late 2000, slowing
economic growth prompted some manufacturers to lay
off employees. Weaker demand could adversely affect
not only manufacturers of furniture and appliances but
consumer retailers and wholesalers as well.
Problems in the pulp and paper industry could dispro-
portionately affect the Atlanta Region because of the
industry’s significant presence. Although in continuous
decline since 1989, the industry still employed more
than 125,000 workers in the Region in 1999, according
to WEFA, Inc., estimates. The highest employment con-
centrations are in Georgia, with 33,646 employees;
North Carolina, with 23,644 employees; and Alabama,
with 20,020 employees. In 1996, 24 percent, or $178.9
million, of Alabama’s paper product exports and 13 per-
cent, or $228.7 million, of Georgia’s paper product
exports were shipped to Asia. While these states have
the greatest global exposure, the paper and pulp indus-
try has a presence, albeit more limited, in other states in
the Region, and as a result, these states have some
degree of domestic exposure.
Risk and Implications
A recent nationwide study by the Goldman Sachs
Group Inc.
identifies the theater, drug-store,
consumer-product, asbestos, health care, and textile
Mollenkamp, Carrick. December 29, 2000. “Wall Street Tries to
Spot Which Loans and Banks May Face Problems Soon.Wall Street
Journal. Section A, page 2, Column 5.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 9 First Quarter 2001
Regional Perspectives
industries as areas of the economy in which debt prob-
lems have emerged. Salomon Smith Barney (SSB)
estimated that loan defaults in these industries would
reach $33 billion during 2001, up from $23 billion in
On a regional level, the Atlanta Region’s banking indus-
try could be indirectly and directly affected by further
Madan, Horowitz, O’Conner, and Yoo. January 9, 2001. “Getting
Our Arms Around the Credit Issue.” Salomon Smith Barney.
stress in the industries identified in this article. Indi-
rectly, layoffs could result from deteriorating conditions
in markets served by stressed industries. This could neg-
atively affect consumers’ ability to meet debt obliga-
tions and ultimately affect credit quality. Insured
financial institutions also could experience a decline in
asset quality if industries have difficulty meeting finan-
cial obligations.
The Atlanta Region Staff
Atlanta Regional Outlook 10 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Credit Problems for U.S. Businesses
Continue to Increase
Commercial credit quality trends have been slip-
ping since 1998, despite generally favorable U.S.
business conditions.
• The recent economic slowdown, coupled with
tighter credit conditions, points to continued dete-
rioration in business credit quality over the com-
ing months.
Trends in bond defaults, syndicated lending, cor-
porate profitability, and expected default levels
reveal a number of industry sectors that pose a
heightened degree of risk to lenders.
Continuing increases in problem commercial loans have
focused the spotlight on business lending conditions.
On September 30, 2000, commercial banks reported the
highest relative level of noncurrent
loans—at 1.52 percent of total commercial loans—
since third quarter 1994. In fact, commercial banks have
been reporting steadily higher rates of noncurrent
domestic commercial loans since the second quarter of
1999. The first quarter 2000 edition of Regional Out-
look identified several factors contributing to the
decline in business credit quality despite the strong eco-
nomic indicators then in place. These factors, which are
still relevant today, include the rise in financial leverage
for domestic corporations, greater investment risk
appetite and looser underwriting standards from 1996 to
1999, and increasing financial stress within various
industry sectors. More recently, an apparent slowdown
in economic growth increases prospects for further
deterioration in business credit conditions.
Large Banks Experience a Reversal
in Commercial Credit Quality Trends
Through much of the 1990s, a sustained period of eco-
nomic growth produced improving commercial loan
credit quality indicators for insured commercial banks.
This trend reversed itself in 1998, when banks began
Nonaccrual loans plus loans 90 days or more delinquent.
experiencing a steady rise in nonperforming and delin-
quent commercial loans. While the initial catalyst for
this reversal was related mainly to events abroad,
slowing domestic economy has since taken center stage
as the underlying driving force behind worsening com-
mercial credit quality trends.
As of September 30, 2000, noncurrent commercial and
industrial (C&I) loans held by commercial banks stood
at $15.6 billion, a 46 percent increase over the previous
year. Roughly 97 percent of this increase is attributable
to the rise in nonaccrual and delinquent credit to U.S.
domiciled borrowers. Net C&I loan loss rates are also
rising. Through the first three quarters of 2000, annual-
ized C&I loan loss rates reached 0.64 percent, up from
0.58 percent in 1999. The last time banks saw C&I loss
rates this high was in 1993 (0.74 percent).
Larger banks, which have the greatest exposures to
large- and middle-market corporate credits, have been
hardest hit by the turnaround in business credit condi-
tions. As shown in Chart 1, banks with over $1 billion
in assets have experienced most of the recent deteriora-
tion in C&I noncurrent loan rates. Since the fourth
quarter of 1997, the noncurrent C&I loan rate of large
Noncurrent Loan Rates
Are Rising at Larger Banks
Percentage of C&I loans on nonaccrual
and 90 days or more past-due
1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q
Small Banks
(< $1 billion in assets)
Large Banks
(> $1 billion in assets)
’88 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’00
Source: Bank Call Reports
Significant events that contributed to higher levels of problem for-
eign loans in 1998 include the collapse of Asian currency exchange
rates and default by the Russian government on its sovereign debts.
Some domestic industries that were highly dependent on exports
(steel, for example) were also adversely affected by these events.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 12 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
banks has increased from 0.74 percent to 1.50 percent.
Over the same period, noncurrent C&I loan rates at
small banks were unchanged at 1.64 percent. While the
increase in noncurrent loan rates at larger banks is sig-
nificant, these higher rates remain well below those that
preceded the 1990 to 1991 recession, when noncurrent
loan rates at large banks were in the 3.40 percent to 3.60
percent range.
Much of the recent deterioration in banks’ business
credit quality is attributable to the seasoning of credits
underwritten during a period of relaxed lending stan-
dards. Each of the three bank supervisory agencies has
recognized and warned about the potential impact of
loosened loan underwriting standards in the event of a
slowdown in the economy. For example, just over a year
ago, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCC) issued a warning to banks about the “...cumula-
tive effect of the past four years of easing standards...
for commercial loans.
The shift toward more liberal
credit standards from 1996 to 1999 was fueled by vari-
ous factors, including a robust economy, intense com-
petition to originate syndicated credits, and an increased
appetite for risk. During this period, a number of banks
moved aggressively into non-investment-grade lending to
combat narrowing interest margins and declining invest-
ment-grade yields. According to a recent Standard &
Poor’s commentary, several banks have acknowledged
the role of 1997 and 1998 vintage credits in producing
higher levels of problem loans.
Business Loan Performance Is Not Likely
to Improve Any Time Soon
Prospects for any near-term reversal in deteriorating
commercial loan trends are dimming as signs of slower
economic growth and tighter credit conditions emerge.
