Who is eligible?
Please visit rms.nsw.gov.au for more information on how to apply.
To be eligible for a MPS permit, a person must be unable to
walk because of permanent or temporary loss of the use of one
or both legs or other permanent medical or physical condition, or
whose physical condition is detrimentally affected as a result of
walking 100 metres, or who requires the use of crutches, a
walking frame, callipers, scooter, wheelchair, or other similar
mobility aid. Permits are also available to people who meet the
permanently blind criteria defined
. Applicants that
do not meet the eligibility criteria will not be issued a permit.
You or your representative must fill in the application form before
seeing your medical doctor. The medical information in this
application will be used for the administration of the MPS and
where appropriate for the Driver Licensing Scheme. Your doctor
must complete Section 2 of the MPS form (Medical Certificate)
unless you are applying for a replacement MPS permit or you
have a clinically recognisable disability on Roads and Maritime
Services records. Roads and Maritime has a responsibility to
ensure that all NSW licence holders are medically fit to drive. If
you hold a driver licence and Roads and Maritime needs to be
notified of any medical condition, you will need to have your
doctor complete Section 3 (Medical Report) of this application.
The medical information will be used to verify your medical fitness
to drive. In the event that any medical practitioner recommends
restrictions in respect of your driver licence or certifies that you
are medically unfit to drive, this may result in restrictions being
placed on your driver licence or the suspension of your driver
licence. Section 3 is not required to be completed if the
application is for a temporary permit issued for the first time or
where a previously held temporary permit has already expired.
Mobility Parking Scheme Application (MPS)
Individual and Temporary Permits
Catalogue No. 45061469 Form No. 1150 (11/2018) Page 1 of 5
Photo exemption requirements
Nearly all registries and Service Centres have disabled access
and if necessary an appointment can be made with your local
registry or Service Centre for a convenient time to have a
photograph taken. Individual and Temporary MPS permits include
a photo of the permit holder, with the exception of permits for
people younger than 16 years of age. In other cases, exemptions
from having a photo will be granted only if the applicant:
cannot meet standard Roads and Maritime photo
requirements of full frontal face image due to inadequate
muscular control, or
has a significant facial disfigurement, or
A fee is required for the issue of an Individual or Temporary MPS
permit to non-pensioners. Permits are free for eligible pensioners.
Proof of the concession is required and must be validated online.
For further information on current fees payable please visit
rms.nsw.gov.au or call us on 13 22 13.
Proof of identity
A person applying for, renewing or replacing a MPS permit is
required to produce acceptable proof of their identity, such as a
driver licence. Other acceptable identification documents are
shown in List 1 and List 2 available on our website at http://www.
Applicants may show one document each from List 1 and List 2.
Alternatively, two List 2 documents, such as a current Medicare
card or Pensioner Concession card, are acceptable.
Further information can also be obtained from our Contact Centre
on 13 22 13 or our website at rms.nsw.gov.au.
Important information
If you are required to have your doctor complete both medical
sections of this form it may be necessary to arrange an extra
consultation or an extended consultation. Please note that you
are responsible for any fees payable to the doctor for the
Roads and Maritime is subject to the Privacy and Personal
Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and
Information Privacy Act 2002 and is collecting your personal and
health information for your MPS application and to verify your
fitness to drive and may retain and use it for driver licensing,
motor vehicle and road transport or safety purposes.
We are entitled to obtain your personal information under the
Road Transport (General) Regulation 2013 and you are required
to provide this information under the Road Transport Act 2013
and the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Regulation 2017 and
we may refuse your application if you do not provide it.
We may disclose your personal information to other driver
licensing and vehicle registration agencies, to assess your
application or verify the information you provide, and for inquiries
about motor accidents.
Otherwise we will not disclose your personal information without
your consent unless authorised by law.
Your personal and health information will be held by us at 20-44
Ennis Road, Milsons Point NSW 2061 and you may request
access to and/or correction of this information.
*Privacy statement
Roads & Maritime Services ABN 76 236 371 088
www.rms.nsw.gov.au 13 22 13
Customer number
Applications for a photo exemption must be in writing, and
accompanied by a completed application form with a supporting
letter from a medical doctor and sent to:
Team Leader Drives Assurance
Roads and Maritime, P.O. Box 3035, Parramatta, NSW 2124.
If approved, a letter of photo exemption will be issued for
presentation at a registry or Service Centre.
Applying for a photo exemption
Penalties apply to providing false or misleading information under
clause 146 of the Road Transport (General) Regulation 2013.
Mobility Parking Scheme permits are similar to driver licences,
with security features such as holograms and a photo of the card
holder. These security features help prevent possible misuse of
cards. From August 2018 you may have the option of using an
existing valid photo stored in the Roads and Maritime system
when you are applying for, renewing or replacing a Mobility
Parking Scheme permit. If you do not want to use this existing
photo a new photograph can also be taken.
is mostly bedridden because of advanced age or terminal
illness, or
has a severe disability that prevents them from attending a
registry or Service Centre without significant inconvenience
and/or embarrassment, or
has their mobility severely restricted by medical equipment.
Photo requirements