Project Location: ___________________________________________ Long Beach, CA 908 ____
Applicant Name: ___________________________________ Title: ____________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: __________ ZIP: _________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Email: _____________________________________
Applicant Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________
Property Owner: ___________________________________ Tel.: ____________________________
Address: ______________________________ City: ___________________ State: ____ ZIP: _______
(I/We), the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that (I am/We are) the owner(s) of the property involved
in this application; that the information on all plans, drawings and sketches attached hereto and all the statements and answers contained herein are in all
respects true and correct.
Property Owner Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ________________
Permit(s) Requested:
Administrative Use Permit (AUP) Tentative Map ( Vesting) General Plan Amendment
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Lot Merger General Plan Conformity Finding
Standards Variance (SV) Lot Line Adjustment Creative Sign Permit
Site Plan Review (SPR) Certificate of Compliance Sign Program
Conceptual Site Plan Review (CSPR) Final Map Condominium Conversion
Pre-Application Zone Change Modification to Approved Permit
SPR for Wireless Telecom Zoning Code Amendment Time Extension
Local Coastal Development Permit (LCDP) Local Coastal Program Amendment Other (specify): ______________
Project Description: ______________________________________________________________
Filing Date: _____________
Accepted by: _____________
Infor No.: __________________
Noticing radius: ______________
Application No.: __________________
Subtype Nos. ___________________
CEQA No.: ____________________
Assigned Planner: _________
Related Cases: ______________
Council District: _____________
Applications are accepted on the 2
floor of City Hall (Permit Counter) on Tuesday through Thursday,
by appointment only. Please call (562) 570-6194 to schedule an appointment. Incomplete applications
will not be accepted.
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Revised 4-8-2020
Development Services
Planning Bureau
411 W. Ocean Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802
562.570.6194 |
Planning Permit Application
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
This document is designed for double-sided printing to conserve paper.
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
3 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
Step 1
Identify the Permits You Need: Talk to Planning staff about your project to find out
what planning and environmental permits are required. Call (562) 570-6194 or visit the
permit center on the 4
floor of City Hall.
Environmental reviews are required for most projects, per the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA). Many projects require only a Categorical Exemption, which is
attached to this application. If a different environmental review process is required for
your project, Planning staff will inform you.
Step 2
Calculate the Fees: Planning application fees can be calculated using the current Fee
Schedule, which is included at the end of this application. All fees must be paid at the
time of filing. Cash, credit card, personal check or company check are accepted. NO
third party checks will be accepted. The fees are subject to change, so be sure you
have the most current Fee Schedule.
Step 3
Prepare Plans: The specific requirements for the types of plans required are included
in the next section of this packet.
Step 4
Submit Application and Pay Fees: Schedule an appointment for submittal of the
application by calling the zoning information line at (562) 570-6194. Fees must be paid
at the time of filing. To better serve you,
an appointment is required to submit a
Planning permit application.
Step 5
Make Corrections as necessary: Over the next several weeks after your submittal,
Planning staff will contact you with any corrections you need to make to your plans or
project to bring it into compliance with Zoning code. Your responses to staff’s
corrections will greatly affect how soon your project can be scheduled for a public
hearing. Failure to make the requested corrections may delay scheduling of a hearing,
and may negatively affect staff’s recommendation on your project to the hearing body.
Step 6
Post Notice of Public Hearing Sign: If your project requires a public hearing,
Planning staff will provide you with a laminated 30” × 40” Notice of Public Hearing
poster no later than 14 days before the hearing. You must post this sign immediately.
Please see the posting instructions in this packet. Failure to post the sign properly will
delay the hearing.
Step 7
Attend Hearing: If your project requires a public hearing, you or your representative
should plan to attend. Your testimony at the hearing will be necessary for the project’s
approval. If you, or the person representing you, fails to attend the hearing, the item
will be
continued, and you will be assessed a continuance fee (see Fee Schedule)
before your project may return to hearing.
Step 8
Appeal Period: If your project is approved, the appeal period (usually 10 days) must
expire with no appeals by a third party before you can apply for building permits to
carry out your project. If your project is denied, you have 10 days to appeal the denial
to a higher body.