Economic indicators suggest an aging economic expan-
sion that is losing momentum. In third quarter 2000, the
U.S. economy recorded its 39th consecutive quarter of
growth. However, real gross domestic product growth
for the third quarter was only 2.2 percent, well below
the previous quarter’s growth of 5.6 percent and below
the 4.9 percent average quarterly growth rate during the
past eight quarters. Corporate earnings also appear to be
slowing. Annualized corporate profit growth in the third
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Press Release. October 5,
July 20, 2000. “U.S. Bank Loan Portfolios Reflect Rise in Corporate
Bond Defaults.Standard & Poor’s Commentary.
quarter slowed to 5.1 percent, down from a 15.6 percent
annualized growth rate in second quarter 2000 and a
10.4 percent average growth rate over the past eight
Corporate earnings are widely anticipated to
slow even further based on the number of companies
that have warned of profits falling below expectations
in the fourth quarter.
Prospects for slower economic growth prompted the
Federal Reserve to lower its target for the federal funds
rate (the rate charged on overnight lending) by 1/2 per-
centage point to 6 percent on January 3, 2000. This cut
follows a 175-basis-point increase in the targeted feder-
al funds rate since the end of June 1999. Although high-
er interest rates have undoubtedly raised borrowing
costs for U.S. corporations, business borrowing rates—
even before the Federal Reserve cut interest rates in Jan-
uary 2001—are well below those prevalent during much
of the 1980s (see Chart 2, next page). Moreover,
changes in rates have been far less volatile in the latter
part of the 1990s than they were during the 1980s and
early 1990s.
Tolerance for risk on the part of investors and lenders is
waning. In a November 2000 survey of underwriting
practices, the Federal Reserve Board noted that 44 per-
cent of U.S. banks tightened credit terms for large- and
middle-market borrowers in the past three months, the
highest incidence of tightening since fourth quarter
1990. This tightening of credit terms is primarily in
response to economic concerns, industry-specific prob-
lems, and a lower tolerance for risk. Banks appear to be
especially apprehensive about taking on additional
credit risk related to merger and acquisition financing
deals, new borrowing prospects, and specific industry
segments such as health care, movie theaters, and com-
Tighter credit terms by banks will have the greatest
impact on high-risk companies, which have fewer
financing options in an environment of slumping bond
and stock prices. Moreover, there appears to be a sig-
nificant increase in the volume of maturing debt that
could be forced into default if capital market or bank
These figures are taken from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s
statistics on corporate profits with inventory valuation adjustments.
According to First Call/Thomson Financial, 505 companies released
warnings that fourth quarter 2000 earnings would fall below expecta-
tions, up 96 percent from the 257 companies with negative profit
warnings for fourth quarter 1999.
See the Federal Reserve Board’s November 2000 Senior Loan Offi-
cer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 13 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Business Borrowing Rates Have Risen but Are Less Volatile than in Past Cycles
1Q82 3Q83 1Q85 3Q86 1Q88 3Q89 1Q91 3Q92 1Q94 3Q95 1Q97 3Q98 1Q00
Note: LIBOR = London Interbank Offer Rate
Sources: Federal Reserve Board, Moody's, FT London Interbank
3-Month LIBOR
Moody’s Baa Average Yield
Prime Rate
funding is not available. According to Moody’s, some
$108 billion of rated speculative-grade corporate debt
held by banks matures over the next three years, a 40
percent increase over year-earlier levels.
Higher-risk companies also have a lower capacity to
absorb the cost of higher interest rates. Yet many com-
panies with debt maturing in the near term will likely be
forced to pay higher risk premiums than in the past. For
example, Moody’s notes that in November 2000, specu-
lative-grade bond yield spreads over seven-year Trea-
suries reached their widest level since February 1991, at
771 basis points.
Chart 3 illustrates further how credit
spreads between just-investment-grade bond issues and
near-investment-grade bond issues have widened con-
siderably compared with spreads between lower-invest-
ment-grade bond issues since the beginning of 2000.
Some of the most significant increases in credit spreads
have been observed in the high-yield telecommunica-
tions sector, where credit spreads over seven-year Trea-
suries widened by 688 basis points in 2000.
The effects of tighter credit conditions and a reduced
appetite for risk are beginning to emerge in loan origi-
nation volumes. According to Loan Pricing Corpora-
tion, originations of highly leveraged loans
December 2000. Moody’s Leveraged Finance Commentary.
Merrill Lynch Global Bond composites. Issues facing the telecom-
munications industry are explored further in the article entitled
“Three Industries Navigating in a Competitively Charged Environ-
ment” in this issue of the Regional Outlook.
Loan Pricing Corporation defines highly leveraged loan transac-
tions as those carrying interest rates of 250 basis points or more over
the London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR).
the first three quarters of 2000 fell to $117 billion from
$140 billion for the same period in 1999.
Corporate bond trends provide further evidence of
financial stress in the domestic market and suggest
more near-term deterioration in problem business
loans. Corporate bond default rates have climbed sig-
nificantly since 1997 (see Chart 4). Through Novem-
ber 2000, trailing 12-month default rates on
speculative-grade corporate bonds reached 6.8 per-
cent, up from 3.5 percent at the end of 1998. Higher
default rates have been accompanied by an accelerated
pace of negative ratings revisions, which, according to
Moody’s, reached a rate of 3.2 speculative-grade
downgrades for every speculative-grade upgrade
through the first 11 months of 2000.
More signifi-
Credit Risk Premiums for High-Yield
Bond Issues Have Increased Sharply
Basis Point Yield Spread Between
A-rated and
BBB-rated bonds
BBB-rated and
BB-rated bonds
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
’99 ’99 ’99 ’99 ’99 ’99 ’00 ’00 ’00 ’00 ’00 ’00
Source: Merrill Lynch
See Moody’s Credit Perspectives, December 4, 2000.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 14 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
cant, Moody’s projects that speculative-grade corpo-
rate bond defaults will continue to move higher to 9.1
percent over the coming year. Given a fairly strong
correlation between speculative bond default rates and
banks’ noncurrent loan rates, these projections suggest
a continuing rise in the relative level of problem com-
mercial loans.
Loan Default Risk Is Rising
in a Number of Industry Sectors
Evidence from Corporate Bond Defaults
Corporate bond defaults provide clues as to which
industries may experience a higher rate of defaults.
Chart 4 shows the historical trend in speculative-grade
bond defaults since 1988. The initial upward spike in
default rates in 1998 was largely the result of events
abroad, when 74, or 59 percent, of 126 defaulted issues
were attributed to foreign-domiciled issues.
In 1999,
the distribution of defaults shifted decidedly toward
domestic issues, with U.S. firms accounting for 99, or
67 percent, of 147 defaults. Of the U.S.-domiciled
defaults in 1999, 64 percent were related to industrial
sectors, with concentrations in price-sensitive commod-
ity and trade-dependent sectors such as oil and gas,
shipping, and steel. Other domestic sectors that experi-
enced a noteworthy rise in defaulted issues in 1999 were
telecommunications and health care. Year-to-date 2000
defaults continue to be dominated by U.S. firms.
