Office of
Planning and Zoning
Mining Operating Permit
Fee Checklist
Mining Operating Permit Review: (select one from A C)
A. Small Less than 10 acres (MOP9) $ 250.00
B. Medium 10 acres through 50 acres (MOP10) $ 600.00
C. Large Over 50 acres (MOP51) $1,200.00
Landscape Review Fee (SPRB) $ 200.00
Tree Removal Application Review Fee If Applicable (TRSPB) $ 200.00
After-the-Fact Tree Removal Application Review Fee (TRSPA) $ 500.00
Mining Operating Permit Amendment Review: (select one from A B)
A. Mining Site Plan Substantial Amendment (MPK) $1100.00
B. Mining Site Plan Non-Substantial Amendment (MPG) $ 500.00
Public Works Site Plan Review (select one from A C)
C. Commercial, Industrial, Mining and Non-platted Residential (PWCIM) $ 925.00
D. Major Plan Revision / Amendment (PWMSP) $ 635.00
E. Minor Plan Revision / Amendment (PWDM) $ 250.00
F. Public Works Transportation / Traffic Study Review (CELPWTD) $ 915.00
Public Works Stormwater Review (select one from A C)
A. Major Plan Revision / Amendment (PWMPR) $ 460.00
B. Minor Plan Revision / Amendment (PWSRD) $ 165.00
C. Commercial Driveway Connection Review (PWCM)
D. Driveway Permit Fees: Payment determined by traffic generation analysis - Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
$320 (PUBC1) ___ $390 (PUBC2) ___ $700 (PUBC3) ____ $ ______________
Less than 100 ADT = $320.00 100 ADT - 1,000 ADT = $390.00 Greater than 1,000 ADT = $700.00
Office of Public Safety Support Review (select on from A B)
A. Major Plan Review (PSSMAJ) $ 154.00
B. Minor Plan Review (PSSMIN) $ 154.00
Health Department Review (select one from A E)
Health Department Site Plan Review Type 2 (HDSPR2*) $ 175.00
(All non-residential urban or rural land uses on sites greater than 2 acres)
Fire Review
Site Plan Review (FDF*) $ 181.00
Subtotal: $
A 1% service charge will apply if paying by credit card (of the total amount due) (CCARD) $
Plan Revision/Re-submittal Fees:
Public Works beginning with third review (PWR3*) $ 320.00
Health Department beginning with second review (HDPRF1*) $ 50.00
Make checks payable to: Lake County Board of County Commissioners
Office of Planning & Zoning Revised 2020/06
Mining Operating Permit - Fee Checklist Page 1 of 1