A Mitchell Community College Ambassador serves as a representative of the College providing support to Student
Services and the Mitchell Community College Endowment for Excellence. Ambassadors assist with campus activities such
as new student orientation, graduation, endowment fundraisers, concerts, and campus tours.
Students interested in participating must meet the following criteria:
• Be currently enrolled at Mitchell in at least nine credit hours and have completed or in progress of completing at
least 12 credit hours
• Have and maintain a 2.7 GPA
• Have a flexible schedule and be available to with assist with campus events
To apply:
• Submit a Mitchell Ambassador application and Statement of Commitment
• Submit at least one recommendation from a member of the Mitchell faculty or staff
After applications are reviewed, a selection committee will select students for interviews.
• Attend various recruiting events
• Attend civic club meetings and conduct presentations
• Conduct tours of the campus
• Work with Student Services staff during Fall, Spring and Summer registrations
• Assist with new student orientation
• Attend, assist with and greet at special meetings held on campus
• Attend Mitchell Community College Endowment for Excellence activities
• Meet with advisor once per month
• Attend Board of Trustees meetings as requested
• Understand that if you cannot make an event that you signed up for, it is your responsibility to contact another
ambassador to be your replacement
• An Ambassador’s Scholarship up to a maximum of $250 per semester
• Mitchell Ambassador fleece jacket and polo shirt; Name tag
• A letter of recommendation from the Ambassador Advisor upon satisfactory completion of service receive
Ambassadors who do any of the following will be excluded from further participation in the program:
• Seek nomination for or become an officer in another organized student group
• Enroll for less than nine credit hours
• Lose good standing within the community or institution
• Have a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.7
• Fail to fulfill the standards of the program (including attending meetings and performing service hours)
MCC-367 Equal Opportunity College Rev. 03/19