According to Moody’s, year-to-date defaulted bond
issues have been concentrated in health care; telecom-
munications; and textiles, leather, and apparel.
Evidence from Syndicated Loan Trends
Past growth in syndicated loans may be another indica-
tor of default risk. Many lenders appeared to increase
their appetite for risk from 1996 through 1999, judging
by the growth in leveraged loan and highly leveraged
loan volumes during this period (see Chart 5, next
Because rapid loan growth can be an indicator
of aggressive risk taking, it is important to review some
significant borrowing industries that experienced rapid
credit growth from 1996 to 2000. It is also worthwhile
to review industries where higher-risk (high-yield) bor-
rowing accounted for a substantial proportion of syndi-
cated loan transactions.
Pace of Speculative Bond Defaults Expected to Rise Significantly
Bond Rating Downgrades to Upgrades (right axis)
Trailing 12-Month Speculative-Grade Bond Default Rate
Bank C&I Noncurrent Rate
Default and Noncurrent Loan Rate (%) Bond Downgrades to Upgrades
’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 3Q’00 3Q’01
* Bond default rates through November 30, 2000
Sources: Moody’s, Call Reports
There is a strong correlation between historical speculative-grade corporate bond defaults and noncurrent loan rates. The correlation coefficient
between these two variables for the period 1984 to the present is 0.67.
Indonesia alone accounted for 32 defaulted issues in 1998, and sovereign issuers accounted for 36 percent of defaulted debt volume. Historical
Default Rates of Corporate Bond Issuers, 1998. Moody’s Investor Service.
Historical Default Rates of Corporate Bond Issuers, 1999. Moody’s Investor Service.
Moody’s Credit Perspectives, December 11, 2000. Issues facing the health care and textile industries are explored further in the article entitled
“Three Industries Navigating in a Competitively Charged Environment” in this issue of the Regional Outlook.
Loan Pricing Corporation defines leveraged transactions as those that carry interest rate spreads of 150 basis points or more over LIBOR and
highly leveraged transactions as those that carry spreads of 250 basis points or more over LIBOR. Because these definitions are spread-driven, the
rise in the proportion of higher-yield issuance is attributable in part to a general increase in credit spreads. This was the case particularly during
the 1998 period, when credit spreads rose significantly.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 15 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Source: Loan Pricing Corporation
High-Yield Loan Syndications More
Prevalent from 1996 through 1999
Leverage Lending to Total
Syndicated Lending (%)
Syndicated Loan
Originations ($ billions)
High-Yield Leverage Lending
to Total Syndicated
Lending (left scale)
’90 ’92 ’94 ’96 ’98 ’00’91 ’93 ’95 ’97 ’99
Table 1 lists selected industries
that accounted for a
significant proportion of syndicated loan volumes from
1996 to 2000, according to Thomson Financial Securi-
ties Data. Industries that experienced some of the most
rapid growth rates in syndicated loan volumes during
that time include utilities, telecommunications, and real
estate investment trusts (REITs). Industries that record-
ed a particularly significant proportion of high-yield
transactions during that period include real estate and
construction, REITs, health care, and entertainment/
Evidence from Corporate Profit Trends
Industry sector earnings trends may also be an indicator
of industry default risk, because higher defaults are
more likely in sectors with weak earnings. As noted
above, profit growth rates of domestic firms appear to
be decelerating following two years of strong earnings
growth overall. Rapid growth in previous quarters
appears to have been driven in large part by high-tech
and related sectors, such as electronic equipment and
communications. These sectors have to a large extent
overshadowed noteworthy declines in profit growth in
other sectors, such as metals, chemical production,
medical services, property casualty insurance, apparel
and textiles, manufactured housing, agriculture, trans-
portation, and wholesale trade (see Table 2).
Evidence from Credit Risk Models
Credit default models have proliferated in recent years
because of advances in technology, data availability, and
financial theory. One such model is KMV LLC’s Cred-
Historical U.S. Syndicated Loan Trends
Help Identify Possible Sources of Industry Credit Risks
TO 2000
UTILITIES 6.5 34 15 19
COMPANIES 5.2 19 24 33
IL AND GAS 4.1 23 83 18
EALTH CARE 2.6 –4 –41 44
Note: HY (high-yield) issuance includes deals priced at 125 basis points or more over LIBOR.
Source: Thomson Financial Securities Data
This list is taken from a group of 50 sectors defined using Standard Industrial Codes (SICs). Only industries that accounted for more than 2 per-
cent of 1996 to 2000 origination volumes were considered for inclusion.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 16 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
it Monitor
. This model, which uses publicly available
information to estimate the likelihood of default for
individual firms, is widely used by lenders to monitor
and evaluate obligor risk and credit risk trends. While it
is not the only model available, the KMV model can be
applied consistently and easily to the analysis of indus-
try sector credit risk across a broad range of industry
In brief, the KMV model uses options-pricing theory to
derive market-based expected default probabilities or
an expected default frequency (EDF
The model
relies mainly on three pieces of information: (1) a
firm’s asset market value; (2) the volatility of a firm’s
asset market values; and (3) the firm’s capital structure
or financial leverage. Although EDF
scores are com-
pany-specific, median industry expected default prob-
abilities can be constructed and compared across
industries and across time to discern relative rankings
of industry risk and industry risk trends. These median
scores also can be mapped to other default mea-
surement scales, such as external rating agency ratings,
based on individual EDF
scores of firms with rated
Since the second quarter of 1998, median EDF
have risen significantly across a wide range of U.S. non-
financial industry sectors (see Chart 6, next page). The
service and trade sector includes the greatest proportion
of firms with high default risk. The median probability
of default for the manufacturing sector firms is lower,
but it is rising and roughly equaled that of Standard &
Poor’s BB-grade (sub-investment-grade) obligors as of
December 2000.
Various Industries Have Exhibited Negative Profitability Trends
1998 1996 TO 1999 1994 TO 1999
STEEL –1,237.9 –428.6 –187.4
OPPER –80.7 –65.5 13.2
NTERNET –43.2 –42.7 –35.5
IRES AND RUBBER –81.9 –28.6 –12.7
LUMINUM –13.2 –13.9 156.4
HEMICALS –38.1 –3.9 18.4
GRICULTURE –1.3 12.3 4.6
HOLESALE TRADE –8.8 13.7 13.7
IRLINES AND FREIGHT –13.2 1,085.5 666.5
CONSUMPTION ADJ.) 5.0 4.4 13.6
Sources: Precis Reports; U.S. Department of Commerce, Survey of Business Conditions
Typically expressed as the probability of default over the coming year.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 17 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Although no one factor can explain the rise in expected
default measures for U.S. nonfinancial firms, rising
financial leverage is clearly a major determinant. U.S.
corporate debt burdens continue to rise in conjunction
with the longest-running economic expansion in U.S.
history. The debt-to-net-worth ratio (book value) of
nonfarm, nonfinancial businesses rose to 83 percent in
the second quarter of 2000, up from 72 percent at year-
end 1996. Although these figures remain below the rel-
ative debt levels experienced in the late 1980s and early
U.S. businesses are nevertheless becoming
increasingly vulnerable to rising credit costs and dis-
ruptions in credit availability. Higher asset value volatil-
has also played a role in rising EDF
which, as in any options-based credit risk model, leads
to a greater likelihood of default.