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
4 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
All planning application materials must now be submitted electronically as PDF files. This includes the
following items for all application types:
Planning Permit Application form (first page of this packet)
Environmental Assessment form (
Project Plans (see following pages for plan requirements)
Preliminary Title Report for all lots or parcels involved in the project, including copies of all
documents under the exclusions or exceptions section of the report (required for all projects
involving new construction, requesting approval of shared or off-site parking, and upon request
for all other applications).
Additional submittal materials are required for the following project types:
Site Plan Review, Conceptual Site Plan Review, and Pre-Application for Site Plan Review:
Color Elevation Drawings
Project Materials Board*
Project Renderings* (perspective drawings or software renderings)
* Items optional but encouraged for Pre-Application
Lot Merger, Lot Line Adjustment, Certificate of Compliance:
Revised Legal Description
Plat Map showing changes to lot lines
Wet Stamp by California-licensed Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer licensed before
January 1, 1982, license numbers 33965 and lower)
Local Coastal Development Permit
Land Survey stamped by California-licensed Land Surveyor (or Civil Engineer licensed
before January 1, 1982, license numbers 33965 and lower)
Tentative Map (Tract Map or Parcel Map) including condominium maps:
Tentative Map prepared by California-licensed Civil Engineer
Sign Program, Creative Sign Permit:
Color renderings or photo-simulations of proposed signs
Other Application Types
Zone Change
Zoning Code or General Plan Amendment
General Plan Conformity Finding
Classification of Use
These and other special applications each have
special filing requirements. Contact Planning staff
for more information prior to submittal.
Use these other specific application forms for the following types of projects.
Certificate of Appropriateness (Historic)
Condominium Conversion Exclusion (CCE)
CUP Exemption for Alcohol (CUPEx)
Environmental (CEQA) application
Final Map
Request for Reasonable Accommodation
Wireless Telecom Facility Supplement
Zoning Confirmation Letter
Printed paper copies of plans and other materials may be required prior to project hearing. Staff
will notify the applicant when to provide paper copies.
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
5 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
Standard-size plans are 24” × 36”, although larger plans may be used as necessary. Reduced-size plans are no
more than half the size of standard-size plans. The most important attribute of reduced-size plans is that they are
reproduced at a usable scale; for example, if the full-size plans are scaled at 1/8”=1’, then reduced-size plans
would be scaled at 1/16”=1’. Scale must be noted on all plan sets, and plans using a scale smaller than 1/8 must
include a graphics scale. If 11” × 17” paper is used, scale must be correct. All plans must be folded to a size no
larger than 9” × 12”. Additional printed sets of plans may be required if additional hearings are needed for the
project. Electronic copies of plans in pdf format must be provided where indicated in the requirements table.
A. Site Plan
A site plan depicts the project site property boundaries, the location of buildings on the property, and the
building setbacks from the property lines, as well as parking, drainage, landscaping, adjacent public right-
of-way, and other site features.
The site plan submitted with your application must be legible, to scale, and include:
Lot lines and dimensions;
Footprint of existing and proposed buildings on the site;
Distances between buildings;
All setback lines properly measured;
A North Arrow;
Existing and proposed easements;
Parking areas and loading facilities, including all parking spaces, access to parking spaces and
circulation patterns;
Location of all trash containers and how they will be accessed; and
All existing trees on the site and parkway.
The following must be tabulated and shown on the Site Plan:
Lot size;
Lot coverage;
Building area (by floor);
Floor area ratio;
Parking by size and type;
Location of building footprints on adjoining and abutting lots noting height and number of stories on
the elevations (this can be done on a separate plot plan, if necessary); and
All contiguous properties, streets, and alleys showing centerline, lane striping, curb lines, street
widths, right-of-way lines, circulation patterns and street names (this can be done on a separate
plot plan, if necessary).
B. Floor Plans
A floor plan shows the size, use and location of the interior spaces in a building.
The floor plan submitted with your application must be legible, to scale, and should include the items listed
below. Floor plans required for submittal may be typical if several units are included.
Specific room arrangements;
Room sizes;
Window sizes and types;
Location of all doors;
Uses for all rooms;
Distance from the windows to the property lines*; and
Distance to other windows on the same floor*.
*Required only for residential projects of five or more units. A separate floor plan showing only
window spacing may be required, but only if specifically requested (LBMC 21.31.240).
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
6 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
C. Elevations
Elevations show the exterior sides of a building.
