Admissions & Academic Status Committee
Petition for Overload of Course Credits
Anticipated or Current Course schedule:
I am petitioning to add the following course(s) to my schedule for an overload of course credit:
Total number of course credits for this semester:
_____________________________________________ ____________________
Student Signature Date
Advisors statement concerning your petition:
______ Approval Recommended by Advisor ______ Approval NOT Recommended by Advisor
Your advisor must include a letter on your behalf which must be attached to the petition. This letter should include an explanation of the request and justification for
why the request should be granted. Comments could include: impact on graduation and 4 year plan, performance and attendance in classes, maturity, likelihood of
success if appeal is granted, ability to handle multiple responsibilities, oncoming communication with student, etc.
______________________________________ ___________________________________ __________________
Advisor’s Signature Advisor’s Printed Name Date
This section to be completed by the Registrar’s Office: CUM GPA: ______ Last Session GPA: _______ Previous Session GPA: ______ CUM CREDITS: _______
Grant orN Committee Action: ___If 6 semesters or later, has student filed application for degree? ___ Y or ___ ___ Deny
_____________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of the Chair of AASC Date
The Monmouth College catalog states that, unless their major is considered an exceptional major, a student wishing to take more than 4.5 academic course
credits (or 5 credits including participation) needs approval of their advisor and must petition the Admission and Academic Status Committee. NOTE: Students
who are in exceptional majors that allow taking 5 credits per semester can take up to 5.25 including participation courses without petitioning to do so. This also
applies to students pursuing B.S. degrees. Students who are in exceptional majors that allow taking 5.5 credits per semester must petition if they wish to take any
additional credits.
Only completed petitions will be accepted by the Office of the Registrar. Completed petitions must include the following:
1. Completed AASC petition for overload form, including advisor signature
2. Student written justification for overload: Please attach to this petition a letter which provides an expanded explanation of your request and a
justification for why all the proposed courses must be taken in this semester
3. Detailed letter of support from your advisor
4. Four-year plan: On the back of this form, complete your four-year plan, including any future anticipated overloads.
Additional criteria:
Overloads of 6 or more credits will only be approved under the most exceptional of circumstances;
Students should be at least second-year students, should be in good academic standing, and should have at least a 3.0 GPA;
Seniors must already have their application for degree completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office.
IMPORTANT DEADLINE: Petitions for overload must be received by the Registrar’s Office by the end of the first day of classes of the semester in which
the overload will be taken. Petitions to add second half semester courses that would result in an overload must be received by the end of the first day of the
second half of the semester. No petitions for a request for an overload will be accepted after this date.
On the chart below, indicate your anticipated schedule for the semester, including the courses that you are petitioning for approval to overload. Attach all
appropriate and supporting documentation to help the committee make a decision. The committee may ask for supplemental information prior to making
the decision.