Default Risk Is Rising Broadly
among U.S. Nonfinancial Firms
Source: Credit Monitor™ ©2000, KMV LLC, all rights reserved
Service & Trade
One-Year EDF™ in Percent
Comparative Median EDF™
of S&P Bonds Rated BB
(as of December 2000)
Chart 7 shows eight of the highest-risk industries in
terms of changes in median EDF
scores over the past
two years. These industries were drawn from a list of 50
financial and nonfinancial sectors segregated by Stan-
dard Industrial Codes (SICs). For each of these 50 sec-
tors, median EDF
scores were determined for
December 2000 and compared with median EDF
scores for the same sector in December 1998. Consis-
tent with general industry observations, entertainment
and leisure, health care, and telecommunications are
among the sectors where default risk has risen most sig-
nificantly over the past two years.
While Chart 7 illustrates sectors undergoing financial
stress, it does not provide information on the relative
importance of these sectors to lenders. Thomson
Financial Securities Data provides information on the
volumes of syndicated loan originations by banks and
nonbanks. Matching industry-expected default trends
with syndicated loan origination trends by industry is
one way to determine the relative importance of higher-
risk industry credit exposures.
Chart 8 shows median EDF
and syndicated loan orig-
ination pairs for selected industries during the past three
Industries That Experienced the Greatest Increase
in Expected Default Risk over the Past Two Years
Median Expected Default
Frequency (EDF™) in Percent
December 1998
December 2000
Comparative Median EDF™
of S&P Bonds Rated BB
(as of December 2000)
Entertainment Health Wholesale Apparel Business Agriculture Telecom Retail
& Leisure Care Trade & Textile Services
Source: Credit Monitor™ ©2000, KMV LLC, all rights reserved
The debt-to-net worth ratio for U.S. nonfarm, nonfinancial businesses averaged slightly under 87 percent from 1988 to 1992.
Implicit in changes in stock prices.
Syndicated loan originations are an imperfect measure of actual loan exposures in the financial industry. For example, it is not possible to deter-
mine the level of outstanding exposures simply by summing up origination levels from year to year, because payments on long-term debt are not
considered. Moreover, a substantial volume of debt represents revolving lines of credit where credit exposures roll over on a periodic basis. Nev-
ertheless, trends in originations do contain some information on the relative level of industry exposures, because they show which industries are
borrowing more or less during any given year.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 18 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
years. Of the industries shown, the telecommunications
industry appears to present the greatest degree of risk,
given a nearly $50 billion increase in loan volumes from
1998 to 2000, coupled with a 170 percent increase in
median expected default levels over the same period. In
contrast, loans to securities brokers and dealers can be
considered relatively less risky—despite a $17 billion
rise in originations from 1998 to 2000—because of a
fairly modest rise in median expected defaults. It is also
interesting to contrast the health care and entertainment
and leisure sectors. Firms in both sectors have experi-
enced a dramatic rise in expected defaults. However,
since 1998, Thomson Financial Securities Data shows a
significant curtailment in lending to health care compa-
nies, while entertainment and leisure originations have
held steady over the same period. Because banks appear
to be reducing credit exposures to health care firms,
banks should eventually see a decline in the level of
defaulting debt related to this sector.
Chart 8 illustrates how U.S. syndicated loan issuance
and expected default measures can be linked to produce
a better sense of risk-weighted industry exposure vol-
umes held by lenders. On the basis of this type of analy-
sis, producing a list of industry sectors that appear to
pose the greatest degree of syndicated loan default risk
is relatively straightforward. Perhaps not surprisingly,
industries such as telecommunications, wholesale and
retail trade, entertainment and leisure, health care, and
apparel and textiles rank high in terms of risk-weighted
industry credit exposures using this analysis.
Many U.S. banks are experiencing deterioration in busi-
ness loan quality measures. The adverse effects of high-
er interest rates, a tightening of credit terms, slowing
profit growth, and industry sector weaknesses are the
primary contributing factors to this deterioration. Sev-
eral indicators—including a projected increase in cor-
porate bond default rates, rising expected default trends
in certain industry sectors, and evidence of lax under-
writing practices in previous periods—suggest that
banks could experience substantial further deterioration
in business loan quality in the near term.
Although worsening business loan quality is a con-
cern, these negative trends must be put into perspec-
tive. In relative terms, current indicators of business
loan problems do not approach the experience of
banks during the last economic downturn of the early
1990s. Moreover, continued strong earnings and capi-
tal provide a significant buffer for banks to weather
the effects of higher levels of nonperforming business
loans and business loan losses. Nevertheless, the
prospect of a slowdown in the economy raises con-
cerns about the possible severity of commercial loan
problems, a situation that will undoubtedly be watched
closely by both banks and bank supervisors in the
coming months.
Steven Burton, Senior Banking Analyst
Median EDF™ in Percent
Expected Default Data Can Be Used to Risk-Weight Industry Credit Risk
Sources: Credit Monitor™ ©2000, KMV LLC, all rights reserved; Securities Data Corporation
Health Care
Syndicated Loan Originations by Industry Sector ($ Billions)
Entertainment & Leisure
Wholesale Distributors
Securities Brokers & Dealers
0 20 40 60 80 100
2000 Originations and Dec. ’00 EDF™
1999 Originations and Dec. ’99 EDF™
1998 Originations and Dec. ’98 EDF™
Fifty sectors, grouped by SIC codes, were considered.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 19 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Three Industries Navigating
in a Competitively Charged Environment
The rising tide of a booming economy in the United
States has lifted the boats of a broad spectrum of indus-
tries over the past nine years. Some industries, however,
have fallen on hard times despite continued economic
expansion. These industries represent a broad cross-
section of the economy. Problems in these industries were
precipitated by diverse factors, reflecting the differences
among sectors in industries ranging from old economy
(such as textiles) to services (such as health care) to those
on the horizon (such as telecommunications).
These industries will navigate in turbulent waters over
the next few years. All three face an uncertain econom-
ic outlook, changing public policies that can influence
their operating environment, and fierce competition.
The importance of these industries to the U.S. economy
varies based on employment. The telecommunications
industry accounts for about 1.4 million jobs, or 0.85
percent of total U.S. employment.
Health care, on the
other hand, contributes over 11 million jobs, or 7 per-
cent of total employment. Textile industry employment
has been falling steadily for many years and is now
under 550,000, accounting for less than 0.40 percent of
total U.S. employment.
