Stay Aware. Stay Safe. Stay #HornetStrong.
This guide will be updated as we monitor data and information related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We will continue to keep the campus family and ASU stakeholders informed as developments occur.
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A Message from the President
Greetings Hornet Nation!
This has truly been an unprecedented year, not only for our nation but
also particularly for Alabama State University. We have faced some
daunting challenges, but with true ‘Bama State Spirit, we have met
each ordeal with a sense of purpose and with a focus on maintaining a
level of high academic excellence.
In the months since COVID-19 disrupted our normal operations, we
have become quite adept at making what we call “The Pivot.” We have
had to be innovative in our approach to expanding our online course
offerings and in our efforts to ensure the safety of those who live, learn,
teach and work on this campus. I am extremely proud of our accomplishments in both areas. It has
taking a tremendous amount of coordination and collaboration at every level of University leadership
to reach our goals.
As we approach the upcoming Spring Semester, we wanted to put forth the guidelines under which
we will operate beginning in January of 2021. We have retained those elements of the Fall guide that
will carry forth to the new year; however, you will nd that the Spring Reopening Guide also has a
number of new elements of which you will all need to be aware. Please take the time to read this
Guide carefully so that you are fully prepared to engage with the University.
As with the Fall Reopening Guide, this document articulates the responsibility of each person on
campus to help maintain a healthy environment and prevent the spread of COVID-19. It also contains
critical information relative to each division’s operations. We have learned during the fall semester
that the success of our Health and Safety Plan is dependent upon the behavior of all of those who are
connected to this campus. We must wear our masks, wash our hands frequently and practice social
distancing. Of utmost importance, we must also avoid large gatherings and temper our own behavior
even when we are away from campus. For those who live on campus, the curfew will continue this
spring (see page 5 for details).
This guide will be updated as needed throughout the spring semester. As updates occur, we will
continue to communicate those changes to our relevant stakeholders. Please continue to visit the
University’s website at www.alasu.edu for the latest information about academics, and health and
safety at ASU. The Reopening Guide will be pinned to the top of the homepage.
We remain mission-focused and vision driven as we move ASU 150 years forward. As always, Stay
Aware, Stay Safe and Stay Hornet Strong!
With Hornet Pride,
President Quinton T. Ross, Jr.