The elevations submitted with your application must be legible and to scale. Measure height from top of
curb to roof peak, midpoint of sloped roof, and from eaves. Show the following:
All sides of the proposed building(s), labeled according to which direction the building faces (i.e.,
north face, south face, etc.);
Adjoining buildings (side or rear) in outline form;
Primary, secondary and tertiary building massing;
Original and finished grade changes;
A clear identification of all building materials and textures to be used on the facades; and
Curb grade (top of curb), which differs from “natural grade” or “finish grade.”
For all Site Plan Review applications, full color elevation drawings are required. See “Materials Boards” on
page 9 below.
D. Sections
Sections are drawings showing the project, or certain aspects of the project, as if made by a geometric
plane cutting through it perpendicular to the ground.
Section drawings are only required for certain types of buildings: multi-story buildings, projects with internal
courtyards, and semi-subterranean or subterranean parking. Consult a planner to determine if you must
submit section drawings. If required, they must be legible, to scale and should include:
Sections through the length and width of the building;
Sections through interior courtyards and courtyard planters;
Original, adjacent and finished grade;
Building height; and
All finished floor elevations.
E. Roof Plan
A roof plan shows the architectural details of the roof(s) of all buildings on the site.
A roof plan is required for all projects requiring Site Plan Review. The roof plan must be legible, to scale
and should include:
Proposed rooftop equipment locations;
Proposed screening devices, if any; and
Location of any rooftop deck, pool or spa areas.
F. Landscaping Plan
A landscaping plan shows proposed landscaping (trees, shrubs, and groundcover) with building footprints
and parking areas shown as well.
General landscaping plans are required for all projects, although the landscaping plan may be combined
with the site plan if all components remain legible. For larger projects, a detailed landscaping plan may be
required. All landscaping plans must show, at a minimum:
The location of the planting area; and
Number and general types of plants to be used.
G. Sign Plan
A sign plan shows the types and locations for primary and secondary on-site signs.
A sign plan is required for any retail or office commercial development that requires Site Plan Review. All
proposed signs must be compatible with the project’s architecture through the use of similar shapes, colors
and materials. The submitted sign plan must be legible, to scale and should include:
The location of the signs;
Signage design features including height, width, colors, materials, and other features;
Compatibility with building architecture; and
Area of each sign in square feet.
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
7 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
“Can” or “cabinet” signs are prohibited. Individual channel letters or push-through sign faces should
be used instead.
H. Materials Boards
Materials Boards are required for all Site Plan Review applications, except wireless telecommunications
sites. Materials Boards should include the following:
Colored elevations with all materials noted and materials legend;
Actual material samples of each exterior material to be used in the building design (including
stucco, paint colors, etc.), fully labeled to correspond to the elevations and legend.
Samples of window and door frames
Small samples of all exterior elements including railings, canopies, lights, window glass, hardware,
Please make sure that all material samples are mounted securely on the board and will not
detach if the board is bumped, dropped, or sent in the mail.
Please do not submit full-size samples of windows, railings, lights, or other hardware.
A notice poster must be posted at the subject site for any project requiring a public hearing. The City will provide
applicants with a 30” × 40” Notice of Public Hearing sign poster. It is the applicant’s responsibility to post this sign
in accordance with the following requirements or the hearing will be postponed to a later scheduled hearing so
posting requirements can be met.
A. Time: The sign must be posted at least 14 days prior to the date of the public hearing. Failure to post
the sign 14 days prior to the hearing will result in a delay of the hearing.
B. Mounting: The sign provided to the applicant must be mounted on a foam-core board or other stiff
display board, if not affixed to the wall of a building.
C. Location: The sign must be posted at the front of the subject site facing the public street. The sign
must be at least 1 foot inside the property line, but not more than 10 feet.
D. Height: The sign must be mounted so the top is 6 feet above ground level. Stakes must be used to
mount the sign if it is not affixed to the wall of a building.
E. Photographic Verification: The applicant must submit at least two photographs of the sign to verify
that it is posted properly. Photographs must include a camera-generated date stamp. Failure to submit
photographs will result in a delay of the hearing.
F. Affidavit: The applicant also must return the Certificate of Posting provided by the City, certifying that
all posting requirements are met. Failure to return this affidavit will result in a delay of the hearing.