As diverse as these industries are, a common denomi-
nator exists. Intense competition characterizes their
operating environment, leaving little room for strategic
missteps. Indeed, there have been reports that these
industries have been significant contributors to the
recent rise in problem bank loans.
With a better grasp of the origins of stress in these
industries comes a basis for understanding the lending
risks associated with a changing policy and economic
environment in the years to come. The following dis-
cussion describes trends and developments contributing
to stress in these industries and looks at the near- and
long-term outlook. Our discussion also looks at the
implications for the insured institutions lending to the
telecommunications, health care, and textiles industries.
Source: Includes employment in telecommunications
services, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, and cable
The telecommunications sector consists of several
industry subsectors, including telecommunications ser-
vices, cable television, and telecommunications equip-
ment, all of which are facing significant challenges.
Telecommunications Services
Rapid growth in the telecommunications services
industry has been fueled by strong domestic consumer
demand. However, the pace of consumption of telecom-
munications services has slowed in recent months. This
sector has experienced booming growth in revenues
from computer network access since 1998, while local
and long distance revenues have grown at a much more
moderate pace (see Chart 1).
Rapid change and intense competition characterize the
industry environment. Long distance businesses, in par-
ticular, have experienced fierce competition, resulting
in severe pricing pressures. Competitors include both
established and new wireline long distance providers, as
well as wireless services. Local telephone companies,
however, have fared well in recent years, as residences
and small businesses have added phone lines to accom-
modate the growing demand for Internet access. How-
ever, as high-speed DSL and cable Internet access
become more readily available, the demand for addi-
tional telephone lines may diminish, cutting into a
lucrative source of revenue for local phone companies.
Capital spending by telecommunications services com-
panies has soared in recent years, although it was
expected to level off in 2000 in response to higher inter-
est rates and reduced earnings growth. Nevertheless,
high levels of telecommunications equipment invest-
ment are expected to continue for the foreseeable future,
as telecom service firms require additional equipment
upgrades to accommodate increased network traffic and
wireless applications (see Chart 2).
Cable TV
Cable TV is another important component of the
telecommunications services industry. According to, “among the current technologies avail-
able, cable is viewed as the leading option for delivering
Atlanta Regional Outlook 20 F
irst Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
* Forecast
Growth in Telecom Services’ Network Access Revenues Soared in Recent Years
Annual % Change in Residential
Service Revenues
Residential—Long Distance
Residential—Network Access
’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00*
video, telephony, entertainment, and computing ser-
vices to households and businesses.
Cable TV sales
revenue has grown more than 19 percent a year since
1995. In spite of this stellar revenue growth, most cable
companies are not earning a profit because of the high
levels of capital investment required.
Telecommunications Equipment
The telecommunications equipment industry is growing
rapidly, as telecom service providers rush to upgrade
infrastructure to enhance their offerings of high-speed
broadband services. Telecommunications service
providers are not only upgrading fiber optic and cable
line networks; they are rapidly upgrading antiquated
circuit-switched networks to more efficient packet-
switch networks. However, the growth in revenues and
profits was expected to moderate in 2000 because of
higher interest rates and slower growth in the domestic
economy (see Chart 3, next page).
The wireless phone industry also has experienced prob-
lems since late 2000. The major mobile phone compa-
nies have missed earnings projections, casting doubt on
the growth potential of the industry. Much is riding on
the development of third-generation (3G) wireless tech-
nology, which is expected to allow wireless access to the
Internet, transmission of video and other images, and
videoconferencing—all from a handheld mobile phone.
Although huge amounts of money are being invested to
develop 3G technology, it is unclear what applications
will generate the demand to make the investments prof-
(In $ millions)
Telecom Services’ Capital Spending Growth Soars
’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00*
* Forecast
September 2000., Precis: Industry: Cable TV.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 21 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Telecom Equipment Sales Revenue
Moderates in 2000
* Forecast
Annual % Change in Telecom
Equipment Sales Revenue
’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00*
The telecommunications industry has been badly bat-
tered in both equity and bond markets in the past sever-
al months. A spate of bad news has resulted in sharply
lower stock prices and higher costs in debt markets. As
a result, the availability of financing for some higher-
risk firms is now questionable. Investors are concerned
about the prospect of slowing wireless subscriber
growth, continuing capital expenditures, intense compe-
tition, and the rapid rise in telecom debt
(see Chart 4).
The long-term outlook for the telecommunications ser-
vices industry is positive. The emergence of high-
margin technologies and continued growth in wireless
subscriber rates should enhance profitability in the
future. Consumers and businesses are also expected to
spend an increasing share of their incomes on telecom
services. Nevertheless, strong competition, huge invest-
ments in equipment upgrades, and rapidly changing
technology will force firms to be nimble and innovative.
The long-term outlook for the telecommunications
equipment industry is positive, as the demand for data,
Internet, and wireless services continues to grow
strongly. Nevertheless, individual firms in the industry
face a highly competitive environment and rapidly
changing technology.
Cable TV’s long-term outlook is also positive because
of growing advertising sales and technological develop-
ments that should allow cable firms to offer a broader
array of services. Still, the competitive environment is
fierce. In addition to competing with a host of “tradi-
tional” telecommunications firms, cable firms must
contend with satellite TV providers, which are partner-
ing with major firms to offer sophisticated communica-
tions and entertainment services.
Implications for Banks
The most important characteristics of the telecom
industry with respect to lending risks are its highly com-
petitive environment and its pace of technological
change. These characteristics suggest that the medium-
to long-term outlook for a particular credit may not be
well represented by current conditions. The success of
telecom firms will be based on management’s ability to
adapt to change and compete with a fluid set of com-
Source: Standard & Poor's Compustat
Growth in Telecom Debt since 1995 Dwarfs Other Sectors’ Debt Growth
Telecom Industries
Percent Change in Debt
Radio/Tel. Broadcast/
Commun. Equip.
Basic Materials
Health Care
Capital Goods
Except Wireless
Cable and Other
Pay TV Services
Solomon, Deborah, and Nicole Harris. October 18, 2000. “Talks on Merger By AT&T Wireless Face Investor Static.Wall Street Journal.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 22 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
HMO Enrollment Rose Sharply through 1998
as Employers Sought to Contain Health Care Costs
HMO Enrollment as a
Percentage of Population
’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00*
* Forecast
Sources:, Interstudy
With both equity and bond markets turning against the
telecommunications industry, cash-hungry telecom
firms may have difficulty obtaining financing. This
could pose a serious risk for banks with a significant
exposure to telecom start-ups without a major partner or
an investor sponsor.
The high capital requirements and financial leverage of
many telecommunications firms complicate these lend-
ing risks. Some of these firms are borrowing heavily to
put into place an infrastructure to accommodate a
demand for services that is yet to come on-stream,
meaning that the payback on this investment may not
occur for a number of years.
Health Care
Industry trends such as declining hospital occupancy
rates and rising outpatient visits to hospitals, intense
competition, and the unexpected results of new
Medicare policy combined to put the health care indus-
try in difficult financial straits during the past few
years. However, subsequent industry consolidation and
streamlining and revised Medicare rules have helped to
stabilize prospects for many health care providers.
