The information given in this application form is correct at the time of printing
but is subject to change without notice.
Learner Licence
- Car, tractor, implement, light rigid vehicle and medium rigid vehicle.
Driver Licence
Office Use - BUNDLE A
National Heavy Vehicle
Driver Licence
Motorcycle Rider Licence
A current overseas passport.
An Australian naturalisation or citizenship document issued by the
Department of Home Affairs.
The following documents issued by the Department of Home Affairs:
List 1
List 2
a current Certificate of Identity
A Transport for NSW issued NSW photo driver licence or NSW Photo Card
that has been expired more than 2 years but less than 5 years. The licence
must display a card number and not have been revoked or be reported as
lost, stolen or destroyed.
A current photo driver licence from another Australian State or Territory or
one that expired within the last two years. If your interstate licence shows
your middle name(s) as initial(s), you will require another supporting List 1 or
List 2 document showing your full name.
A current photo identity card for the NSW Police Force, excluding civilian
staff or family.
A current consular photo identity card issued by the Department of Foreign
Affairs and Trade.
a current Document of Identity
- Vehicles with 3 or more axles and more than 8 tonnes gross vehicle mass.
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Proof of Identity (To be produced each time you attend a service centre.)
To get a New South Wales licence you must prove your identity. You can use your current Transport for NSW issued NSW photo driver licence or NSW
Photo Card or one which expired within the last two years. If you do not have this you must use one document from each of the lists below.
All documents from list 1 and list 2 must be originals and at least one of them must show your signature. Copies, certified copies and laminated
documents are not acceptable.
Your name should be the same on both documents. Your gender should be the same on both documents, if gender is shown.
If you do not have a document showing your signature you must complete question 18 on this form. Your photo will be stored on the Transport for NSW
An Australian full birth certificate showing parental details issued by an
Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Commemorative certificates are not acceptable (except for 1987 and 1988
NSW Historic Birth Certificates).
An overseas birth certificate showing parental details provided a passport or
an official Australian travel document is also shown.
A current Australian passport or one that expired within the last two years.
Validation with Australian Passport Office may be required for passports
issued within the last 2 years.
The following travel documents issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs
and Trade:
A current Medicare card, Pensioner Concession Card, Department of
Veterans' Affairs entitlement card, or any other current entitlement card
issued by the Commonwealth Government.
A current plastic credit card, or account card issued by a bank, building
society, credit union, American Express or Diners Club International,
showing your name and signature.
A passbook or account statement up to one year old, issued by a bank,
building society, credit union, American Express or Diners Club International.
An account statement must show your name and account number, as well as
the financial institution's letterhead or stamp.
A telephone, gas or electricity bill up to one year old.
A water rates, council rates or land valuation notice up to one year old.
A current student identity card, displaying the student's photograph, issued
by an Australian secondary school, TAFE or university. Where a student
identity card has an issue date, but no expiry date, it may be accepted up to
two years from the date of issue.
Evidence of enrolment at an Australian secondary school, TAFE or university
up to one year old showing the student's name and on the institution's
A current Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) permit issued by Transport for
NSW with or without a photo.
A current Transport for NSW issued NSW photo Firearm, Security Industry or
Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents operator licence.
A current photo identity card for the Australian Defence Force, excluding
civilian staff or family.
A Keypass issued by Australia Post with an expiry date on or after 1 October
2020 (whether under 18 or 18+).
Licence Application
(You must live in NSW to be issued with a NSW Licence)
a current Titre de Voyage
a Document for Travel to Australia (up to 5 years from the date of issue
on the accompanying visa)
Customer number
Catalogue No. 45070018 Form No. 1001 (03/2021)
Evidence of Immigration Status (EIS) ImmiCard (current or expired)
Permanent Residence Evidence (PRE) ImmiCard
Residence Determination (RDI) ImmiCard
We no longer record organ donation details. For more information visit donatelife.gov.au
Change of Name
If you have changed your name, you need to provide one of the following
Marriage certificate (for NSW marriage certificates Transport for NSW
will only accept those issued by the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths
and Marriages)
Divorce document bearing the name reverted to
A deed poll registered with the relevant authority
Change of name certificate issued by the RBDM
Full birth certificate showing the name at birth and the new name
A completed Instrument Evidencing Change of Name form which has
been registered in the Land Titles Office
An ImmiCard from list 1
Your identity and change of name documents should show a clear link
between your names.
All documents must be originals. Copies, certified copies and laminated
documents are not acceptable.
If a document is not in English it must be accompanied by an official
translation from Multicultural NSW (previously Community Relations
Commission of NSW) or the Translating and Interpreting Service of the
Department of Home Affairs.
International Drivers
If you are a visiting overseas driver and you want to obtain a NSW licence
for the first time and if you want the tenure on your overseas licence
recognised you must declare it and you may be required to provide
further documentary evidence. Licences issued to temporary overseas
visitors will be marked with a ‘Q’ to denote that ‘Evidence of permanent
resident status not provided’. For more information see our website at
Permanent Australian residency must be supported by acceptable
documentary evidence or verified online by Transport for NSW. For a full
list of acceptable proof of Australian residency documents, see our
Free Licences
If you hold a current NSW Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), a
Centrelink Confirmation of Concession Card Entitlement form stamped
PCC, or a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Gold Card endorsed
‘TPI’ or ‘EDA’ or ‘War Widow’ or ‘War Widower’, or a DVA letter or
statement certifying a disability pension of 70% or more, an Intermediate
pension, or an assessment at 50 or more impairment points, you may be
eligible for a free licence. A current interstate licence may be transferred
to a NSW licence free of charge.
Eyesight, Knowledge, Driving and other Tests, Medical and Learner
Driver Log Book requirements
You may be required to undergo an eyesight test, knowledge test and in
some cases a medical examination. You may also need to do a driving
test or undertake heavy vehicle competency based assessment. Some
applicants may be required to pass a Hazard Perception Test. Rider
training or a riding skills test may be needed if you apply for a motorcycle
licence. A Learner Driver Log Book may also be issued when you obtain
a learner driver licence.
If you have any
enquiries about applying for a licence visit roads-
maritime.transport.nsw.gov.au, call us on 13 22 13 or contact a service
centre. Hearing or speech impaired? Call us on the National Relay
Service: TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 13 22 13. Speak and
Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 13 22 13.
Please note If you hold a Mobility Parking Scheme permit you may have
to supply a medical report before your licence is issued or renewed. This
will not be necessary if your licence is already subject to medical review
by Transport for NSW.
Australian Migration Status (AMS) ImmiCard