G. Maintenance: It is the applicant’s responsibility to maintain the sign in good condition. If the sign falls
down, is vandalized, or is damaged by wind and weather, the applicant must immediately repair and
correct it if possible. If it is damaged beyond usability or lost, the applicant must immediately request a
new sign from the City and post it as soon as the City provides it to the applicant. It is the applicant’s
responsibility to monitor the condition of the sign every day before the public hearing.
H. Duration: The sign must remain posted during the 10-day appeal period after the hearing, or 10 days
plus 21 days in the Coastal Zone. Failure to keep the sign posted as required may result in permit
invalidation. The sign must then be removed no later than 7 days after receipt of the Notice of Final
I. Multiple Frontages: If the site has more than one street frontage, additional signs will be provided to
the applicant and must be posted on the secondary frontage(s) in the same manner.
Effective for all applications submitted after August 13, 2009, the City now provides all radius maps, mailing labels,
and mailing lists for each project. The applicant is not required to submit these items.
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
8 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
2020 Estimated Filing and Hearing Schedule
An application will not be deemed complete until all filing requirements have been met. The timelines set
forth in this table are tentative only. Your project planner will schedule a hearing date after your project is
reviewed at the Staff Site Plan Review Committee meeting. Planning Commission meetings are held the
first and third Thursday of each month.
Date of
Site Plan
Review Meeting
Notice of Public
Hearing Mailed
Hearing Date
10/17/2019 11/13/2019 12/27/2019** 1/16/2020
10/31/2019 12/11/19 1/17/2020** 2/6/2020
11/14/2019 12/11/19 2/3/2020 2/20/2020
11/28/2019 1/8/2020 2/14/2020** 3/5/2020
12/12/2019 1/22/2020 3/2/2020 3/19/2020
12/26/2019 2/12/2020 3/16/2020 4/2/2020
1/9/2020 3/25/2020 3/30/2020 4/16/2020
1/23/2020 2/26/2020 4/20/2020 5/7/2020
2/6/2020 3/11/2020 5/4/2020 5/21/2020
2/20/2020 3/25/2020 5/18/2020 6/4/2020
3/5/2020 4/8/2020 6/1/2020 6/18/2020
3/19/2020 4/22/2020 6/15/2020 7/2/2020
4/2/2020 5/13/2020 6/26/2020** 7/16/2020
4/16/2020 5/27/2020 7/20/2020 8/6/2020
4/30/2020 6/10/2020 8/3/2020 8/20/2020
5/14/2020 6/24/2020 8/17/2020 9/3/2020
5/28/2020 7/8/2020 8/31/2020 9/17/2020
6/11/2020 7/22/2020 9/14/2020 10/1/2020
6/25/2020 8/12/2020 9/28/2020 10/15/2020
7/9/2020 8/26/2020 10/19/2020 11/5/2020
7/23/2020 9/9/2020 11/2/2020 11/19/2020
8/6/2020 9/23/2020 11/16/2020 12/3/2020
8/20/2020 10/14/2020 11/30/2020 12/17/2020
9/3/2020 10/28/2020 12/21/2020 1/7/2021
9/17/2020 11/11/2020 1/4/2021 1/21/2021
** Day of the week adjusted due to City Holiday
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
9 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
2020 Estimated Filing and Hearing Schedule
An application will not be deemed complete until all filing requirements have been met. The timelines set
forth in this table are tentative only. Your hearing date will be confirmed by your project planner after your
completed application is reviewed. Zoning Administrator hearings are held the second and fourth Monday
of each month.