Recent Trends and Developments
The health care industry has been suffering since the
implementation of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997
(BBA), which cut Medicare payments much more than
expected. However, two subsequent bills were passed to
“give back” a portion of the Medicare payment cuts
implemented in the BBA. The Balanced Budget Refine-
ment Act of 1999 should restore some $16 billion of the
cuts to health care facilities over five years.
Also, the
recently passed Benefits Improvement and Protection
Act of 2000 (BIPA) will restore about $35 billion in
benefits to the industry over the next five years. BIPA
will provide the greatest benefit to hospitals, managed
care plans, nursing homes, and home health agencies.
The health care industry’s financial situation has stabi-
lized somewhat in the past year because of widespread
consolidation of hospitals and other health care
providers. This has helped the industry reach greater
levels of efficiency as well as improved bargaining
power in negotiations with managed care organizations.
Notwithstanding these favorable developments, other
trends continue to pose serious challenges to many
firms. Higher labor costs, continued HMO penetration,
breakthrough pharmaceutical therapies resulting in
reduced demand for services, and increased outpatient
volumes have buffeted many health care facilities (see
Chart 5 and Chart 6, next page).
Higher-Risk Sectors
A better understanding of risks and trends in health care
can be gained by discussing its specific sectors. We
have segregated these sectors based on the results of an
option-pricing model of firm default risk. These models
estimate the probability that the market value of a firm’s
assets will fall below a level that would trigger default.
Firms that have low stock prices, volatile stock prices,
or high debt levels will tend to be flagged as having
high default risk by such models.
June 15, 2000. Healthcare: Facilities. Standard & Poor’s Industry
Atlanta Regional Outlook 23 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Health care industry subsectors have been grouped into
three categories: higher risk, moderate risk, and lower
Outpatient Visits to Hospitals Grow Steadily
risk, which refer to the degree of default risk relative to
other subsectors in the industry. The estimated default
Outpatient Visits to Hospitals
’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00*
* Forecast
risk across these subsectors varies substantially. The
highest-risk health care sectors include Offices of Med-
ical Doctors; Skilled Nursing Care Facilities; Home
Health Care Services; Specialized Outpatient Facilities,
NEC; and Health Services (see Chart 7).
Offices of Medical Doctors are largely physicians’
practice management firms. These firms acquire a prac-
tice of physicians based on a multiple of the practice’s
discounted cash flow. The multiple can be several times
the practice’s asset value at the time of purchase. How-
ever, these firms have had difficulty achieving prof-
itability because of legal restrictions on referrals among
affiliated groups of physicians, as well as the reluctance
of physicians to submit their medical practice to the cri-
teria of cost control.
Total liabilities in this sector have
grown rapidly over the past few years.
Skilled Nursing Care Facilities’ earnings have been
hurt badly by the BBA. However, they stand to benefit
from the Medicare “giveback” provided by the recently
enacted BIPA, which seeks to rectify the deeper-than-
expected cuts in funding resulting from the BBA.
Skilled nursing care facilities’ performance has also
been adversely affected by (1) declining occupancy
Sources:, Morgan Quinto
One such model that is readily available is Credit Mon-
, which was developed by KMV LLC.
We stratify
health care sectors based on their median one-year
default probability as estimated by expected default fre-
) generated by Credit Monitor
Sectors identified in this article as higher-risk sectors,
therefore, are those with a relatively high percentage of
firms with low stock prices, volatile stock prices, or
high debt levels. Readers are cautioned that the risk pro-
file of a specific company may be very different from
the sector risk profiles described here.
Estimated Default Risk Varies Widely among Health Care Subsectors, December 2000
Median Expected Default
Frequency™ (EDF™)
in Percent
Source: Credit Monitor™ ©2001, KMV LLC, all rights reserved
Comparative Median EDF™
of S&P Bonds Rated BB
(as of December 2000)
Health Care
Misc. Health
Med. &
Credit Monitor
s Expected Default Frequency
) estimates the probability of default within one year. KMV LLC’s proprietary calcula-
tion for EDF
is based on (1) the current market value of the firm, (2) the structure of the firm’s current obligations, and (3) the vulnerabiltiy of
the firm to large changes in market value measured in terms of asset volatility. EDFs
are one of many potential measures of industry risk, and
their use in this article should not be construed as an endorsement by the FDIC or Credit Monitor
Gruehn, Charles. April 2000. Healthcare Industry Manual. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 24 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
rates caused at least partly by increased competition
from lower-acuity facilities such as assisted living facil-
ities; (2) rising labor and legal costs; and (3) surging
debt service costs. Many of these firms are experienc-
ing severe financial stress. The stressed facilities have
registered negative net income for the past year or so, as
well as burgeoning debt levels. The high debt levels are
the result of acquisitions of ancillary support services
that in many cases are not generating adequate cash
flow because of the BBA.
Most of these firms have
seen their interest coverage ratios decline sharply over
the past few years.
Home Health Care Services focus primarily on respi-
ratory therapy programs and intravenous and infusion
services. The industry is undergoing financial stress as
a result of the Health Care Financing Administration’s
implementation of a prospective payment system that
reduced reimbursements on respiratory therapy and
infusion therapy.
Specialty Outpatient Facilities, NEC are primarily
engaged in outpatient care of a specialized nature, such
as alcohol and drug treatment and birth control/family
planning. They have permanent facilities and medical
staff to provide diagnosis, treatment, or both for patients
who are ambulatory and do not require inpatient care.
Many of the firms in this sector have experienced a ris-
ing debt burden over the past few years, pushing default
risk to higher levels.
Health Services firms are engaged primarily in furnish-
ing medical, surgical, and other health services. Firms
listed in this broad category rather than more specific cat-
egories include companies providing dental services,
laser eye correction, and physical and occupational ther-
apy. Many publicly traded firms in this category have
experienced sharply rising liabilities over the past three to
four years.
Moderate-Risk Sectors
Moderate-risk health care sectors include medical labo-
ratories, hospitals, and HMOs.
Medical Laboratories provide professional analytic or
diagnostic services to the medical profession or to the
patient as prescribed by a physician. Companies with
diverse financial performance and risk of default are
included in this sector. A number of medical laborato-
ries have registered deteriorating interest coverage
ratios in the past year or two.
Hospitals, as defined for these purposes, are specialty
hospitals. They are primarily engaged in providing diag-
nostic services, treatment, and other hospital services
for specialized categories of patients. Only eight pub-
licly traded firms are listed in this category. They are
involved in providing specialized hospital care such as
rehabilitation, diabetes treatment, and drug and sub-
stance abuse treatment.
