Generally, use of MBL equipment such as computers, copiers and fax machines in the conduct of an
outside business or in support of any religious, political or other outside daily activity is not appropriate.
Questions about the proper use of company resources should be directed to individual managers.
The MBL wishes to foster new knowledge and secure the benefits for the long-term health of the
institution. At the same time there is an obligation to keep MBL information confidential as well as the
confidential information shared with the MBL community by other institutions. As a result steps to
safeguard the intellectual property of the MBL are also necessary. Guidelines for this are found in MBL
policy K.1.1 Intellectual Property Policy and Procedures.
2.6 Recording, Allocating, and Charging Costs and Efforts: The accuracy and reliability of financial and
effort reports is of utmost importance to the business operations of the institution. At all times, staff must
record, allocate, and charge costs & effort accurately and maintain supporting documentation as required
by established policies and procedures. Guidelines are found in MBL policy E.1 Grants Accounting,
Policies and Procedures Manual.
2.7 Internal Controls: Internal controls provide the keystone of sound business practices. These controls
include adequate segregation of duties, diligent application of preventive and detective control systems,
and conscientious compliance with authorization, reporting, and other established processes. Internal
controls are critical to ensuring efficient operations, responsible financial management, accurate financial
reporting, careful protections of assets, and satisfactory compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
2.8 Mutual Respect for Others: The MBL is committed to recognizing and acknowledging the dignity of
its workers and visitors. As a result discrimination or harassment along sexual, racial, political, or
religious lines has no place in our community. Guidelines regarding this are found in the MBL policies
A.2 EEO Policies.
3.0 Obligation to Report Suspected Violations
It is the obligation of all members of the MBL community to exercise sound judgment and seek advice
when appropriate, and report any concerns or complaints regarding what they see as violations of law,
ethical standards, or MBL policies. Members of the MBL community may choose to seek advice, express
concerns, or report suspected violations regarding ethical conduct, legal requirements or MBL policy by
contacting either their immediate manager, a department head, the Human Resources Office, or the
Compliance Coordinator. Several MBL policies list appropriate reporting mechanisms in the context of
each policy. Additionally, Addendum A provides a list of responsible persons/departments for a variety of
questions/issues that might arise.
3.1 If it is not clear to whom a question or concern should be directed, the Human Resources office is
readily available for consultation.
3.2 If a material violation of MBL policy or a law/regulation is suspected, it should be reported,
referencing the guidelines in MBL policy G.1.20 Allegations of Misconduct. Please keep in mind that it is
not appropriate for employees to undertake their own investigation of concerns. Their obligation is to
raise the concern appropriately.
3.3 Reporting individuals can be assured that there will be no reprisals or retaliation of any kind for
reporting any type of suspected problem or possible violation if the report is made in good faith.