Date of
Notice of Public
Hearing Mailed
Hearing Date
11/14/19 12/24/19** 1/13/20
11/28/19 1/8/20 1/27/20
12/12/19 1/22/20 2/10/20
12/26/19 2/5/20 2/24/20
1/9/20 2/12/20 3/9/20
1/23/20 2/26/20 3/23/20
2/13/20 3/11/20 4/13/20
2/27/20 3/25/20 4/27/20
3/26/20 4/22/20 5/11/20
4/9/20 5/6/20 5/26/20**
4/23/20 5/20/20 6/8/20
5/7/20 6/3/20 6/22/20
5/28/20 6/24/20 7/13/20
6/11/20 7/8/20 7/27/20
6/25/20 7/22/20 8/10/20
7/9/20 8/5/20 8/24/20
7/30/20 8/26/20 9/14/20
8/13/20 9/9/20 9/28/20
8/27/20 9/23/20 10/12/20
9/10/20 10/7/20 10/26/20
9/24/20 10/21/20 11/9/20
10/8/20 11/4/20 11/23/20
10/29/20 11/25/20 12/14/20
11/12/20 12/9/20 12/28/20
11/25/20** 12/23/20 1/11/21
12/10/20 1/6/21 1/25/21
12/24/20 1/20/21 2/8/21
1/7/21 2/3/21 2/22/21
** Day of the week adjusted due to City Holiday
City of Long Beach Department of Development Services
Planning Permit Application
10 FY20 Version Revised May 28, 2020
2020 Estimated Filing and Hearing Schedule
An application will not be deemed complete until all filing requirements have been met. The timelines set
forth in this table are tentative only. Your hearing date will be confirmed by your project planner after your
completed application is reviewed. Cultural Heritage Commission meetings are held the second Monday
of each month.
Date of
Notice of Public
Hearing Mailed
Hearing Date
Tuesday Tuesday Monday
11/19/2019 1/14/2020 1/28/2020
12/24/2019 2/11/2020 2/25/2020
1/28/2020 3/17/2020 3/31/2020
2/25/2020 4/14/2020 4/28/2020
3/24/2020 5/12/2020 5/26/2020
4/28/2020 6/16/2020 6/30/2020
5/26/2020 7/14/2020 7/28/2020
6/23/2020 8/11/2020 8/25/2020
7/28/2020 9/15/2020 9/29/2020
8/25/2020 10/13/2020 10/27/2020
9/22/2020 11/10/2020 11/24/2020
10/27/2020 12/15/2020 12/29/2020
11/24/2020 1/12/2021 1/26/2021
** Day of the week adjusted due to City Holiday
All fee are subject to a 6.8% surcharge. Base fee and fee with surcharge are shown. Fee with surcharge applies.
Fee Name
Base Fee
Fee with
Administrative Use Permit (AUP) $3,165.00 $3,380.22
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) -
$7,315.00 $7,812.42
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) -
$4,200.00 $4,485.60
CUP Exemption for alcoholic
beverage sales (CUPEx)
$520.00 $555.36
Standards Variance (SV)
$4,200.00 $4,485.60
Fence Height Exception (AUP or
$520.00 $555.36
Administrative Land Use Permit
$105.00 $112.14
Annual Zoning Compliance
(conditions of approval inspection)
$365.00 $389.82
Penalty for construction work or
land use without a permit
Double the total required permit fee(s).
Local Coastal Development Permit
(LCDP) - With Other Planning
Permit Required
$1,035.00 $1,105.38
Local Coastal Development Permit
(LCDP) - No Other Planning Permit
$2,645.00 $2,824.86
Coastal Permit Categorical
Exclusion (CPCE)
$85.00 $90.78
Coastal Development Permit (CDP)
Submitted to California Coastal
$2,645.00 $2,824.86
Local Review Form (Boat Docks) $155.00 $165.54
Local Coastal Program
Amendment (LCPA)
$10,425.00 $11,133.90
Pre-Application $780.00 $833.04 Optional process for large SPR projects.
Conceptual Site Plan Review
(CSPR) - base fee
$5,185.00 $5,537.58
Required for nonresidential projects >50,000
sq. ft. and residential projects >50 dwelling
units, prior to SPR application.
CSPR per sq. ft. fee $3.00 $3.20
Additional fee per 100 sq. ft. of building area
for CSPR application.
City of Long Beach
Planning Bureau Fee Schedule
Page 1 of 6
Revised June 16, 2020
FY20 fees version
Fee Name
Base Fee
Fee with
For the following project types:
1) Nonresidential projects ≤50,000 sq. ft.
2) Residential projects ≤50 dwelling units
3) Any 100%-affordable housing project
(excluding manager's units), regardless of
number of units
4) Interim housing, regardless of number of
units, including but not limited to
emergency shelters, transitional housing,
and supportive housing.