Hospital and Medical Service Plans (HMOs) are pri-
marily engaged in providing hospital, medical, and
other health services to subscribers or members in
accordance with prearranged agreements or service
plans. Generally, these service plans provide benefits to
subscribers or members in return for specified sub-
scription charges. Also included in this industry are sep-
arate HMOs that provide medical insurance. After
several years of intense competition among HMOs,
which restricted premium-rate hikes when medical
costs were rising sharply, HMOs began to pursue a more
aggressive approach toward price increases. This new
approach has improved the near- and intermediate-term
outlook for this sector. Yet, the prospect of the passage
of a Patients’ Bill of Rights suggests that rising costs
could be an issue for HMOs in the future. As an indus-
try, HMOs are highly concentrated, with the top 10
HMOs accounting for nearly two-thirds of total HMO
enrollment in the United States.
Lower-Risk Sectors
The lowest-risk sectors in the health care industry
include miscellaneous health and allied services, and
general medical and surgical hospitals. Many of these
firms have an estimated default risk that puts them in
speculative credit risk categories in spite of the fact that
they are considered lower risk compared with other
health care sectors.
Miscellaneous Health and Allied Services firms are
involved in providing kidney or renal dialysis services
and outpatient care of a specialized nature, such as alco-
hol and drug treatment and birth control/family plan-
ning. Some firms are engaged in providing health and
allied services such as blood banks, blood donor sta-
tions, childbirth preparation classes, medical photogra-
phy and art, and oxygen tent services.
August 31, 2000. Healthcare: Managed Care. Standard & Poor’s
Industry Surveys.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 25 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals provide gen-
eral medical and surgical diagnostic and treatment ser-
vices, other hospital services, and continuing nursing
services. They have an organized medical staff, inpa-
tient beds, and equipment and facilities to provide com-
plete health care. According to a study conducted by
HCIA-Sachs and Ernst & Young, “The BBA created the
greatest financial instability that hospitals have experi-
enced since the creation of Medicare in 1965. Yet the
most severe reductions have just begun to impact hospi-
tals, and will continue to do so through 2002. The
recently enacted Balanced Budget Refinement Act pro-
vides little sustained relief to the industry, and signifi-
cant financial problems are likely to remain.
The study
also indicates that smaller hospitals (fewer than 100
beds) are in the “greatest financial jeopardy.The recent
enactment of BIPA will help to stabilize the finances of
hospitals over the next several years. However, other
trends adversely affecting hospitals include as much as
40 percent estimated excess capacity, rising labor costs,
a severe shortage of nurses, continued HMO penetra-
tion, breakthrough pharmaceutical therapies, and
increased outpatient volumes (see Charts 5, 6, and 8).
The outlook for the health care industry has improved
substantially in the past year. Industry consolidation and
legislation to give back some of the Medicare cuts
implemented in the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 have
gone a long way to stabilize health care providers’
financial prospects, particularly those of hospitals and
nursing homes.
The passage of a Patients’ Bill of Rights in 2001 could
also strengthen the hand of health care providers rela-
tive to HMOs. Such a bill could contain provisions that
would weaken the position of managed care organiza-
tions to contain costs and negotiate with health service
Longer term, the demographic trends are positive, with
the population aging and life expectancy increasing.
The result should be a growing demand for health care
services in the future. On the negative side, however, the
current trends toward greater use of outpatient proce-
dures and drug therapies will dampen the demand for
inpatient hospital services.
HCIA-Sachs, LLC, and Ernst & Young, LLP. May 1, 2000. The
Financial State of Hospitals: Post-BBA and Post-BBRA.
Hospital Occupancy Rate
Continues Steady Decline
Hospital Occupancy Rate
* Forecast
Sources:, Morgan Quinto
’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00*
Implications for Banks
The opportunities for financing health care firms will
continue to grow into the future. Recent experience has
shown that the financial performance of many health
care providers is profoundly influenced by changes in
Medicare policy. As Medicare expenditures grow to
occupy a greater and greater place in the federal budget,
Medicare policy will be scrutinized to an unprecedent-
ed degree, magnifying the importance of understanding
the policy risk associated with health care lending.
Powerful demographic trends should lead to the growth
in demand for many health care services over the next
10 to 20 years. For example, demand for nursing homes
and assisted living facilities will increase sharply as
baby boomers reach old age. However, regional supply
and demand for these services can get out of balance as
providers add facilities to meet demand. Monitoring
local demand and supply trends is an important part of
assessing the credit risks in these loans.
The textile industry has been plagued by excess capaci-
ty, fierce competition from cheaper imports, and sag-
ging textile prices. The result was a sharp drop in
industry profits in 1999 and continued weakness in
Recent Trends and Developments
The textile industry is a mature industry that by a num-
ber of measures has been declining. Intense competition
from low-cost imports has taken its toll on domestic
Atlanta Regional Outlook 26 F
irst Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
textile businesses. Since 1995, textile imports have
increased nearly 50 percent while exports have grown
just under 10 percent. A strong dollar should help tex-
tile imports continue to outpace exports. As a result of
industry consolidation and the movement of many oper-
ations offshore, textile employment has continued to
fall steadily. Textile employment has dropped from
663,000 in 1995 to an estimated 544,000 in 2000.
Closely linked to all these trends, labor productivity in
the textile industry is low relative to the average for
other manufacturing industries because of low output
prices and a heavier reliance on labor in the production
The Department of Commerce reports that the indus-
try’s profit as a percentage of sales declined from 3.2
percent in 1998 to just 1.3 percent in 1999 (see Chart
Also, drought in the South has had an adverse effect
on textile manufacturing firms, as these firms use a
large amount of water in bleaching and dyeing fabric.
Because of improving global demand and plant closings
in the United States, many analysts believe textile prices
have now reached a low point. Indeed, data for 2000
show a slight increase and some firming of prices in the
first three quarters of the year (see Chart 10, next page).
Nevertheless, the profit picture seems to have weakened
further in 2000 because of an increase in nonoperating
Publicly traded firms in the textile industry can be sep-
arated into six major categories: knitting mills, textile
mill products, broadwoven fabric mills–cotton, broad-
woven fabric mills–manmade fiber/silk, carpets/rugs,
and miscellaneous fabricated textile products. The
default risk characteristics of these sectors vary signifi-
cantly as measured by the median EDF
Higher-Risk Sectors
The higher-risk sectors include knitting mills, Broad-
woven Fabric Mills–Cotton, and Textile Mill Products
(see Chart 11, next page).
10 November 2000. Apparel and Textiles, Precis Indus-
Office of Textiles and Apparel, U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Septem-
ber 6, 2000. Current Situation in the U.S. Textile, Apparel, and Man-
made Fiber Industries.
Kilman, Scott, and Amy Merrick. July 25, 2000. “Drought in the
South Crimps Economy in Region.Wall Street Journal.
Textile Industry Profits as a
Percentage of Sales Fall in 1999
’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99
Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce,
Current Situation in the U.S. Textile,
Apparel, and Manmade Fiber Industries,
September 6, 2000
Knitting Mills are engaged in knitting, dyeing, and fin-
ishing hosiery, stockings, outerwear, underwear, and
other products from yarn or knitted fabrics. Two public
firms in this industry accounted for 66 percent of the
sector’s 1999 sales. Three out of eight firms in this sec-
tor reported net losses and six out of eight reported
declining sales in 1999. The trends are similar in 2000
based on incomplete available data.