Site Plan Review (SPR) - Planning
Commission (PC) approval - base
$9,390.00 $10,028.52
Required for nonresidential projects >50,000
sq. ft. and residential projects >50 dwelling
units, following CSPR, with the above
SPR per sq. ft. fee $3.00 $3.20
Additional fee per 100 sq. ft. of building area
for any SPR application.
SPR for Wing Walls $260.00 $277.68
SPR for Narrow Lots $1,340.00
SPR for Single-Family Dwelling in
the Downtown Plan (PD-30)
$520.00 $555.36
SPR for Wireless
Telecommunications Facilities
$6,695.00 $7,150.26
Sign Permit (first sign in an
$155.00 $165.54
Sign Permit (each additional sign in
an application)
$78.00 $83.30
Promotional Acticity Sign (Banner)
$52.00 $55.54 Per banner.
Creative Sign Permit $935.00 $998.58
SSPRC approval. Does not include sign
permit fees.
Sign Program $1,555.00 $1,660.74
SSPRC approval. Does not include sign
permit fees.
Modification to Approved Permit -
No Hearing (SSPRC approval)
$1,555.00 $1,660.74
Site Plan Review (SPR) - Staff Site
Plan Review Committee (SSPRC)
approval - base fee
$6,225.00 $6,648.30
City of Long Beach
Planning Bureau Fee Schedule
Page 2 of 6
Revised June 16, 2020
FY20 fees version
Fee Name
Base Fee
Fee with
Modification to Approved Permit -
Zoning Administrator (ZA) hearing
$3,165.00 $3,380.22
Modification to Approved Permit -
Planning Commission (PC) hearing
$4,200.00 $4,485.60
Lot Merger (LM) $880.00 $939.84 CoC also required for resultant lot.
Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) $2,655.00 $2,835.54 CoC also required for each resultant lot.
Certificate of Compliance (CoC) $930.00 $993.24 One CoC required per lot for LM or LLA.
Condominium Conversion Permit $9,255.00 $9,884.34
Required for each condominium conversion
project in addition to Tentative Map fees.
Tentative Map - base fee $5,753.00 $6,144.20
Tentative Map for Condo
Conversion - base fee
$9,375.00 $10,012.50 For condominium conversion projects only.
Tentative Map - per unit or lot fee $170.00 $181.56
Additional fee per unit or lot for all Tentative
Vesting Tentative Map $1,700.00 $1,815.60 In addition to TM fees.
Final Map - base fee $2,113.00 $2,256.68
Final Map - per unit or lot fee $164.00 $175.15
Additional fee per unit or lot for all Final
Condominium Conversion
Certificate of Exclusion (CCCE)
$1,850.00 $1,975.80
Only for conversion of Community
Apartments or Stock Cooperatives to
Categorical Excemption (CE) $365.00
County Recorder fee $75.00 Required for CE and ND. No surcharge.
Negative Declaration (ND) -
prepared by City
$9,975.00 $10,653.30
Negative Declaration (ND) -
prepared by consultant to City
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
EIR Addendum to a Certified EIR 115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
Modification of mitigation
$5,970.00 $6,375.96
Required to modify any mitigation measure
of a completed environmental document.
Program EIR Compliance Checklist
(CEQA Clearance)
$6,225.00 $6,648.30
Environmental Document Peer
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
City of Long Beach
Planning Bureau Fee Schedule
Page 3 of 6
Revised June 16, 2020
FY20 fees version
Fee Name
Base Fee
Fee with
Ongoing mitigation monitoring by
consultant to City
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
National Environmental Protection
Act (NEPA) Application
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
NEPA Exclusion with Worksheet 115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
NEPA Exclusion without
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
NEPA Environmental Assessment
(EA) prepared by consultant to City
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
NEPA Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) prepared by
consultant to City
115% of billed consultant costs paid by City
Appeal - By Applicant $2,645.00 $2,824.86
Appeal - By Third Party $105.00 $112.14
Billboard Inventory: 1–29 $8,560.00
Billboard Inventory: 30–59 $12,970.00 $13,851.96
Billboard Inventory: 60–89 $17,115.00 $18,278.82
Billboard Inventory: 90+ $21,525.00
Business License Zoning Review $34.25 $36.58
Cannabis Business Zoning
$235.00 $250.98
Classification of Use $4,150.00 $4,432.20
Continuance $1,555.00 $1,660.74
Required when a continuance is requested
by applicant or results from applicant's
Development Agreement - Initial
$36,310.00 $38,779.08
Development Agreement -
Additional per hour fee
$519.00 $554.29
Per hour fee after initial deposit is drawn
Development Agreement Annual
$3,110.00 $3,321.48
Downtown Dining and
Entertainment District (DDED)
Noise Study Exemption Request
$99.00 $105.73
Appeal of DDED Noise Study
$99.00 $105.73
General Plan Amendment (GPA) $11,930.00 $12,741.24
Required only for first billboard CUP
Application by each billboard owner
City of Long Beach
Planning Bureau Fee Schedule
Page 4 of 6
Revised June 16, 2020
FY20 fees version
Fee Name
Base Fee
Fee with
General Plan Conformance
$1,830.00 $1,954.44
Interim Park Use Permit $1,555.00
$1,660.74 Per Division XII of Ch. 21.25.