Broadwoven Fabric Mills–Cotton are engaged primar-
ily in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches in width,
wholly or chiefly by weight of cotton. One dominant
firm accounted for nearly 38 percent of the sales of all
publicly traded firms in this sector in 1999. The perfor-
mance of firms in this sector was mixed in 1999. Six out
of nine of these firms recorded negative net income in
1999. Two companies reported a sizable increase in
1999 net income. Incomplete 2000 results suggest that
six firms are in the black, leaving just three with nega-
tive net income.
Textile Mill Products is a broad category that includes
establishments engaged in performing any of the fol-
lowing operations: (1) preparation of fiber and subse-
quent manufacturing of yarn, thread, braids, twine, and
cordage; (2) manufacturing broadwoven fabrics, narrow
woven fabrics, knit fabrics, and carpets and rugs from
yarn; (3) dyeing and finishing fiber, yarn, fabrics, and
knit apparel; (4) coating, waterproofing, or otherwise
treating fabrics; (5) the integrated manufacture of knit
apparel and other finished articles from yarn; and (6)
the manufacture of felt goods, lace goods, nonwoven
fabrics, and miscellaneous textiles. Two firms dominate
this sector. Together, they accounted for over 60 percent
of the sector’s sales in 1999 (considering publicly traded
Atlanta Regional Outlook 27 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
Textile Prices Begin to Recover in 2000
Producer Price Index
for Textile Mill Products
(NSA, Dec 1984=100)
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00
firms only). Net income for both firms was off sharply
in 1999. Still, some companies registered net income
gains in 1999, building on several years of growth in net
earnings. Although the 2000 data are incomplete, most
firms in this sector have reported weak earnings.
Indeed, several firms have reported more quarters of
negative than positive net income.
Moderate-Risk Sectors
The moderate default risk sectors include Miscella-
neous Fabricated Textile Products and Broadwoven Fab-
ric Mills–Manmade Fiber/Silk.
Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products includes
businesses primarily involved in manufacturing curtains
and draperies, house furnishings, textile bags, and canvas
and related products; performing pleating, decorative and
novelty stitching, and tucking for the trade; manufactur-
ing automotive trimmings, apparel findings, and related
products; Schiffli machine embroideries; and manufac-
turing fabricated textile products, not elsewhere classi-
fied. Net income for three out of the five publicly traded
firms in this sector was negative in 1999. Two of those
firms have experienced losses for at least two years’ run-
ning. Most of these firms reported negative net income
through the first two or three quarters of 2000. The three
largest firms’ total debt has grown considerably over the
past few years. The increase is related primarily to
financing acquisitions.
Broadwoven Fabric Mills–Manmade Fiber/Silk are
engaged in weaving fabrics more than 12 inches in
width using primarily silk and manmade fibers, includ-
ing glass. Net income for each of the six publicly trad-
ed firms in this category was down in 1999—in most
cases down sharply. Earnings for most of these firms
Estimated Default Risk in Textile Industry Subsectors, December 2000
Median Expected Default
Frequency™ (EDF™)
in Percent
Source: Credit Monitor™ ©2001, KMV LLC, all rights reserved
Comparative Median EDF™
of S&P Bonds Rated BB
(as of December 2000)
Knitting Mills
2211: Brdwoven
Fabric Mill, Cotton
Textile Mill
Misc Fabricated
Textile Pds
Brdwovn Fabric
Manmade, Silk
and Rugs
Atlanta Regional Outlook 28 First Quarter 2001
In Focus This Quarter
appear to have continued to deteriorate in 2000. Interest
coverage ratios for several firms were down in 1999 and
2000 because of lower income, higher liabilities in
some cases, and higher interest rates.
Lower-Risk Sector
Manufacturers of carpets and rugs represent the only
lower-risk sector in the textile industry.
Carpets/Rugs businesses are involved in manufactur-
ing woven, tufted, and other carpets and rugs. This sec-
tor, as a group, experienced strong income growth in
1999. Only one out of six publicly traded firms failed to
make a profit in 1999, and several firms reported siz-
able profit increases. Available 2000 data suggest that
each of these firms will have generated positive earn-
ings. Two firms dominate the carpet and rug sector,
accounting for about 65 percent of 1999 sales for the
group. Carpet and rug manufacturing is capital and
research intensive, which gives the U.S.-based firms a
comparative advantage over overseas companies, which
do not have the same level of access to capital markets
and an educated workforce.
Some positive factors could temper the adversity being
experienced by the U.S. textile industry. Low fiber costs
and an improved trade situation with Asia should
strengthen the textile industry in the future. Labor pro-
ductivity has been rising slowly, as firms continue to
invest in labor-saving computer technology and equip-
ment. The industry is pursuing various strategies to
remain competitive, including consolidations and merg-
ers and setting up operations in Mexico.
the current slowdown in the U.S. economy and the
increased risk of an actual recession has posed chal-
lenges for the textile industry.
Another concern for U.S. producers is trade liberaliza-
tion and its effect on textile imports. The normalization
of trade relations with China and the elimination of
import quotas by 2005 according to the World Trade
Organization (WTO) Agreement on Textiles and Cloth-
ing could lead to even greater imports.
Implications for Banks
Banks lending to textile firms face an array of risks
emanating from the economic environment in which
these firms operate. These risks include the ebb and
flow of demand associated with the business cycle of
the U.S. and world economies; the exchange rate of the
U.S. dollar, which affects the competitiveness of domes-
tically produced textile products; and the prices of both
inputs and textile products. U.S. trade policy will also
have a profound impact on the competitive environment
in which domestic textile firms operate. Banks need to
monitor these developments carefully.
Concentration risk can be a significant issue for some
banks. Textile mill employment is highly concentrated
geographically. About 72 percent of all textile mill jobs
are located in five southeastern states (North Carolina,
Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and Virginia).
Almost 29 percent of these jobs are in North Carolina
alone. Another 18 percent are in Georgia. Even within
these states, textile employment can be regionally con-
centrated, introducing concentration risk to banks with
significant exposures to local textile firms. This risk is
measured in terms of not only the volume of textile
loans in the portfolio but also the spillover effects that
plant layoffs can have in the community.
In an increasingly global market, credit risk in textiles
will depend on decisions about production processes
and intercompany linkages. For example, capital-
intensive domestic producers may be in a better position
to compete with offshore firms with greater access to
cheap labor resources. Some textile firms may be able
to enhance profitability and control risk by entering into
partnerships with domestic and overseas organizations.
Stephen Gabriel, Financial Economist
Reichard, Robert. January 2000. “New Year Offers Problems and
See “Regional Economy,Atlanta Regional Outlook, second quar-
Opportunities,Textile World.
ter 1998.
Atlanta Regional Outlook 29 First Quarter 2001
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