Noticing Fee - Tier 1 (300 ft.) $410.00 $437.88
Noticing Fee - Tier 2 (500 ft.) $645.00 $688.86
Noticing Fee - Tier 3 (750+ ft.) $950.00
Planned Development District In-
Lieu Fee
Construction value of required public improvements
Publicly-Accessible Telephone
(PAT) Review - First
$155.00 $165.54
Publicly-Accessible Telephone
(PAT) Review - Additional
$52.00 $55.54
For each additional pay phone submitted at
the same time.
Street Name Change $3,110.00 $3,321.48
Water Efficiency Landscape
Review (MWELO) - Residential
$41.50 $44.32
Water Efficiency Landscape
Review (MWELO) - Non-residential
$67.00 $71.56
Time Extension - First Request $260.00 $277.68
Time Extension - Each Subsequent
$1,035.00 $1,105.38
Zone Change $11,930.00 $12,741.24
Zoning Text Amendment $11,930.00
Zoning Confirmation Letter - Basic $230.00 $245.64
Zoning Confirmation Letter - With
Additional Research
$685.00 $731.58
Certificate of Appropriateness
(CoA) - Minor, for Signs, Utilities,
and Other Minor Exterior Features
$78.00 $83.30
CoA - Minor, for Windows, Doors,
and Other Exterior Materials - for
4 or less dwelling units
$260.00 $277.68
CoA - Minor, for Windows, Doors,
and Other Exterior Materials - for
5 or more dwelling units
$520.00 $555.36
CoA - Minor, for Accessory
$415.00 $443.22
CoA - Major, Staff-Level Review $1,035.00 $1,105.38
City of Long Beach
Planning Bureau Fee Schedule
Page 5 of 6
Revised June 16, 2020
FY20 fees version
Fee Name
Base Fee
Fee with
CoA - Major, Cultural Heritage
Commission (CHC)-Level Review
$2,075.00 $2,216.10
CoA Pre-Application Review Fee $415.00 $443.22
CoA - Demolition $5,185.00 $5,537.58
CoA Time Extension - First Request $260.00 $277.68
CoA Time Extension - Each
Subsequent Request
$1,035.00 $1,105.38
CoA Revision - Staff-Level Review $68.00 $72.62
50% of the amount of the original CoA, but
not less than this amount.
CoA Revision - CHC-Level Review $89.00 $95.05
50% of the amount of the original CoA, but
not less than this amount.
Penalty for Unauthorized Work
without a CoA
Double the total required CoA fee(s).
Appeal of a CoA Action $62.00 $66.22
85% of the original CoA fee(s), but not less
than this amount.
Mills Act Pre-Application $105.00 $112.14
Mills Act Application $1,400.00 $1,495.20
Mills Act/Landmark Combination
$1,555.00 $1,660.74
Mills Act Inspection Fee $205.00 $218.94 Annual fee per property.
Request for Designation of a
Historic Landmark
$865.00 $923.82
Request for Designation of a
Historic District
$5,185.00 $5,537.58
Continuance of a CHC Hearing $79.00 $84.37
Required when a continuance is requested
by applicant or results from applicant's
City of Long Beach
Planning Bureau Fee Schedule
Page 6 of 6
Revised June 16, 2020
FY20 fees version
To request this information in an alternative format or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact the
Development Services Department at and 562.570.3807. A minimum of three business days
is requested to ensure availability; attempts will be made to accommodate requests with shorter notice.